Chapter 5: Going to the Villa

In the past seven years, he had experienced a lot of such situations and seen a lot of them happen to other people. That's why his defense mechanism could always be triggered when there are people standing behind him in very close range.

As he was living in a peaceful society again, he really needed to tone down his alertness and other habits he had developed. Fortunately, he could still act polite and treat others professionally, just like in the past.

Luciel stayed at the gazebo, looking at the colorful flowers around him while thinking about other things.

Looking at the flowers and plants around him made him relax more after watching them for a long time. Seeing such colorful flowers and plants was really relaxing. He was used to seeing bizarre poisonous plants; seeing such vibrant plants again was really more relaxing.

After staying at the garden café, he went to the previous apartment of Luciel Scarlet to see if he needed to take anything to where he was going to live for now.

When he entered the apartment, he saw that there weren't a lot of things in it. Even the clothes he saw on the cabinet could be counted in numbers.

In the memory he received, he saw that Luciel Scarlet's parents died after getting into a car accident when he was 12 years old. So, Luciel Scarlet, who was left alone, was scammed by his distant relatives of the remaining money his parents left behind.

After he turned 18 years old, he immediately moved and went to the capital to study, where he was scouted by his previous agency to be a model.

The money he earned was only enough for his daily expenses and to pay for his tuition fees. So he could understand why the apartment almost looked empty. He doesn't even have enough clothes as a model.

His previous agency wasn't really good, as they almost swallowed most of the portion of his earnings. Luciel Scarlet already has some popularity among the masses, so his earnings should have been enough to live in a better apartment and buy proper clothes to wear, but the workplace he was at wasn't really good.

Compared to the offer of his current company, it was a dozen times better than before. Unfortunately, the original Luciel Scarlet can't enjoy it anymore because of watching such a scary horror movie. The last memory he received was a picture of a dreadful ghost that suddenly appeared and scared the original owner.

He really couldn't understand why the original owner watched such a movie, even though he was scared of ghosts and other scary things. Luciel looked through everything and didn't plan to take anything with him. He only took the printed photos of 'Luciel' he saw on his bedside table.

Luciel asked Rick to drive to where he could buy paper money and buy some of it before they went to the villa he would be living in for now.

As soon as he arrived at the villa, he was greeted by an elderly housekeeper.

"Hello, Sir Luciel, please come in. I am Nina, the housekeeper of this villa. Mr. Yang already said that you would be coming over today."

"Hello," Luciel also greeted her back while getting inside the villa.

After entering the villa, he looked around and was pleased that the aesthetic of the villa was to his taste. It was modern and elegant, with gray tones, but still had comfortable vibes.

"Ms. Nina, where is my room?"

"Sir, no need to call me Miss; it makes me much younger; you can just call me by my name. Sir, your room is on the second floor; let me guide you there."

Luciel followed Nina, who guided him to the second floor.

"This is your room, Sir Luciel, the room in front of you is Sir Treyton's room. The other room is an office, and the other is an entertainment room," Nina said while pointing at the doors present in the second-floor hallway.

Luciel nodded and said, "Thank you, Nina."

"No need to thank me, sir. Sir, should I prepare dinner?"

"Yes, please do."

He stayed outside without eating dinner, so of course he needed to have dinner.

"I will go and prepare dinner now. Your things are all prepared in your room. If you don't like anything or want to change something, please tell me later on."


Luciel entered his room and saw that most of it was set in a comfortable blue color, which is very pleasing to the eye.

He looked around and was already satisfied with it. In the past seven years, he didn't even have a proper place to stay, so he doesn't really have any complaints about the place he would stay at.

He also looked at the wardrobe and saw that they had really prepared everything. He has a lot of clothes in different styles. They were really meticulous and prepared everything in advance.

After checking his room and seeing that there were no cameras or any listening devices in the room, he was finally content and went downstairs.

"Nina, can I have a small basin?" Luciel said while looking at Nina, who was busy preparing ingredients for dinner.

"Sir, what do you need it for?"

"I am just going to burn paper money. So, can I also have a lighter?"

"Please use this one," Nina said while handing him a small stainless-steel basin and a lighter.

"Where could I burn it?" Luciel was sure he couldn't burn it inside, as it may have triggered a fire alarm.

"Sir, please go to the back garden."

"Ok, thanks."

Luciel held the basin and the paper money he bought and went to the back garden of the villa.

He put the basin on the stone table in the back garden. He lit the paper money together with the photos of the original Luciel Scarlet. He thanked him for letting him use his body and prayed for him to have a more blessed life in his next life.