Back In Campus

Austin's heart pounded in his chest as he crouched under the steering column of the abandoned van. His fingers fumbled with the wires, his hands trembling with urgency and fear. The metallic scent of blood hung heavy in the air, mingling with the musty odor of the basement. He tried to push the gruesome sight of the lifeless bodies out of his mind, focusing solely on getting the van started. With a spark and a jolt, the engine roared to life. Austin let out a breath he did not realize he had been holding and quickly climbed into the driver's seat.

He glanced at the rearview mirror, seeing Loretta's unconscious form strapped in the back. She looked so fragile, her pale face almost ghostly in the dim light. He could not afford to lose her. Not now. The van's tires screeched as he sped out of the parking lot, navigating through the maze of dead bodies. Blood pooled around the corpses, the crimson liquid reflecting the headlights in a macabre display.

Austin's stomach churned, but he forced himself to keep his eyes on the road. He needed to get to the campus before dawn, before anyone noticed he was gone. As he drove, his mind raced with thoughts of the night's events. The fight with the half-human wolf, the desperate attempt to save Loretta, and now this. Who had killed all those people? Was it the same creature, or was there another threat lurking in the shadows? He gripped the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles turning white. He could not let fear paralyze him. He had to stay strong, for Loretta's sake.

The city streets were eerily quiet as he made his way towards the campus in the middle of the forest. The first light of dawn was just beginning to break over the horizon, casting long shadows across the pavement. Austin's heart raced even faster. He needed to get there before anyone else woke up. If he was caught sneaking around, it would raise too many questions. He pulled up to the campus gates, his mind already racing with excuses. The guards waved him through without much fuss, probably too tired to care about another vehicle coming in at such an early hour. He breathed a sigh of relief and headed towards the administration building.

Austin's heart raced as he was pulled all of a sudden before he followed the matron through the dimly lit corridors of the campus administration building. The urgency in her steps mirrored his own anxiety, and he could hardly keep his focus on the way ahead. His mind was clouded with worry and dread, especially after the chaotic night he did just endured. Loretta's condition had been precarious enough; now, he faced another nightmare. The matron stopped abruptly outside a door, her expression grim. She turned to Austin, her face a mixture of concern and empathy.

" This is Sarah's room," she said quietly, her voice trembling slightly.

" You should prepare yourself. It's not a pleasant sight ." Austin swallowed hard, his throat dry. He nodded, his nerves strung taut.

"Thank you." As he pushed the door open, he was met with a scene that sent a chill down his spine. Sarah lay on the bed, her unconscious form surrounded by a pool of blood. Her clothes were stained with dark red, and the sight of her injuries was a painful reminder of the night's horrors. Austin's breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight of her pale face and the bloodied sheets. The matron moved to Sarah's side, her face etched with sorrow.

" She's been bitten, and the blood is contaminated. We are doing everything we can, but..." Her voice trailed off, leaving the unsaid hanging heavily in the air. Austin's eyes were locked on Sarah, and he could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on him.

" What happened? " he asked, his voice strained.

" How did this happen? " The matron looked at him, her eyes filled with a mix of guilt and helplessness.

" We don't have all the details yet. There was an attack, and Sarah was caught in the middle. We only know she was bitten by a wolf and that the blood she's lost is tainted. It's been a nightmare." Austin's fists clenched at his sides.

" A wolf? Was it the same creature that attacked Loretta ? " Austin murmured in his mind as a cold shiver ran down Austin's spine. He knew that whatever was happening, it was far worse than he had imagined. He stepped closer to the bed, his heart aching as he looked down at Sarah. She had always been kind and compassionate, and to see her in such a state was unbearable.

" I need to speak with the doctors," Austin said, trying to keep his voice steady.

" I need to know what's going to happen to her." The matron nodded.

" I will get them for you." As she left the room, Austin took a seat beside Sarah's bed. He reached out, gently taking her hand in his. Her skin was cold and clammy, and he felt a pang of desperation.

" Hang in there, Sarah," he whispered.

" We are going to find out what happened and make this right." His thoughts raced back to Loretta, lying unconscious in the infirmary. The weight of the situation was almost too much to bear. How could he protect the people he cared about when everything seemed to be falling apart? The door opened, and a doctor stepped in, his face drawn and serious. He took one look at Sarah and then turned to Austin.

" You must be Austin. I'm Dr. Harris. I understand you are concerned about Sarah." Austin stood up, his expression a mix of anxiety and determination.

" Yes, I am. What's the situation? How bad is it? " Dr. Harris looked at Sarah with a pained expression.

" Sarah's condition is critical. The wolf bite has introduced a contaminant into her bloodstream, and we are doing everything we can to manage the infection. The contamination makes it harder to treat, and her chances of recovery are uncertain. " Austin's heart sank.

" Is there anything we can do? Anything at all? " Austin inquired before they were I interupted by the nurse who came with an envelope.