Loretta's First Day At Campus

It was about 2 hours inside the bus when the bus docked at the bus station where I alighted with my belongings that I had packed in one suitcase and dragged the suitcase to where the cabs were located. 

" Excuse me, sir, will you drop me off at Hillcrest University? " I inquired, since Mother advised me to ask, since it was my first time traveling by myself and I wanted to be sure if he would be taking that route and with all the stories of abduction, I feared for my life.

" Yes ma'am, Let me have your luggage to load it into the car boot. " The driver inquired for my permission and I hesitated a while before I raised a question to preclude the awkwardness that I had caused a second ago. 

" Sir, how long will the ride be? " I inquired as he placed my luggage on the boot before I opened the back door of the cab and pushed myself inside holding my pulse firmly. 

" It will be an hour, ma'am, and I am just curious, are you enrolling in Hillcrest University as a teacher? " The driver inquired as he tried to create a conversation before the engine started, and we hit the road. 

No sir, I am enrolling as a student. Why do you ask? I inquired, curious since I heard a lot of weird things about this campus. 

" I just thought that they had wrapped up last month with the enrollment of students." The driver stated baffled.

Well, I have no explanation for that whatsoever. Could I verify something? I asked reluctantly, but I needed to be sure that what I heard was true, since the four years of my career I learned from the feedback I would get.

 Yes, Ma'am. What would you like to verify? The driver inquired

" Is it true to what people say about the campus that there are weird things that go on? " I inquired in a soft voice. 

" Well, people say things, but I have never come across anything to verify those rumors. " The driver stated

" How long have you been on this route? " I inquired curiously.

" Around 10 years. " He stated

 That means you have a full good history of this campus, I inquired as I reached for my notebook and pen from my pulse. 

" Yes, a bit of it. " The driver stated.

" And from where did those rumors come from? " I inquired, trying to dig in-depth as I put my pen on the paper to take some notes down. 

" I am sorry are you a reporter? " The driver inquired.

" I am sorry, Pardon. " I asked, dumbstruck by the sudden drift of the question. 

" Are you a reporter? " He repeated the same question. 

" No, I am not a reporter and I do not understand all of this, I just told you earlier that I am enrolling as a student today. " I stated as I tried to convince myself that I was not in trouble. 

" I hate to say this, but it was a year ago when I took a lady who stated that way She was a reporter, and she wanted to make headlines about the camp, but a month later, she was found deep back in her apartment in the city, and she was about to meet with her colleague who she would exchange a flash that contained I don't know what, She found her deep and the cause was not known to what it was. " The driver stated before they branched through a deserted tarmac that led into a forest. 

Okay, I replied, trying to compose myself as my heart was almost going to pop out of my chest cage. 

I am sorry if I startled you, but since that incident took place, I promised myself to take it to heart to save someone. I would have saved her, but I failed. But whatever is going on there, please go study and my wish would be that you graduate and start your life because you have a stunning one, he stated with concern in his voice. 

" Thank you. " I stated before the end of the trip. It was filled with silence and I would watch the trees that had grown together, and they were endless as they were covered with pitch darkness. I almost napped off before the cab stopped in front of the gate which was covered with foliage that had been trimmed. 

" Ma'am, we are here. " The driver stated as I stretched my hands as she looked around. 

" Wait, Are you sure this is it? " I asked as I confronted the wrong direction.

" Yes, this is looking in the other direction." The driver stated

" Okay, I was astounded for sure, and how much do I owe you? " I asked as I reached my pulse on my thighs and took out a card which I handed him to deduct from as I alighted the cab and my skin met with the cold breeze causing my skin to have goosebumps. 

" Thank you ma'am and be safe, "he stated as he opened the car boot to seize my luggage. 

" Thank you sir and have an incredible day ahead," I stated as he made his way to the cab to start the engine. 

" You too, Ma'am. " He stated before he left me standing. 

The sun was overhead, but the sun's rays couldn't penetrate directly, since the tall trees obstructed the rays from reaching out. 

It was around noon when a taxi dropped me outside the Hillcrest University gate in the middle of the forest. My heart was around noon when a young lady made her way pulling her luggage to the reception area of Hill Rest University after getting a late admission. He filled out some forms before she was directed to the room in the school dormitory where she would be residing before she graduated. She was handed her key to chamber number 127. She was roaming alone in the hallway slowly as she enjoyed the views of the crafted animals and art that were displayed on the walls. The hallway was covered with complete silence before the silence was interrupted by her phone buzzing from her bag, which almost startled her. 

" Hello, mummy? " A soft voice answered the video call.

 " I can see that you are already admitted and Loretta dear, I am curious about the things people say here. Are they true? " A soft voice inquired curiously

 " Mummy, these are just rumors, but I love it here," Loretta stated.

 Make sure to call either me or your dad when it gets weird, and we will pull some strings, and you will go to a better university... She was cut short 

Okay, mummy, I will definitely call you. I need to go and check my room before lunchtime. I love you and bye, talk later. Loretta stated before hanging up on the call after she spotted room 214 as the key card she had been handed by the reception lady. She dragged her suitcase and found the door was slightly open, and she knocked before making her way inside excited.