Anna silvermoon

After the duel with Serina, the three of them—Marcus, Serina, and Charlotte—returned to class. There was a noticeable shift in the atmosphere. Both girls were now sticking closely to Marcus, drawing the attention of their classmates. Their closeness was not lost on the room, and the quiet buzz of conversation quickly dwindled into hushed whispers. Heads turned, eyes followed, and every movement Marcus made seemed to be under a microscope.

Marcus walked in with an air of confidence, smirking inwardly as he caught glimpses of his classmates' reactions. Envy, admiration, disbelief—every emotion rippled through the room like a wave. They weren't just looking at him; they were reevaluating him. Walking in with both Princess Serina and Charlotte Whitewood had clearly made a statement, one that resonated deeply within the academy's social structure.

"Looks like I'm making waves," Marcus thought to himself, his lips twitching into a smug smile. The original Marcus Ravenscroft would have been ignored, despised even, by these same people. But things were different now. He was different now. His careful manipulation and growing power had placed him at the center of attention, and he relished it.

Without a word, Marcus made his way to his usual seat near the window. Charlotte took her place on his right, while Serina claimed the front seat. This deliberate choice didn't go unnoticed by anyone, and Marcus could feel the weight of curious and jealous stares settling on him. He had altered the dynamics in the room, and it was clear from the tension that everyone else could feel it too.

The professor entered the room a few moments later, silencing the remaining murmurs with his presence. Eden Frost, a strict and no-nonsense man, strode to the front of the class. He was tall and gaunt, his graying hair slicked back, and he wore the long robes of a seasoned mage. He was well-known for his lectures on magical theory and the history of the Alvora Kingdom.

"Today, we will be covering the foundations of magical theory," Eden's voice rang out, deep and commanding. He moved swiftly into his lecture without preamble, launching into a detailed explanation of the origin of magic within the kingdom and how it had shaped Alvora's society over the centuries.

Marcus, however, found it difficult to focus. The class was painfully dull. Magic theory and history, though important, were not things he needed to pay attention to right now. As Eden droned on about long-forgotten wars and ancient treaties, Marcus let his mind wander. His head rested lazily on his hand, eyes half-closed as he feigned interest. This was, after all, his first time attending this class, but he wasn't particularly eager to engage.

"It's just history," he muttered under his breath, shifting slightly in his seat. His mind was already racing ahead—thinking about his next move, his plans for accumulating more Demon Points, and how to further cement his influence within the academy. His attention flickered momentarily toward Charlotte and Serina, both of whom seemed far more focused than he was.

Charlotte, her posture straight and attentive, took diligent notes, her pen gliding across the parchment with precision. Serina, meanwhile, leaned forward with a sense of casual confidence, her violet eyes never leaving the professor. Despite her royal status, she seemed genuinely interested in the subject matter.

Marcus barely stifled a yawn. History of magic was essential in the exam , but not when it was delivered in such a dry, monotonous tone. The professor continued his lecture, seemingly unaware of the mental absence of some of his students, Marcus included.

Time seemed to crawl, and by the time Professor Eden finally concluded the class, Marcus was more than ready to leave. However, their next lesson didn't allow him much reprieve.

The next class was of Alchemy, a subject Marcus found slightly more interesting, but for very different reasons. The professor of this class, Anna Silvermoon, was an orphan adopted by the academy's principal, Lucian Silvermoon, much like Leo. Unlike Leo, however, Anna had not shown the same level of talent in elemental magic. Instead, she had shifted her focus to alchemy, becoming the continent's best potion maker. This alone had earned her respect, but her connection to Leo made Marcus even more cautious around her.

When Anna entered the room, there was an immediate change in the atmosphere. Her presence was less commanding than Professor Eden's, but her reputation preceded her. She had a sharp, discerning gaze, one that didn't miss a thing. Her light silver hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing her stern yet beautiful face. Her eyes, however, were cold—especially when they landed on Marcus.

Marcus noticed the way Anna's gaze lingered on him. There was something there—something more than simple acknowledgment. It was subtle, but Marcus could feel the negativity radiating from her. Her expression remained neutral, but her eyes betrayed her feelings. He knew the source of her distaste immediately: Leo.

Marcus suppressed a sigh. He had been expecting this. His duel with Leo, particularly how he had critically injured the academy's golden child, would not win him many friends among those loyal to the protagonist. Anna, it seemed, was no exception.

Without a word, Anna began her lecture. "Alchemy," she started, her voice steady and clear, "is the science and art of transmutation, of turning raw materials into something greater. For our purposes, we will focus on potion making. Potions are one of the most fundamental and useful tools in any mage's arsenal, whether in battle or for recovery."

She walked to the center of the room, her eyes sweeping over the students once more before she began to explain the basics. "As new students, you will start with the simplest of potions: the Basic Healing Potion. To craft this, you must understand the importance of ratios in mixing ingredients."

Anna moved to a table at the front of the room, where several alchemical tools and ingredients were laid out. With practiced ease, she began demonstrating how to properly mix a healing potion, measuring each ingredient with meticulous precision. "One wrong step, one incorrect ratio, and the entire potion can be ruined. Focus, attention to detail—these are the keys to success in alchemy."

Marcus watched as she continued her demonstration, his eyes narrowing slightly. Despite the tension between them, there was no denying that Anna was a master in her field. Her movements were fluid and controlled, every action deliberate. She truly was the best alchemist on the continent.

As she finished the demonstration, Anna turned back to the class. "Now, you will all attempt to create a small healing potion. I will be observing your work closely, so do not rush. Quality over speed."

The students began to gather their materials, setting up their stations. Marcus, although uninterested in potion making as a whole, knew better than to slack off in this class. He needed to keep up appearances, and alchemy, while tedious, could be useful in the future.

Charlotte, who was already well-versed in basic alchemy, seemed to glide through the process effortlessly. Serina, on the other hand, appeared slightly more focused, measuring each ingredient with precision but taking her time to ensure everything was correct.

Marcus followed suit, mixing the ingredients with a steady hand. His mind, however, was elsewhere. He could still feel Anna's gaze lingering on him every so often, as if she was waiting for him to make a mistake, to give her a reason to judge him further. But Marcus was careful. He had no intention of giving her that satisfaction.

As the students worked, the soft clinking of glass vials and the quiet murmur of concentration filled the room. It was a stark contrast to the earlier excitement of the duel, but Marcus didn't mind. The quiet gave him time to think, to plan his next steps. The academy, with all its rules and structure, was just another battlefield. And like any battlefield, it required strategy.

Anna walked through the rows, inspecting the students' work. When she reached Marcus's station, she paused, her eyes flickering to the potion he had created. She didn't say anything, but there was a hint of surprise in her expression. It wasn't perfect, but it was good enough for a beginner. Marcus met her gaze, his golden eyes unwavering.

Anna narrowed her eyes slightly, then moved on without a word.

The class continued without incident, and by the time it ended, Marcus had successfully created his potion. It wasn't anything groundbreaking, but it was enough to meet the standard. Charlotte and Serina had both done well too, as expected.

As they left the classroom, Marcus couldn't help but feel the weight of the day's events settling on him. Between the duel, the whispers of his classmates, and the subtle tension with Anna, things were starting to shift. The academy, once a mere backdrop to the novel's story, was becoming a battlefield of its own.

Thinking this Marcus decided that it was now time to finally Collect Demon points and become strong.