Loretta Best Friend

Is that how you would greet your best friend after staying silent on me for a whole week? Anyway, I didn't call to fight. Mama told me that you made it to Hillcrest University, the weird campus.  A soft curious voice inquired. 

" Yeah, I was just admitted, and I have been good since I joined my dream school after you stabbed me in my back. " Loretta stated in an enraged tone. 

A lady made her way inside the hallway that was covered with murmurs before the whole chamber was covered with total silence. I was seated at the corner of the hallway where Sarah had left me and I had to go with the flow since I didn't know anyone to vibe with. I was just seated when I saw the curved lady who walked towards me who was in her early 50s, but her curvy body caught my attention. I didn't see that she was standing in front of me and a sharp voice startled me. Sincerity left my ears tingling, and before I could respond to her, I heard the table bhag with a loud sound. 

Young Lady, what's your name? What is your sin? She inquired with the last question about the statement, which made me freak out and a thick sweat dripped down my backbone. 

" I am Lor... Loretta. I started with my mouth trembling.

" What's your sin, Loretta? " She inquired with a profound voice and I caught my eyes that were stuck on her eyes that seemed to be blank and filled with no emotion and my heart raced before my lips started to tremble in fear. 

" I just... Just joined Hillcrest uni... University today. That's my sin.  I stated as my bladder was about to burst before the next question landed on my face.

" Do you repent of your sin? " She asked while her gaze was still on mine. 

" No, I don't want to repent," I responded abruptly without giving a thought, and my answer that came from my projective voice echoed through the hallway. 

Congratulations, you are now one of us, and this will no longer be on your table. Join the rest. She stated as her gaze left mine, sweat was dripping down my body when my gaze left my side before the next thing heard was claps and all the eyes were on me, and it had not been a second when I felt some warm hands on my shoulders, and I was about to wet myself when a familiar voice popped on my left ear. 

" Congratulations dear, Come let me show you the seat you will be sitting in together with your classmates. " It was Sarah's soft voice in my ears and I could feel the betrayal that she made me go through. At least she would have given me a hint. I cursed inside my thoughts before I followed her through the whole hallway gazing at me like I was at their meal and the clapping had ceased, and the room was filled with silence and there was no murmuring. At the back of my head, what I thought upon joining campus was there was no one to follow or instruct you around, but I was wrong about this place being worse than a psychiatrist's ward. 

 You earned it through so fast. I am Abigail, By the Way. A lady who I had been allocated to beside me whispered in my ears. 

" I am Loretta, and will my head not be cut off because of talking? " I whispered as I felt that all the eyes were on me.

" As long as you don't get caught," Abigail stated, and I did not utter another word until we got dismissed and the first thing I inquired was

" Where are the restrooms around here?" I inquired about Abigail since my bladder was compressed, and I couldn't hold it any longer, it was as if I was holding a ticking bomb that was about to explode at any minute. 

" Use the main entrance from this hall and take your right, and you will branch onto a small pavement, then take the stairs and you will be there. " Abigail stated, and before she could finish her sentence, I had pushed myself out through the crowded entrance. She was out in a minute, and she followed the direction she was given, but the pavement seemed to be longer than she thought, and she could not hold herself any much longer, so she peeped as if there was anyone around before she hid in the knee-length bushes of the guava flowers that were garnished equally.

I had just finished relieving myself and was about to sigh when I heard a cough behind me. My legs had lost all strength since I was still squatting and, thank God, I had just worn my circular dress because I could not infer the embarrassment of someone spotting my buttocks. Before I turned to glimpse into who made the soft cough at the back of my head, I thought of a lady, to my surprise. When I slowly stood up, and I had not worn my pants back to the rightful place of the body my panty plunged to my toes when I stood up and caught sight of the Dude that I met earlier who was covered with nothing.