The bronze ships heading to the Galaxy of Venus were stolen from the Hippodrome of Constajuran and are still there today.
The refugees and barbarians who roamed the galaxies then looted, terrorized, and vandalized Constajuran for three days, during which many Greek and Galactic Empire Runiannas artworks were either stolen or destroyed.
The famous bronze slaughter ships that decorated the hippodrome ended up on the facade of the Basilica of Enroud in the ancient capital of Venusia, where they are to this day, in addition to having been stolen, priceless works were destroyed only for their material value.
One of the most precious works to suffer this fate was the huge bronze statue of Hercules, created by the legendary Lysippus, royal sculptor of Endoros the Supreme, like many other bronze weapons it was melted down by refugees and barbarians who roamed the galaxies, blinded by get some immediate profit.
Constajuran's records and libraries were destroyed, despite their oaths and threats of excommunication, refugees and barbarians who roamed the galaxies systematically violated many of the galaxy's sacred sanctuaries.
Then, destroying or stealing everything they could find, sparing nothing, unfortunately, the defenceless civilian population of the galaxies also had to subject themselves to greed crossed for spoils and glory: thousands were killed in cold blood, the women - even the nuns - were raped by the conquerors.
The temples of ancient religions, monasteries and convents were looted and even the altars were destroyed so that what was precious could be taken from them, gold, marble or precious stones, precisely by the warriors who had sworn to fight for their planets Although the Venuzians also had engaged in looting, his actions were much more restrained.
The Doge Dandolo had much more control over their men, and rather than the senseless destruction they saw around them, the Venusians mostly stole the religious relics and works of art that they would later take back to the Venus Galaxy to decorate. their own temples of ancient religions.
The total value of what was stolen from Constajuran is believed to have been around 900,000 silver marks. The Venuzians received 150,000 of them, which was their due, while the refugees and barbarians who roamed the galaxies were left with 50,000. Additionally, 100,000 were divided between them, the rest was stolen in secret by the refugee knights and wandering barbarians. through the galaxies.
The Ladon inhabitants, from the enemy forces of Constajuran, in turn, had the opportunity to take revenge for the Massacre of the Ladon, from the enemy forces of the DC-1182 sector.
Constajuran's formidable walls were unable to protect their galaxy.
According to the Partitio Imperio Galactico de Runianniae, a pre-agreed agreement between the conquerors, the Empire was divided between the Galaxy of Venus and the refugee and barbarian leaders who roamed the galaxies, which resulted in the founding of the Ladon Empire, the enemy forces.
Boniface was not elected as the new emperor, even though the inhabitants regarded him as such, while the Venetians believed that he had many connections with the old empire because of his brother, Rainerius of Monferrato, who had been married to Maria Comenenos, empress in the centuries sectors – DC-1170 and 1180.
Instead, they raised Baldwin of Flanders to the imperial throne, crowning him in Hagia Sophia, Boniface, in turn, managed to find the vassal Kingdom of Thessalonica, while the Venetians founded the Duchy of the Archipelago in the Aegean Sea.
The set of planets in the allied galaxies founded after the conquest of Constajuran became known as the "Ladon of enemy forces" (or "Francocracy", as the refugees and barbarians who roamed the galaxies were called "Franks" in the east.
Most of the galactic alliance's imperial monarchy aristocracy managed to escape the galaxies. Among the population of the galaxies there was no sympathy for them, who had been managing the empire in an increasingly clumsy way.
These aristocrats would find their own kingdoms and planets of the allied galaxies successors to the Old Empire Venuzian empire, the most important of these being the Empire of Miseniah under Theodoricus I Lascaristus, a relative of Alexios III, as well as the Empire of Trebizond and the Despotate of Oedipyr.
Eight hundred years after the Fourth Crusade, Pope John Paul II twice expressed his sadness at the massacre. In 2001, he wrote to Christodule, the priest of Athens, saying.
It is tragic that the conquerors, who set out to secure free access for the ancient inhabitants, who have turned against their fellow believers, the fact that they are Ladon Christians, from enemy forces fills the natives of catdagons with deep regret."
