I really pushed my Luck

Lucian held Marcus in her arms, carefully carrying him towards his dormitory. Marcus, still feeling the fatigue from their recent training, let his head rest against her shoulder. The entire walk, Marcus remained silent, lost in thought, until his stomach growled audibly, breaking the quiet between them.

"I'm hungry," Marcus muttered, his voice low but clear enough for Lucian to hear. "Can you take me to the cafeteria?"

Lucian glanced down at him, her Golden eyes softening slightly. "You should rest, Marcus."

Marcus groaned, shifting slightly in her arms. "I'm going to die of hunger. "

Lucian sighed, her hold on him tightening slightly as she adjusted her grip. Without another word, she changed direction, carrying Marcus towards the cafeteria instead of the dormitory. As they walked through the corridors, a few students caught sight of the strange scene—Marcus, the notorious troublemaker, being carried by none other than Principal Lucian herself. Whispers quickly spread among the students, their eyes wide with shock. But Marcus, unfazed by the attention, didn't pay them any mind. His focus was entirely on the food he was craving.

Lucian pushed open the doors to the cafeteria, her presence immediately silencing the few students who had gathered there for a late meal. Without stopping, she carried Marcus straight past the students and up to the second floor, a section reserved only for the academy's faculty. It was the first time Marcus had ever set foot on the teachers' dining floor. He glanced around, noticing how much more refined the setting was compared to the student area below.

"I'm a student," Marcus commented as Lucian set him down at a table. "Isn't this against the rules?"

Lucian smirked, taking a seat across from him. "I don't want any students watching me eat with a student," she replied, her voice firm yet playful. "And don't forget, Marcus, I'm the principal. I make the rules."

Marcus leaned back in his chair, a small grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. "So, you want to eat with me?"

Lucian shot him a sharp look, but before she could reply, a waiter appeared at their table. Without hesitation, Marcus ordered a large steak with eggs and a side salad, while Lucian opted for a simple stew. Once the waiter left, Lucian turned her attention back to Marcus, her expression serious.

"Marcus," she began, her tone low and dangerous. "If you don't stop this act, I will really kill you."

Marcus froze, the lightness in his expression fading as he realized he might have gone too far. But even with the weight of her words hanging in the air, he refused to back down. His heart pounded in his chest, but he met her gaze steadily.

"I know I'm young and that I'm your student," Marcus said softly, his voice steady despite the tension. "But still, I love you, Lucian. And I'm not going to back down from that."

Lucian's eyes widened for a brief moment, her composure slipping as his words reached her. Her heart raced unexpectedly, though she quickly regained control over herself. She leaned back in her chair, folding her arms across her chest.

"You still have Erza," Lucian countered, her voice sharp. "At least think about her. Aren't you betraying her by loving me?"

A sly smile crept across Marcus's face as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. "Are you jealous?" he asked, his tone teasing. "Don't worry, my feelings for Erza won't change. I love her, just as I love you. My love for both of you will not change."

Before he could say more, Marcus reached out, his hand slowly inching towards hers. But before he could make contact, Lucian slapped his hand away, her eyes blazing with irritation. Marcus winced slightly, but the grin on his face didn't waver. He was pushing his luck, and he knew it. But something about this dangerous dance with Lucian thrilled him.

The tension between them was interrupted by the waiter's return, carrying their meals. As the plates were placed in front of them, Lucian didn't touch her food. Instead, she leaned back in her chair and addressed the staff.

"All of you," she ordered, her voice cold and authoritative. "Empty this place. Now."

Without hesitation, the staff quickly cleared out, leaving the dining area empty except for Lucian and Marcus. Marcus's excitement grew. He thought, for a fleeting moment, that Lucian might have acknowledged his feelings, or at least decided to address them.

Lucian stood up from her seat, her eyes locked on Marcus. For a moment, he thought he saw something soft in her gaze, and hope fluttered in his chest. But that hope was short-lived.

Suddenly, Lucian's hand shot out, gripping Marcus by the throat and lifting him off the ground effortlessly. His breath caught in his throat, his body dangling helplessly in her grasp. His heart raced as he stared into her cold, emotionless eyes, realizing just how close to death he truly was.

