The Fight

" I don't have a master and I do not answer to anyone." the half-human wolf growled, its voice a low rumble.

" You are lying, You expect me to believe that you just happened to show up here, causing chaos and endangering my pack, without any orders? " Austin's jaw clenched, his fists tightening at his sides as he hissed. The half-human wolf's eyes flickered with something unreadable.

" Believe what you want, But I am not a puppet. I make my own decisions." it said. Anger surged through Austin. He felt the urge to protect his pack, the weight of his responsibilities as Alpha pressing down on him. He could not let this threat go unanswered. With a growl, he swung his fist, connecting solidly with the half-human wolf's jaw. The force of the blow sent the creature sprawling to the corner of the room. The half-human wolf's body convulsed, and before anyone could react, it began to transform. Bones shifted, muscles expanded, and fur sprouted from its skin. Within moments, a full-grown wolf stood where the half-human had been, its eyes glowing with a primal fury. Austin's own transformation was swift. His body elongated, fur covered his skin, and his hands became clawed paws. He met the gaze of the newly transformed wolf, his own eyes reflecting the challenge. Without warning, the two Alphas launched themselves at each other. The room erupted into chaos as they collided, their bodies a blur of fur, teeth, and claws. The sounds of growls and yelps filled the air, mingling with the crashing of furniture and the tearing of fabric. Austin managed to gain the upper hand, his claws raking across the other wolf's side. The half-human wolf let out a pained howl, stumbling back. Seizing the opportunity, Austin pounced, pinning the wolf to the ground.

"Submit,Or I will end this right now." Austin growled, his voice a deep, menacing rumble. The half-human wolf struggled beneath him, its eyes filled with a mixture of defiance and resignation.

" I... won't... submit," it gasped. Austin's claws pressed into the wolf's throat, his anger threatening to consume him. But a voice cut through the haze of his rage, a voice that brought him back to himself.

" Can you stop! Don't do this please." It was Loretta. She was awake, her voice weak but clear. Austin's gaze flickered to Loretta, his grip loosening slightly.

" Loretta, he..." Austin stated

" You don't know what you are doing? " she interrupted, her eyes filled with pain and understanding.