Making Sense Of The Senseless (2)

Cyrus wanted to turn to his side and face the wall. He's been lying with a straight posture for more than three hours now, and he's getting uncomfortable in the position as time goes by. Though it wouldn't be weird for a sleeping person to turn on his sleep, it would be weird for an unconscious person who's currently pretending to be asleep to do so.

In truth, Cyrus woke up minutes ago. He never really planned to fake his sleep-it's just that..."See! The book fell from the sky! THE SKY! There was no mana used or anything so it could only mean that it came straight out of heaven!" waking up right now seems to be a bad idea.

Hearing Derick's shout, Cyrus, who was about to open his eyes, quickly closed it again. He doesn't know how long he was out, but he'll probably need a reasonable excuse as to why he suddenly got knocked out by a book for the third time.

"All I can see is a stick with a big circle on top of it and a falling rock ready to hit it." Yuno's sarcastic voice echoed through his ear and his thoughts of looking for an excuse were suddenly interrupted.

'What are they even talking about?'

When he heard Derick shouting about some book, he was quite certain that he was talking about the novel. Still, hearing him finish yelling without Yuno interrupting him was something rare. The fact that he only responded with a sarcastic remark either suggests that he couldn't smack the other currently or he already got fed up with the other's bullshit.

Curiously, Cyrus decided to take a sneak peek which lasted for a second before he hurriedly closed his eyes again.

'That was something interesting...'

Through that quick glance, Cyrus can finally confirm three things. He's only been unconscious for hours and not days. He was still in the palace recovering. And lastly, something definitely weird happened when he was out.

He recalled the dozens of papers scattered on the ground, ink splattered on the floor, Derick drawing a bent stick-probably meant to be a person, Yuno looking done at everything and there was even his uncle-the emperor carefully comparing notes. It was quite a chaotic sight to wake up to, even for him, who woke up with a strange man threatening to castrate him seconds into the conversation.

He could hear Yuno's sigh, and he quickly tried to listen in closely-of course, without moving from his spot. "I don't mean to offend, but Your Majesty labelling the book as a holy relic seems to be too much of an exaggeration. We don't even have any concrete evidence; for all we know, the book can really just be some cursed object."

'Oh. So that was all the commotion about. They think that the book is a...holy relic...'

Cyrus thanked his face and his father's face that he mostly resembled. If it weren't for the hereditary poker face passed down from his family along with the calm demeanour, then he would have opened his eyes widely, cursed, and frantically asked them how in the world did they came up with that conclusion. Fortunately, he managed to-

"Are you denying that the General is the chosen one!?"

stay sane-nevermind. Instead of the Emperor, Derick was the one who rebutted Yuno's attempt to end their senseless theory. Before Yuno can give in and smack the other, the Emperor managed to come between them making Yuno clench his fist instead.

"Yuno, I see that all of this doesn't make sense to you." The Emperor gently said-like how a grandfather would to his grandchildren.

'I don't think anything makes sense anymore.'

"That's why it can only be heaven's work. Humans like us can't comprehend the gods will. Only those chosen by god can understand, like my nephew for example." Cyrus didn't miss the slightly giddy tone of his uncle's voice. For some reason he can imagine Yuno, with all his might, trying his best not to roll his eyes in front of the old Emperor.

Though he didn't have the full scope of their conversation, he could barely guess that his uncle and Derick probably thought that the book was some kind of heaven-descent artifact and he was chosen by the gods. Well...they certainly used their imagination.

He couldn't blame them either. Even he wouldn't have guessed that the mastermind behind all of this was the first prince of Yerin. If he hadn't asked for his name back then, he might have assumed-just like them- that the mysterious man was some kind of unknown entity.

'Still, getting the heavens involved seems to be too much of an exaggeration.'

"Just because the book suddenly fell from the sky and only the General can supposedly understand it, doesn't directly mean that it's heaven's doing. There must be some other power at play that we failed to notice. Let's not jump to conclusions and get the church involved." Yuno seems to have the same thoughts as him. Cyrus could hear the restraint on Yuno's voice-probably holding back a yell as he reasoned with the Emperor.

"Lieutenant." Derick quickly dug through the piles of papers and retrieved two parchments with a barely readable handwriting.

"Here Your Majesty." He placed it on the Emperor's stretched hand and the Emperor gave a short nod before turning to face Yuno again.

"That is?" Yuno asked, his gaze alternating from the paper to the Emperor.

"Evidence. Me and the Lieutenant have been gathering proof since earlier."

Yuno tried to recall what the two did minutes ago.

After crafting their crazy theory the two-being the Emperor and Derick- couldn't calm down. Contrary to their weary expressions earlier, the two were vibrating with energy as they continued to ramble (fanboy) about the General.

Of course, he tried many ways to dissuade them. His first attempt was to try and convince the Emperor to go to sleep-"The morning court can be postponed. Let this old man rejoice his nephew's achievement hohoho". He tries to remind himself that the old man before him was the Emperor and that knocking the nation's ruler and dragging him to bed is a form of treason.

Knowing that he couldn't lift a finger on the Emperor, he settled for the next best option, so he tried to put Derick to sleep-of course, it was more forcibly than that of the Emperor's. "Why'd you hit my vital points?"- unfortunately it seemed that the other was too lively that his body wouldn't just drop dead