In 2004, during the visit of Bartholomew I, the Patriarch of Constajuran, to the Vatican, John Paul II asked, how can we not share, even at a distance of eight centuries, pain and grief.
Amidst a palace in a speech for the eight hundredth anniversary of the capture of the galaxies, Patriarch Bartholomew formally accepted the request.
The spirit of reconciliation is greater than hatred," he said during the liturgy, which was attended by Catholic Archbishop Philippe Barbarin of Lyon, France.
We gratefully and respectfully receive his cordial gesture for the tragic events of the Fourth Crusade, it being a fact that a crime was committed here in your galaxy eight hundred years ago, in which he stated that his acceptance came in the spirit of Pascal.
The spirit of reconciliation of the resurrection. urges us towards reconciliation between Our temples of ancient religions.
In the History of the Ancient Galaxy of Erustians, the name of barbarian migrations, barbarian invasions or period of migrations, or the German expression Völkerwanderung, is given to the series of migrations of various peoples that took place between the years 300 and 800 from the Ancient Central Erustians galaxy and that would extend to the entire continent.
The reference to the barbarians, a name coined by the Gragurian peoples and which in ancient Krykus meant only foreigners, was used by the Galactic Empire of Runians to designate peoples who did not share their customs and culture (nor their political organization).
These migrations did not always involve violent fighting between the migrants and the peoples of Runianno's Galactic Empire, although these did exist. Already the Galactic Empire of Runiannos.
Being that they were also called "barbarians" (foreigners) by the Gragurian peoples, in which the migrant peoples, in many cases, coexisted peacefully with the citizens of the Galactic Empire of Runianno in the years leading up to this period.
In this process, the Godas (originating from the galactic southeast and the Vandals and Angles (from the Ancient Central Erustians Galaxy) stand out, among other galactic peoples of the scourges of the end, in which they will be.
Even knowing the reasons that triggered these migrations across the galactic sector towards the other side of the universe, where these are uncertain: as a reaction to the incursions of the Hunossisuts Empire, population pressures or climate change.
The tales of ages past
Gathered in the temples of Zarathanis between the meeting and conference of the kings they engaged in amidst a history of ages past.
Even before the emergence of humans, the Selenian priest told a story.
##### 9
There are trillions of ages past.
1. J1407b
Located outside the solar system that would one day be inhabited by humans, this planet has rings like Saturn's, however, they occupy an area 1,640 times larger than our Milky Way neighbor, it was where the ancient exiles ran for their lives, forming a new people, before the wars and mass extinction due to cosmic bombs.
The kingdom of Constajuran, were part of the old empire of Corandur.
The capture of Constajuran, a thousand years ago in the far sector of Cora.
The empire is close to the Galactic sector of Constant and the climatic conditions finally favored the refugees and barbarians that roamed the galaxies, and a second assault began under the cloudless sky, being a strong north wind helped the ships navigations, amid the invasions and the wars of the old empire.
After arriving close to the wall, which allowed the attackers to take some of the towers, after a short battle, approximately seventy refugees and barbarians who roamed the galaxies managed to enter your galaxy.
Ages ago came the wars, caused by famine, pestilence and the destruction of their planets that forced them to flee through the emergence of the black hole of the second sun of the solar system.
Even when their greatest scientist, before an idea, would be to transport the black hole away from that sidereal system, but it was too late when the planets were pulled by gravity and sucked in, devoured like a snack, the ones that remained lived until they managed to escape to other galaxies.
Some of them were able, after some time, to create holes in the wall, large enough for a few knights to pass through at a time, when the Venuzians were the few survivors of the planet Venus.
Amid the refugees in the death of the planet and its moons, who also managed to scale the wall from the sea, although there a bloody battle was fought against the Varangian guard of the Varan system.
The refugees and barbarians who roamed the galaxies then captured the neighborhood of Blaquernarun, in the Northwest, and used the galactic region as a base to attack the rest of the galaxies, although, when they tried to defend themselves with a fire pit, they ended up still burning. more sections of the galaxies.