Loretta's Abduction

Austin stood in the middle of the dark tunnel, the air heavy with tension and the scent of fear lingering. He glanced at Shady, who was ready to follow any command. They had Loretta in their sights, but something felt off. The cloaked figure, holding Loretta tightly, had a sense of desperation that Austin didn't like.

" Stay alert, " Austin growled, his voice echoing through the cavernous space.

" This isn't over." Shady nodded, his eyes narrowing as he focused on the figure.

" Ready when you are, Alpha. " Just as Austin was about to give the command to move in, the cloaked figure's grip on Loretta tightened. With a sudden burst of movement, the figure fled, dragging Loretta along with them. Their speed was unnatural, blurring into the shadows with a speed only vampires possessed.

" Dammit! " Austin roared, shifting into his wolf form and giving chase. Shady and the others followed, but the figure was too fast. They raced through the tunnels, the scent of the captor fading with each step.

" We are losing them! " Shady called out, his voice filled with frustration. Austin pushed himself harder, his paws pounding against the rough ground, but it was no use. The figure and Loretta were gone, leaving no trace behind. He skidded to a halt, his breath coming in heavy pants as he shifted back to his human form. Shady and the others did the same, their expressions mirroring Austin's anger and despair.

" How did they move so fast? " one of the pack members asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.

" It must be vampire speed," Shady replied, his jaw clenched.

" No wolf can keep up with that. " Austin's hands curled into fists, his frustration palpable.

" We have to find her. We can't let them get away with this. " Shady placed a hand on Austin's shoulder.

" We will. But we need to regroup and think. Charging blindly won't help Loretta. " Austin took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down. Shady was right. They needed a plan.

" Alright, let's head back to the entrance. Maybe we missed something. " As they retraced their steps, Austin's mind raced with thoughts of Loretta and the cloaked figure. Why had they taken her? What did they want? His thoughts were interrupted by Shady, who was examining the ground closely.

" Alpha, over here, " Shady called, holding up a small piece of fabric.

" This must be from Loretta's clothing. " Austin took the fabric, recognizing it immediately. It was a small clue, but it was something.

" Good. Let's see if we can pick up the trail. " The pack moved quickly, following the faint scent of Loretta through the forest. The trail led them to an old, abandoned cabin deep in the woods. The scent was strongest here. Austin shifted back to his human form, signaling for the pack to spread out and surround the cabin.

" We go in fast and hard, " Austin instructed, his voice a low growl.

" No mistakes. We get Loretta and get out. " The pack nodded, their eyes reflecting the same steely determination. With a deep breath, Austin led the charge, bursting through the door of the cabin. Inside, the air was thick with the smell of mold and decay.

The cloaked figure stood in the center of the room, holding Loretta in front of them like a shield. Her eyes widened in fear and relief as she saw Austin and the pack.

" You are persistent, I will give you that, " the figure said, their voice laced with disdain. " Let her go," Austin demanded, his voice echoing through the small space. The figure laughed again, but there was a hint of desperation in their eyes.

" You still think you can save her? You are out of your depth, Alpha." Before Austin could respond, Shady moved swiftly to the side, distracting the figure for a split second. It was all Austin needed. He lunged forward, knocking the knife out of the figure's hand and tackling them to the ground. The rest of the pack moved in, securing Loretta and ensuring the figure could not escape. Austin's eyes burned with rage as he looked down at the captor, his teeth bared in a snarl.

" You made a big mistake, " he growled.

" Who sent you? " The figure remained silent, their eyes filled with defiance. Austin's grip tightened, his patience wearing thin.

" Answer me! " " They will come for you," the figure hissed.

" You can't stop them. " Austin's anger flared, but he forced himself to remain calm. They needed answers, not empty threats. He nodded to Shady, who stepped forward and began to bind the figure's hands.

" Take them back to the pack house, " Austin ordered.

" We will get answers one way or another." The pack members dragged the figure to their feet and led them out of the cabin. Austin turned to Loretta, who was still shaken but unharmed.

" Are you okay? " he asked, his voice softening as he approached her. Loretta nodded, her eyes filled with gratitude.

" I am fine, thanks to you. But they are planning something, Austin. We need to be ready."

" We will be, " Austin assured her, his jaw set with determination.

" Whatever they are planning, we will be ready. " As they made their way back to the pack house, Austin's mind raced with thoughts of the cloaked figure's words. He knew that this was far from over. The enemy was out there, watching, waiting for the right moment to strike. But as long as he had his pack, his family, by his side, he knew they could face whatever came their way. When they arrived at the pack house, Austin made sure Loretta was settled and safe before turning his attention to their captive. The figure was bound and guarded, their eyes still filled with defiance.
