Chapter 101: Going to the warehouse

Calvin, who had telekinesis, and Jacob, who had poison ability, also improved but were still behind the others.

The lethality of Jacob's poison is still not enough. Calvin also couldn't control big things around him, and the range of his control wasn't that far yet.

The people in the team that doesn't have superpowers were getting stronger, and their techniques in dealing with zombies are getting better, just like Nate's nephew Austin and his friend Owen.

Edna, Aldo, and Richard, who were also participating in the fights, were also getting stronger.

A lot of people on the team got stronger, but Treyton was obviously stronger than the others.

Treyton had very good control of his metal and lightning power.

He could directly smash the zombies with his lightning and metal powers, which was very good when dealing with a lot of zombies.