
As Marcus waited for his meal to arrive, he glanced out the window. The sky had darkened now, and the moons had risen high above the academy grounds. The world of vyrandel had two moons—one purple and the other a soft white. Both moons were hanging serenely in the night sky, their lights blending together in a delicate dance that illuminated the academy grounds with an ethereal glow.

The sight of the moons captivated Marcus. They looked so different from anything he'd ever seen on Earth, and yet they filled him with a strange sense of peace. He stared at the moons, mesmerized by their beauty.

It was still surreal to him, being here in this world. A world he'd once only known through the pages of a novel, a story he'd consumed as an escape from reality. Now, this was his reality. He had reincarnated into it, and though it had been overwhelming at first, he realized now how fortunate he truly was. He had a new life, a new body, and a new set of goals.

More importantly, he had a chance to reshape the story—to take control of his own destiny. And not just his own, but the entire fate of vyrandel.

Marcus clenched his fist under the table. He wouldn't squander this second chance. He would make sure to see this world in its entirety—to travel across every continent, meet new people, see the various kingdoms, and venture through places unknown even to the novel's protagonist.

The world of vyrandel was vast and rich with magic, and Marcus felt a deep longing to explore it all. It had become a personal wish of his.

A gentle clinking of plates brought him back to the present. The waiter had returned, placing their meals in front of them. Marcus nodded in thanks and quickly cut into his steak, savoring the rich flavor. Across from him, Lucian and Erza were already eating their stews, the conversation between them light and easy, mostly about academy matters.

As Marcus savored his steak, a thought lingered in the back of his mind. How could he make Lucian his woman without relying solely on his charm ability? He didn't want to rely on his ability too much , and want to win her over with his own efforts.

Then, an idea popped into his mind. What if he used his growing relationship with Erza as a way to stir Lucian's emotions? He had already started building a bond with Erza, and it wouldn't take much to make that bond more apparent. Lucian might react in a way that would open the door for him to get closer to her.

Without overthinking it, Marcus decided to take action. Both Lucian and Erza were eating their stews, discussing academy matters as usual. The conversation flowed easily, but Marcus was barely paying attention now, his mind set on his plan.

Suddenly, he cut a piece of steak and extended his hand toward Erza, offering her the bite. "Say 'ah,'" Marcus said casually, his tone gentle but insistent.

Erza froze for a moment, caught off guard. Her eyes darted from the steak to Marcus's face, and then, unable to stop the blush spreading across her cheeks, she opened her mouth and let him feed her. The moment felt intimate, more so than any of their previous interactions.

Lucian, who had been quietly eating her meal, looked up, her eyes narrowing as she took in the scene before her. Her expression quickly shifted to one of surprise, and then anger.

"What are you both doing?" Lucian demanded, her voice sharp, a flicker of irritation crossing her face.

Erza flinched, suddenly remembering that the principal was sitting right next to her. She had been so caught up in the moment with Marcus that she had forgotten about Lucian's presence. Embarrassed and flustered, she looked down, avoiding eye contact.

Meanwhile, Marcus remained composed, showing no signs of concern as he calmly turned his attention to Lucian. Her piercing gaze bore into him, but Marcus simply smiled, unfazed by her reaction.

"I was just feeding her," Marcus replied smoothly, a playful grin tugging at his lips.

Lucian's eyes widened in disbelief, and a vein pulsed on her forehead, her irritation more apparent now. "How can you do this with your teacher?" she snapped, her voice carrying a mix of disbelief and reprimand.

It was the moment Marcus had been waiting for. He had already decided to reveal the truth to Lucian, and this was the perfect opportunity to do so. With a calm, serious expression, he looked Lucian in the eye and spoke clearly, his words deliberate.

"Mam," Marcus began, his tone sincere, "Erza and I already love each other."

The weight of his statement hung in the air, and for a brief moment, the table fell into silence. Lucian's expression shifted from anger to surprise, her gaze flickering between Marcus and Erza, who sat quietly, her face still flushed.

Lucian, taken aback by the revelation, opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. She was clearly processing the unexpected turn of events.

Marcus, watching her reaction closely, knew this was just the beginning of a more complex game. He had laid the groundwork, and now, it was time to see how Lucian would respond.

Lucian, her face stiff with anger, turned sharply toward the staff who were lingering at the edge of the room. Her eyes burned with authority as she spoke in a dangerously calm voice. "All of you, leave. Now." Her tone brooked no argument. "And if any of you breathe a word of what happened here, you'll wish you hadn't. I won't hesitate to end your lives if this conversation gets out."

The staff quickly bowed and hurried out of the room, their faces pale from the underlying threat. Lucian's power was no secret, and none of them wanted to test her resolve.

Once the room was cleared, Lucian let out a frustrated sigh, muttering to herself,''Good enough that there are no students here.''

She then turned her fierce gaze back to Erza, her tone filled with anger and disbelief. "How can you fall in love with your student, Erza? Have you lost your mind?"

Erza, caught off guard by the force of Lucian's words, looked down, unable to meet her lucian's gaze. Her usual confidence seemed to waver under the weight of the situation. She had no immediate answer and found herself at a loss for words.

But Marcus, unfazed by Lucian's anger, decided to intervene. "Why can't we fall in love with each other, ma'am? Just because we're student and teacher?" His voice was calm, his gaze steady as he met Lucian's cold eyes. He could sense the storm brewing in her, her composure teetering on the edge of something dangerous. But he also knew she wouldn't kill him—he was too valuable, and she was too controlled, despite her rage.

Lucian's eyes narrowed, her fury barely contained. She was clearly on the verge of striking out, but Marcus held her gaze, his expression gentle, almost daring her to act. He knew far more about her than she realized—her desires, her loneliness, and the fact that in the novel, she would eventually seek love in Leo's harem. It gave Marcus the confidence to push her boundaries now.

"She's much older than you," Lucian said, her voice sharp. "She's closer to your mother's age than yours." There was a venom in her words, as if she were trying to shame them both for their feelings.

Marcus, however, wasn't swayed. He shook his head. "So what? Age doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is whether we love each other or not." His tone was resolute, standing firm against Lucian's cold logic.

Lucian's anger faltered for a moment, a flash of something unreadable passing over her face as Marcus continued to speak. His boldness, his confidence—it was both irritating and disarming. She wasn't used to being challenged, especially by someone she saw as a child.

And then Marcus, sensing the shift, decided to push his luck even further. His voice took on a teasing tone as he smirked slightly. "Don't worry, Lucian," he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I also love you. And I'll make sure you fall in love with me too."

His words hung in the air, and for a moment, the room was silent.

Both Erza and Lucian were utterly stunned. Erza's eyes widened, her face which was a deeper shade of red turned to shocked expression, while Lucian's mouth fell open, completely caught off guard by Marcus's audacity.

The room, once tense with anger, now held a charged, unexpected silence.