Notice of Invitation

"Yello?" Wade said as he answered his phone.

It had been a month since Wade arrived in Forks and his time there could be said to have been rather entertaining. Now, although he says it was entertaining, none of his days had been as interesting and eventful as his first day of school; that day was special.

Wade's days had been spent between relaxing at home and going to school, but for obvious reasons, school was the more entertaining place to be as of recently, although he never thought he'd say that.

In school, Wade basically attended classes and hung out with the Cullens to get to know them better. That was pretty much it, but he wasn't dissatisfied with it since he learned a lot about the vampires. To put it simply, Emmett's description of his family was pretty accurate; half of the Cullens were like they were in the movies, but the other half not as much.

Edward was snappy and loved to brood as he stalked Bella Swan from a distance. Emmett was on guard against outsiders, but to those close to him, he was goofy and could lift the atmosphere with his actions.

Jasper was more like his movie version, but he wasn't completely the same; he was quiet at times but also could be seen going along with jokes and laughing at other times; it appeared to Wade that his empathy ability and bloodlust weren't affecting him as hard in this world.

Rosalie was bitchy as possible, but underneath all the attitude, expressions of annoyance, and arrogance was a woman who cared dearly for everyone close to her; she was an asshole but a good one.

Lynda was funny yet mature and gave off the image of an older sister who cared for her younger siblings while their parents weren't around, similar to how Jasper was with the boys of the Olympic coven; it made sense that they were both mates.

Alice was, well, perfect in Wade's opinion. She was sweet, cheerful, caring, encouraging, humorous, and everything Wade loved in a woman on the more positive side of things; she was one piece that made Wade hold onto his sanity.

Eliza was again, perfect in Wade's opinion. She was sort of the opposite of Alice but she didn't lose to her in any way. She didn't like people at all; she was cold, distant, and disinterested in nearly everything; outside of Wade and her family, she rarely spoke, and when she did speak, it was usually brief and blunt responses unless she was genuinely interested in the topic.

For Wade, both Alice and Eliza gave him things he was missing in life despite not having known each other for long. He felt sensible, clear-minded, happy, and stable, all of which were things he didn't have.

Outside of getting to know the Cullens, Wade obviously tried getting closer to Alice and Eliza, which progressed differently for each woman. With Alice, she was clearly eager to become close to Wade, so it was much easier to speak with her, but Eliza wasn't the same; more often than not, she would be cold to him when he spoke with her.

It should be mentioned that neither Alice, Eliza, nor Wade were in a rush to do anything; they didn't speak of anything truly deep or reveal their darkest secrets. They were friends with hints of something more, which was nice; most people jumped into dating but usually ended up with a broken relationship, and that was by no means what any of them wanted.

Something Wade found lovely was despite Eliza's usual passive, cold, and silent behavior, she was possessive, and even though she tried to hide it Wade could tell. In all honesty, he found it rather cute; it let him know that even though she was cold to him she cared more than she let on.

For example, Wade was highly attractive, and because of this, people approached him with no-so-friendly intentions, but he was very quickly shut down by Eliza and sometimes Alice if she was near.

"Hey Wade, I was wondering if your return date was up for talks? I've got a big deal if it is." Wade's music-related manager asked him over the phone.

Something many didn't know about Wade was that he was a musician, a famous one at that. Despite being reborn, Wade never gave up on his dreams of being a musician, and since his talent only grew in this second life, he pursued that goal relentlessly but with a different approach; he never revealed his appearance.

For a plethora of reasons, Wade decided it was better for him to keep his appearance and identity hidden from the public eye; it would be far easier to stay low-key in such a way. Additionally, with the amount of fame he had at the moment, he'd never be able to attend Forks High School if he did reveal his identity.

"Nope," Wade replied immediately while inwardly debating if he'd take more time away.

"It's a deal with Murgo." The manager, Sylas, said in a serious tone.

"Maybe next time, buba; for now, I've got school, Bye!" Wade replied before hanging up the phone as the sound of Walter entering the room caught his attention

"I've finished preparing your ride, sir," Walter said politely.

"Nice, then let's get going," Wade replied as he began walking toward the exit of the room.

