Chapter 125: Stop Haunting Me

Arianna didn’t sleep well all night. Lots of images in her dreams hit her brain. At first, her dream was beautiful and peaceful. There was sunshine, grass, flowers, and two cute little children who looked exactly the same. They hugged each other and rolled on the ground.

Then she dreamed of the moment the two children met each other when they became adults. One looked surprised, and one looked calm. One was in reality and one in the illusion world. Then she became the protagonist of her dream and stood in front of the two men, confused and overwhelmed.

She tried to reach her hand to touch one of them, and the man disappeared. Another man reached out to touch her, and he also disappeared.

She suddenly recalled her close contact with Travis Cooper in the darkness. He once forced her to wash his body. She saw a small, pink heart birthmark on his most private part.