Worst Morning For Loretta

As I turned to look at who was calling me from behind, my heart was awestruck. It was my best friend Charlotte, whom we parted ways after she told me she had joined Yale. We had promised each other to stick together until the end, but she was forced to join that campus because of her father's decision, who wanted her to be the next CEO of the company. I felt a little dissatisfied, so I decided to cut my ties with her. I couldn't believe it until she was a meter away from where I was standing, and I confirmed that it was her with her tall curved figure and her sharp complexion that was slightly hidden by her long hair and the green brown eye iris that glittered in her sight. I could still not believe it until I felt her scent as she gave me a tight hug and I could smell her sweet sugary scent.

"Are you gonna just stand there like a ghost, Do you even know how much I missed you, and you decided to snob me off, Like I was no one to you? " Charlotte murmured as she clutched me tighter.

" Wait, Are you here to stay or are you going to leave and go back to Yale? " I inquired as I pulled myself out of the embrace.

" Can you at least show me around as we grab a snack and at least tell me how you are? " Charlotte stated as she was about to walk past Loretta when she felt Loretta grip her hand and she was halted halfway through her steps.

" Are you here to stay or are you going back to Yale? " I inquired with a profound voice as my gaze was stuck on her face.

" Are we going to discuss that here? " Charlotte inquired, awestruck for a moment before she got a response from her that almost broke her heart into pieces. 

" Yes, This is the best spot, I even love the sun the spot of it, but I don't have much time to waste on sunbathing since I have a class to heed to. " Loretta stated with a profound voice Loretta,

" What got into you? " Charlotte inquired as she stared at my fave as she tried to get some answers.

" Are you here to stay or are you going back to Yale? " I inquired before I got my answer from her look.

" Seriously, Loretta? " Charlotte exclaimed.

" The answer I expected.  Excuse me, I have a class to catch up with in a few minutes. " I stated before I began to stroll, leaving Charlotte standing as I continued to stroll along the pavement, and I caught the sight of the building that I had gone around during my first day to attend a class. I was halfway there when I felt my stomach groan in starvation. I thought I could ignore it, but my stomach was not giving it away without the right feedback. I gazed at my phone screen and I saw I had an extra half an hour so that I could make it to the dining area and grab something to fill my tummy with. I was lucky to find some company, and I was in the dining area while I had my meal. I don't know how much time it took, and there were only ten minutes left before the morning class began. I was halfway through my meal, but that was enough to keep me going, and my stomach had stopped groaning, so I disposed of my leftovers in the bin before I took my plate to be cleaned. I had about five minutes left to use to get myself to class before the class commenced. I was out of it, and I was fastening since I caught sight of know through the pavement and I started running, and I don't know how I felt like I was flying through the air and I made it in less than two minutes, I knew that weird things were happening to me since I made way to this campus but the reason as to why I decided to stay, I knew nothing of it. I felt like I was finally home. I made my way through the hallway that was composed of total silence to where the class was supposed to be held before I made it there. I felt like I was late, since I did not catch any beings around, which made me do some equations that I was not ready for. My heart had started to beat against my chest rapidly, having the thought of having to meet up with his face again after what conspired the previous night as flashback memories popped up through her mind. She was at the door when she saw a plain printed document written with capital letters on the door which was unfurled.

" THE MORNING CLASS HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED UNTIL 5 IN THE EVENING, MY APOLOGIES FOR THE CAUSE OF INCONVENIENCE. " The note stated I felt like my heart was stabbed, and the sharp thing twisted through my heart with the pain being unbearable. As I turned to make my way back to my chamber to finish off my sleep, since my head was still aching from the pain. My stomach began to groan, and it felt like my stomach was empty.

" Why could they not inform us on our phones to prevent this inconvenience and see how they made me throw half of my breakfast? They are inconsiderable, and now I have to use my savings account money since Dad hasn't sent me any supplementary cash in my account." Loretta was murmuring to herself as she was on the phone. She scrolled and did not see where she was heading when she bumped into a tall, muscular guy. She almost fell before the man held her and ended up falling on his chest, and she could hear his heart beats as he lay on his chest before her little fantasy was ruined by his deep voice.