"Yes, sir," Walter replied before the two began making their way toward the vehicle outside; the school day was about to begin.

~~ Time skip no Jutsu! Lunchtime! ~~

Quickly, the first half of the school day ended for Wade, and while he'd usually be bored out of his mind, he couldn't say that about Forks High School as he didn't have time to be bored with the vampires here, so after a bit, it was now lunchtime.

"Howdy," Wade said to the girl who had just sat beside him.

"Mhm." Eliza hummed in response as she pulled out a book from her bag before beginning to read silently.

"Flirtin' already? Couldn't help yourself, huh?" Lynda said with a smirk.

"If you call greeting each other flirting, then you're in for a rough time," Wade replied sarcastically.

"Eh, I'll be fine," Lynda commented with a shrug before returning her attention to Jasper, her husband.

"I got the book you recommended to me," Wade said to Eliza, successfully catching the woman's attention while Alice watched from beside Wade with a lovely smile.

"Do you like it?" She replied with a small amount of curiosity.

"Yeah, it's pretty good," Wade replied truthfully before continuing. "I've got Walter reading it to me, and with his English accent, it's much better."

"I still can't get over you having a butler... you spoiled boy." Alice chimed in playfully.

"Why not? Rich guy with a butler; sounds pretty normal to me." Wade shrugged; didn't overly rich people always have butlers and maids?

"He's right," Emmett commented before returning to his conversation with Rosalie.

"See? Told ya'." Wade continued with a smirk.

"Even so, it's not every day you meet someone with a butler; it's kinda like something you only see in movies," Alice replied.

"Well, now you've seen it in real life," Wade stated as he resumed eating the food Walter brought for him.

"I suppose," Alice replied as she watched Wade with a smile; just his casual actions and words made her happy.

"You got anything to do after school, Wade?" Jasper asked, catching everyone's attention.

"Nope, why?" He replied curiously.

"I was wondering if you'd like to come over to our place later today?" Jasper offered, his tone friendly.

"Hm..." Wade hummed with a thoughtful expression on his face for a few moments before continuing. "Sure, I don't have anything else planned for today."

"Great," Jasper replied before sending a look at Alice, who picked up after him; it was clear he asked for Alice and Eliza and not for himself or the rest of his siblings.

"I'll write the address down for you," Alice stated happily, knowing it would be his butler, Walter, who drove him over to their abode.

"Sounds good," Wade replied as he took another bite of his food before returning his attention to Eliza.

"You happy I'm coming over?" Wade teased.

"You wish." She replied bluntly, her coldness only causing Wade to grow more attracted to her. He felt as if he was experiencing the best of both worlds with the bright Alice and the dark Eliza; it was great.

"What if I do?" Wade questioned with a sly grin.

"Then you'd be disappointed," Eliza replied bluntly.

"Oof, that hurt Eli..." Wade said as he held his hand over his heart, feigning pain.


Like this, Wade continued his talks between Eliza and Alice for the remainder of lunch while inwardly wondering how everything would go when he arrived at their place later; he was sure it'd be interesting, to say the least.

~~ Time skip no Jutsu! Hours After School! ~~

"Here you go," Wade said as he handed Walter the paper with the Cullens' address written on it, and moments later, a black Rolls-Royce could be seen driving down the roads of Forks.

In a comfortable silence, Walter drove through the small town as Wade sat in the backseat thinking about Eliza and Alice; the two women had been on his mind constantly since the first day of school a month prior.

"My apologies, sir; it appears we'll be a bit late due to the driver in front of us," Walter said as the eighteen-wheeler in front of them drove in an odd manner, but it made sense due to the slick roads.

"No problem." Wade replied nonchalantly before his 'Spidey-Senses' kicked in full blast, and a smirk appeared on his face.

"Si-" Walter went to speak, but in the next moment, a deafening bang sounded through the surroundings, and he was flying out of the driver's window as Wade had thrown him.

Again, a loud sound reverberated throughout the surroundings as the eighteen-wheeler that was in front of them flipped and slid down the road before the tens of long metal bars it was carrying went flying all around and toward the Rolls-Royce with incredible power.

'To dodge or not to dodge...'

To be continued...