- Let's take a bath. - Darkness said, pulling him from the bed.

That time, getting up, semen between his legs, dripping and seeping onto the floor, as he walked towards the bathroom, stepping into the shower, when he was caught, ducking his head.

He turned towards the tiles with his back to Darkness who was cleaning him, the man caressed him, taking the semen out of him, turning him, towards him between hugging both of them cleaning themselves with soaps on their bodies and cocks.

After a while hugging each other, they went back to the room that had already been cleaned and the sheets changed, where they went to change.

- So, have you finished your negotiations in Akropolis? – Tsuki questioned him. – Are you coming back soon? – Tsuki questioned him.

- I have a meeting for a new galactic alliance, I just came for a visit. – Darkness said. - I missed you. - He said.