Chapter 49: Bad Wine

She stopped talking.

“What happened next?” After a long pause, Travis asked out of curiosity. Even Ryan Cooper was listening to her story.

“Of course, her revenge succeeded. She cursed him with the ring, and he suffered the retribution in the end.” Arianna finished her story.

“You made that up, right?” Travis glanced at her. He read her mind, but he was not angry. Or he did not want to get angry in front of Ryan.

Travis lost interest in playing with the unique stone in his palm. He slid it back into his coat pocket. But after a second thought, he took it back out, put it in its box, and handed it to Ryan.

Arianna looked out the window again in a good mood. The sky was clear, the pedestrians were elegant, and the landscape was beautiful.

Travis Cooper mentioned that he was afraid of blood. And Arianna noticed that his face turned pale as soon as she described the bloodstain on the ring.