"Lucian…" Marcus gasped, struggling to breathe as her grip tightened. "If you want to kill me… then do it. But know this—I loved you. I still love you, and nothing will change that."

Lucian's expression remained unreadable as Marcus's words hung in the air. Her grip tightened for a moment, and Marcus felt his vision begin to blur, darkness creeping in from the edges. Just as he was on the verge of losing consciousness, Lucian's grip loosened, and she threw him to the ground with a force that sent him skidding across the floor.

Marcus coughed, gasping for air as he lay on the floor, clutching his throat. The pain radiated through his body, but even in that moment, he couldn't help but feel a sense of victory. He had survived. And more than that, he had faced Lucian's wrath head-on and still declared his feelings. It was a dangerous game, but one he was willing to play.

Lucian, without another word, turned on her heel and strode out of the cafeteria, her expression unreadable. Marcus watched her leave, his heart still pounding in his chest. He slowly pushed himself to his feet, wincing at the soreness in his neck.

As he stood there, catching his breath, Marcus couldn't help but smile. The pain in his throat was nothing compared to what he faced in his training . He had taken a gamble, and while Lucian's reaction had been violent, she hadn't killed him. That meant there was still a chance—however slim—that she felt something for him. He just needed time. He would wear her down, slowly but surely.

As Marcus dusted himself off, his thoughts drifted to his charm ability. He knew that if he upgraded it, situations like this would be easier to handle. He could have made Lucian more susceptible to his advances, avoided the near-death experience entirely. But deep down, a part of him didn't want to rely on his abilities to win her over. He wanted to do it on his own, through his words, his actions. He wanted Lucian to love him for who he was, not because of some magical influence.

"Rizz over charm," he muttered to himself with a grin, walking back to his seat and sitting down to finish his steak.

Marcus, satisfied with his meal, wiped his mouth and looked across the table. Lucian's stew sat untouched. She had left in a rush, and while her departure still lingered heavily on his mind, Marcus couldn't resist. He pulled the bowl towards him, savoring every bite. The stew was warm, hearty, and soothing after the intensity of the encounter. As he finished the last spoonful, Marcus leaned back in his chair, his stomach full and his thoughts swirling.

He had pushed his luck with Lucian today, no doubt about it. But even though she had nearly killed him, something in her hesitation gave him hope.

With a sigh, Marcus stood up and made his way out of the cafeteria. His steps were slow, his body still sore from Lucian's violent outburst. The pain in his neck reminded him just how close he had come to death, but the thought only fueled his resolve. He was in no hurry, so he walked leisurely, his mind replaying the events that had just transpired.

As Marcus exited the cafeteria, Lucian stood on the top of cafeteria building ,watching him silently. Her expression was unreadable, her usual calm mask firmly in place. But internally, Lucian was conflicted. When she had wrapped her hand around his throat, she truly believed she would make marcus give up on her. Yet, she hadn't been able to. Something had stopped her, something she couldn't explain.

Her mind drifted back to their first meeting in the infirmary. Marcus, even then, had been bold, teasing her in ways no one else dared to. but now, watching him struggle to walk away from the cafeteria, she couldn't shake the odd sensation growing within her.

Why hadn't she killed him?

Lucian shook her head, trying to clear the image of Marcus from her mind, but it persisted. The way he had looked at her, even as she nearly choked the life out of him, it had stirred something inside her—something foreign and unsettling. For the first time in her long life, Lucian found herself uncertain.

She stood there, her eyes fixed on Marcus as he slowly made his way down the path towards his dormitory. He walked with an unsteady gait, clearly still recovering from their earlier encounter. Lucian felt a pang of guilt she couldn't explain. Why did seeing him like this make her feel… sad?

This was unfamiliar territory for Lucian. She had always been decisive, cold, and logical. But now, watching Marcus, a mixture of frustration and something softer twisted inside her. She didn't know what was happening to her, why she felt conflicted about a student who dared to challenge her authority. She shouldn't feel anything for him, yet she did.

Lucian's hands clenched at her sides as she continued to watch him from above. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, and for once, she didn't have the answers. All she knew was that Marcus had managed to do something no one else had—he had gotten under her skin.

And that terrified her.