Humans Around

The memorial service was a somber affair, filled with the quiet murmurs of grief and the soft glow of candlelight. Victoria and Marcus stood close to Loretta, their presence a comforting anchor in a sea of sorrow. Austin, too, was nearby, his watchful eyes scanning the crowd for any signs of trouble.

They were all united in their mourning, honoring the memories of Loretta's father and Ariana. But then, something changed. A chill ran through the air, and the soft whispers of the crowd fell silent. The sound of footsteps echoed in the distance, growing louder with each passing second. Austin's senses were immediately on high alert. He could smell it an unmistakable, acrid scent that sent a jolt of adrenaline through his veins.

" Something's wrong," he muttered, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the perimeter. Victoria, standing beside him, noticed his sudden tension.

" What is it, Austin? " Before he could respond, the doors to the hall were flung open with a loud crash. The sudden noise made everyone jump, and all eyes turned to the entrance. A group of figures stood silhouetted against the dim light, their presence ominous and threatening. As they stepped forward, their faces became visible, revealing a mix of hunger and malice. Vampires.

"Oh no," Marcus whispered, his face draining of color.

"Not here. Not now." The vampires moved with eerie grace, their eyes glinting with predatory hunger. The humans in the crowd began to murmur in fear, sensing the danger even if they didn't fully understand it. The wolves, however, knew exactly what they were facing. Their instincts kicked in, and they immediately formed a protective circle around the humans. Loretta's heart pounded in her chest as she clung to Victoria.

" What's happening? " Austin stepped forward, his eyes never leaving the approaching vampires.

" Vampires. They've come to disrupt the memorial." One of the vampires, a tall figure with piercing red eyes, sneered at the assembled crowd.

" What a touching scene," he mocked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

" A memorial for the fallen. How quaint." Victoria's eyes flashed with anger.

" Leave now," she demanded, her voice firm and commanding.

" You have no place here." The vampire laughed, a cold, chilling sound that sent shivers down everyone's spine.

" Oh, but we do. We've been awoken, and we're hungry." The tension in the room was palpable. The humans, unaware of the supernatural conflict that had suddenly erupted around them, looked on in confusion and fear. Some of them began to back away, but the wolves moved to block their retreat, determined to protect them from the imminent danger.

" Get behind us," Austin ordered, his voice brooking no argument.

" Now!" The humans obeyed, their fear overriding any questions they might have had. They huddled together, their eyes wide with terror as they watched the scene unfold. The vampires advanced slowly, their eyes fixed on the humans. The hunger in their eyes was unmistakable, and it was clear that they had no intention of leaving without a fight. Austin's heart raced as he prepared for the inevitable confrontation. He knew they were outnumbered, but they had no choice but to stand their ground. Loretta's mind raced as she tried to think of a way to help.

" We can't let them hurt anyone, " she said, her voice trembling with determination. " We have to do something. " "We will," Victoria assured her, her voice steady despite the fear she felt.

" But we have to be smart about it. " The lead vampire smirked, clearly enjoying the fear and chaos he was causing.

" This will be over quickly," he said, his voice low and menacing.

" Hand over the humans, and we might let you live. "

"Never," Austin growled, his eyes glowing with a fierce, protective light.

" You will have to go through us first." The vampire's smirk widened, and he licked his lips in anticipation.

" So be it." The tension reached a breaking point, and with a sudden burst of speed, the vampires lunged forward. The wolves responded instantly, shifting into their powerful wolf forms and meeting the vampires head-on. The humans watched in stunned silence as the battle erupted before their eyes. Austin leaped at the lead vampire, his powerful jaws snapping inches from the vampire's throat.

The vampire dodged with supernatural speed, but Austin was relentless. He lunged again, this time sinking his teeth into the vampire's arm and tearing it away with a fierce growl. The other wolves joined the fray, their fur bristling as they fought to protect the humans. Victoria and Marcus, too, shifted into their wolf forms, their eyes blazing with determination. The room was filled with the sounds of snarls, growls, and the sickening thud of bodies colliding.

