Austin Regaining His Concounsiness

Austin groaned as he regained consciousness, the world around him a blur of pain and confusion. His muscles ached, and he felt a burning sensation across his body, but his mind sharpened with a single thought: Sarah and Ariana. He had to make sure they were safe. With sheer determination, Austin lifted his weakened body off the floor, dragging himself towards Sarah's room. Every step was an effort, his breath coming in labored gasps. The hallway seemed to stretch on forever, each moment filled with the haunting echoes of the recent battle.

Finally, he reached the door to Sarah's room. Pushing it open, he was met with a sight that chilled him to the bone. Both Sarah and Ariana lay unconscious, their bodies still and pale. A pool of blood surrounded Ariana, her pulse weak and fading.

" Ariana! Sarah! " Austin's voice was a raspy whisper as he stumbled towards them. His heart pounded in his chest as he gently lifted Ariana, cradling her fragile form. He placed her on the chair beside the bed, his hands trembling with the effort. The sight of her blood-soaked clothes made his stomach churn with fear and anger.

" Stay with me, Ariana," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.

" I need you to stay strong." Austin quickly assessed Ariana's condition. Her pulse was dangerously low, and she had lost a significant amount of blood. He knew he needed to act fast, but first, he had to ensure the room was secure.

The enemy wolf could be lurking nearby, waiting for another opportunity to strike. Summoning what little strength he had left, Austin scanned the room and the hallway beyond. The ominous silence made his skin crawl, but he couldn't let fear paralyze him. He had to protect them. He had to be ready.

With a deep breath, he focused his senses, his heightened wolf instincts taking over. The scent of blood and danger was thick in the air, but there was no immediate sign of the enemy wolf. He couldn't let his guard down, but he needed help to save Ariana.

"Austin," he heard a weak voice whisper. He turned to see Sarah, her eyes fluttering open. Despite her weakened state, there was a fierce determination in her gaze.

"Austin, Ariana needs help," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I know," he replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside him.

" I'm going to get help. You stay here, and don't move. I will be right back." Sarah nodded weakly, her eyes filled with worry.

" Please, be careful." Sarah stated with her voice barely a whisper.

" I will," Austin promised, squeezing her hand gently before rushing out of the room. Every second felt like an eternity as he raced through the corridors of the building, searching for anyone who could help. The sound of his footsteps echoed off the walls, a constant reminder of the urgency of the situation. Finally, he spotted Dr. Harris down the hallway, as he lay down unconscious with his clothes tarted.

" Dr. Harris! " Austin shouted, his voice filled with desperation.

"Austin, what happened?" Dr Harris inquired confused as he meet with the bright sunshine rays.

" It's Ariana, " Austin said, struggling to catch his breath.

" She's lost a lot of blood. We need to help her, now. " Austin stated as he helped him get on his feet.

" Damn it! " Dr Harris cursed after checking on her pulse.

" She's in a critical condition," Dr. Harris said, his voice tense.

" We need to transfuse blood immediately, but she's lost so much. We have to stabilize her first. " Dr Harris stated with his voice trembling. Austin nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and anxiety.

" What can I do to help? "

" Stay with Sarah, " Dr. Harris instructed.

" She needs you, and Ariana needs you to be strong for her. " Austin returned to Sarah's side, his heart aching with worry for both women. Sarah reached out, her hand trembling as she grasped his slowly.

" Is she going to be okay? " Sarah asked with her voice barely a whisper, tears streaming down her face.

" Dr. Harris is doing everything he can," Austin said, his voice firm but gentle.

"Ariana is strong. She will fight through this." Sarah stated

"Sarah," Austin said softly, his eyes never leaving Ariana.

"I won't let anything happen to you or Ariana. I promise." Sarah squeezed his hand, drawing strength from his resolve.

" I believe you, Austin. I trust you." Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the hallway, sending a shiver down Austin's spine. He turned towards the door, his senses on high alert. The enemy wolf was close.

" Austin, we need to secure this room," Dr. Harris said urgently, not taking his eyes off his work.

" If that wolf gets in here..."

" I know, " Austin replied, his voice a low growl.

" I will handle it." He moved towards the door, his body tensed and ready for a fight. The growling grew louder, and Austin knew the enemy wolf was just outside, waiting for the right moment to attack. He could not let it get to Sarah and Ariana.

" Stay here, " he said to Sarah, his eyes fierce with determination.

" I will be back."