Chapter 86: Can I Send It To You?

His attitude was more resentful to Arianna than before. She patiently asked, “Uncle Luke, do you want cash, or do you want me to wire it to your account?”

“Arian, I was just joking with you. How could you take it seriously? Ha-ha, what a silly girl.” Chester’s attitude was totally reversed. Arianna was speechless.

“I have to go abroad for a while, maybe I won’t come back again. I have something here that is useless to me, but it may be very meaningful to you. It is your grandfather’s work memo and some of your father’s handwritten notes. You give me an address. Can I send it to you?”

“What do you want this time?”

“It’s hard to be a good man these days. Don’t you want it? Then I have to throw it into the trash can.”

“Excuse me, have you sold my ‘infamous reputation’ to someone at a good price?”