  " Young lady, why are you still in my arms? "A deep profound voice inquired

" Me in your arms, isn't it not you who wanted me to be in my arms? " I Inquired with a frustrated look on my face as I moved my body from his embrace 

" Hahahaha, say that you don't have a crush on me now. Your gaze says it all. " He stated boastfully.

" Me to have a crush on you. You must be daydreaming. " I stated before I was about to stroll when I received a call from an unknown number, and before I strolled a bit further to pick up the call,

" What does this hell of a person think she is so incompetent?" I overheard the guy that I bumped into, which made me ignore the call. I was way too irritated with just everything that morning, as if I was having my mood swings.

  " What did you just call me, Son of a b**ch? " I went back as I stopped him with my sharp nails on his hand which dug into his skin before I placed a slap on his handsome face, which turned red. I was about to leave when I heard I felt a strong grip of his hand against my waistline as he pulled me closer and, before I could escape, his face, my lips, and his were intertwined, and it was a second before he let it loose, and I was left in my fantasy world as my eyes were closed. He had stolen my first kiss and my body felt numb, and no word escaped my mouth until I saw him vanish through the air, and I was just standing when I felt a sharp pain under my abdomen, and I was about to bend when I saw a shadow appear from behind before I was handed a jacket. 

" Take this and wrap it around yourself. " A deep, profound voice stated as he stood in front of me. It was Austin, my lecturer. I understood what he meant, and I felt a bit awkward. He sensed the awkwardness and decided to leave without uttering another statement. 

" Thank you," I stated before I turned around and left the scene without looking back, before my home buzzed again with the same unfamiliar number. 

" I think she doesn't remember anything that conspired last night and to mention that her wound is healed, She is the one. " Austin murmured to himself before he was distracted by a tap on his back. 

" Excuse me, sir, I am a bit lost. I was expecting to have a class at D 10 and I found no one there. Could you direct me to where I can have a consultation? " A deep voice inquired

" You must be the new student who got admitted yesterday evening. Well, I am Austin, your lecturer and maybe have your number to add you to the class group?" Austin inquired as he handed him his phone.  " Whom should I save? " Austin inquired as he was about to type his name and he was taken away from his screen to the student's gaze. 

" You mean you don't know me? " The student inquired with an egoistic voice.

" I am sorry. If I knew who you were, with no exception, I would have saved your name and I would be on my way heading to my destination.  Why is everyone so rude here? Do you not know that I can finish your career with just a phone call? " He stated

" Is that so, then I will save it as an idiot. " Austin just got irritated by the student who, almost on his nerves, was on his way to the building when he was halted by a big grey wolf in front of him. 

" What the hell? " Austin stated before he started running along the pavement before the two were in the forest. Austin was running before he tripped and fell on the ground and, before he could raise himself from the ground, his hands were pinned on the growl as he watched the wolf howl out before turning into half a human. 

" What did you just call me? An idiot. You will beg for mercy when I finish you off. You will know that I am the next king of Peridhofia." He stated before his grip tightened, he expected the man to cry under his mercy, but what he got was deep laughter.

"  Hahahaha, Then you will be the weakest king because you don't follow rules and I doubt you will last a month before the cabinet withdraws you and your younger brother takes over, Austin stated, before a fist landed on his face.

" Hahahaha, you are so weak. " Austin provoked him, and he was about to land another fist on his face when he felt a punch on his abdomen which made him fly a mile from where he was before he was stopped by a tree.

  " You have a lot to learn, William, if you want to rule like your father. " Austin, who had made it to where Prince Williams had landed, and he was in his human form, stated.

"  You will pay for this..." Prince Williams stated he didn't see him flee when he started and that he growled in pain. 

" Hey, are you going to avoid me the whole day? " The caller from the other end inquired after Loretta answered the call.

" What do you want me to say to you? You broke our promise? " Loretta stated

" You also broke it and that serves us to be equals. " Her best friend stated

" You mean we are equal, and what makes you think that we can be equals? " I equaled with an enraged voice. 

" Do you want me to explain that to you on the phone, no way text me your room address and I will be there in a split of seconds. " Her best friend stated before she ended the call. 

" Do you think she will test the address? " A soft voice beside her inquired