Loretta watched in horror and awe as the battle raged around her. She felt a surge of helplessness, knowing that she couldn't shift and fight alongside her friends. But she couldn't just stand by and do nothing. She had to find a way to help. She spotted a group of humans cowering in a corner, their faces pale with fear. Determined to protect them, she ran over and crouched beside them.

"Stay close to me," she urged, her voice steady despite the chaos.

" We will get through this." The humans nodded, their eyes wide with terror but filled with a glimmer of hope. Loretta kept a watchful eye on the battle, ready to defend the humans if any vampires broke through the wolf's defenses. The vampires were relentless, their hunger driving them to fight with a ferocity that matched the wolves. But the wolves were fueled by a fierce protectiveness, a determination to protect their pack and the humans they had sworn to defend.

The room became a blur of fur, fangs, and blood as the battle raged on. Victoria, her fur matted with blood, fought with a strength that belied her slender frame. She tore into a vampire's neck, the taste of blood filling her mouth as she fought to protect the humans.

" We won't let them win," she vowed, her voice a low growl. Marcus was at her side, his powerful jaws snapping at any vampire that came too close.

" Stay together," he barked, his voice carrying above the chaos.

"Protect the humans at all costs." Austin, still locked in battle with the lead vampire, fought with a determination that bordered on desperation. He knew that if they lost, the humans would be slaughtered, and the vampires would continue their rampage. He couldn't let that happen. The lead vampire sneered, his red eyes glowing with malice.

" You're strong, " he admitted, his voice a low hiss.

"But you're outnumbered." "Maybe," Austin growled, his eyes blazing with defiance.

"But we won't go down without a fight." With a roar of fury, he lunged at the vampire, his powerful jaws closing around the vampire's neck. The vampire struggled, but Austin's grip was unrelenting. With a final, powerful shake, he tore the vampire's head from his body, the lifeless corpse crumpling to the ground. The other vampires hesitated, their leader's death momentarily throwing them off balance. It was the opening the wolves needed. With renewed determination, they launched a fierce counterattack, their combined strength driving the vampires back. Loretta watched in awe as the tide of the battle began to turn.

The wolves were relentless, their protectiveness and determination giving them the strength to push the vampires back. The humans, huddled close together, watched in stunned silence as the battle raged around them. One by one, the vampires began to fall. Their arrogance and hunger had led them to underestimate the wolves, and now they were paying the price.

The remaining vampires, realizing that they were outmatched, began to retreat, their eyes filled with a mix of anger and fear. As the last of the vampires fled, the room fell silent. The wolves, their fur matted with blood and their bodies bruised and battered, stood victorious. They had protected the humans and driven the vampires away, but the cost had been high. Austin shifted back to his human form, his body trembling with exhaustion. He looked around at the battered but victorious pack, his eyes filled with a mix of pride and sorrow.

" Is everyone okay? " he asked, his voice rough with emotion. Victoria and Marcus, also back in their human forms, nodded.

" We are okay," Marcus said, his voice filled with relief.

" Thanks to you." The humans, still huddled together, began to stir. They looked around, their eyes wide with a mix of confusion and awe. They had seen things that they had never believed possible, and their world had been irrevocably changed. Loretta, still by the humans' side, offered them a reassuring smile.

"You're safe now," she said, her voice gentle.

" The danger has passed." One of the humans, a young woman with tear-streaked cheeks, looked at Loretta with wide eyes.

" What were those... things?" she asked, her voice trembling.

" Vampires," Loretta replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her.

" But they're gone now. You don't have to be afraid." The young woman nodded, her fear slowly giving way to a tentative sense of relief.

" Thank you," she whispered.

" Thank you for saving us." Austin, overhearing the conversation, approached the group.

" We are sorry you had to see this," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

" But you're safe now. We'll make sure of it." The humans nodded, their trust in the wolves growing despite the fear