Chapter 32 : Corrupted Yggdrasil 2

"Having obsession and wanting attention is different, you can't judge a person based on their action", Yang Luoya said. 

"Listen when adult are talking", Yan Xiaoluo scold again. "I dedicated my entire life acting, i know what's inside someone else mind. I don't know how your brother acted originally from your novel, but i just want to warn you"

"How can you said that? i tried to shape his character so he would become a good king in the future", Yang Luoya said defensively. 

They finally quieted down. "How he supposed to look like based on original novel?", Yan Xiaoluo asked. "..... cold and tyrant king with twisted personalities caused by traumatic childhood", Yang Luoya simply said. 



"Well anyway let me continue my story"

"(He ignored me didn't he?)"

"Since i knew his obsession, i tried to create distance between us, hoping he would lost interest in me one day. But after i create distance between us, he acted like an abandoned puppy despite my cold attitude towards him. Just like you said, i let it be, thinking he's just feeling guilty and wanted more attention" 

"And then what happened?", He's curious.

"A lot happened here and there. I even knew what it feels like locked inside his room", He laughed darkly.

"You skip way too much"

"In the end the final boss appeared, Azraketh, or in familiar term you can call it Corrupted Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil was known as world tree, bring life for any living being around it, but Azraketh is different. It suck away any living being around it leaving dry and unhabitat land. It's chaotic you know since no one can cultivate if that giant tree still stand. A breathless being awaken and create havoc here and there by the call of Azraketh. People in this novel call it demonic art or whatever, but i call it necromancy era"

"Like i said you skip way too much"

"In the end i manage to defeat it with the help of my 'good' disciple"

"What happened to your relationship with Zhou Chenfeng?", Yang Luoya finally ask. 

"we....", Yan Xiaoluo suddenly blushed.

"Alright i don't want to hear any more of this", he had enough. 

"What about you, tell me your novel background", Yan Xiaoluo asked. 

"It's not much. It tells about the protagonist Qing Shan who was looking for his parent death cause. The devil who stay inside the cursed realm is the culprit. But the devil couldn't awaken by himself, so he promised to fulfil and give the person who awaken him 3 wishes. They have to collect 10 blood candle and sacrificial blade to awaken the devil. It should be Liu Ao who collect it all, and it's still years in the future. Liu Ao currently snuggling with my servant back at my castle but there's this mysterious person already collecting 2 blood candle"

"Yikes... so it feels like being chased down by bad ending huh?", Yan Xiaoluo sighed. "Do you have any guess who that mysterious person is?", he continued. Yang Luoya shakes his head. "Currently there's none. I think this person is another transmigrated person, just like me"

"Other than the bad ending, i'm afraid about the consequences by taking each blood candle. Everytime one candle was taken, a horrible creature also awaken. Blood butterfly and blood bird has appeared, the first two is not dangerous but.... the more blood candle was taken, stronger creature will appear. The tenth one can wipe the entire continent.....", Yang Luoya was shaken a bit by the thought. 

".... sorry i couldn't help since i already dead. But.... Take Kirin with you, he might be useful for you", Kirin appeared from thin air and float around them. "Despite his current look, he used to be strong creature. Maybe by following you he might discover and get his power back"

"What do you mean by 'used to'?! i'm the great Kirin. I'm the strongest being", he sound so proud of himself. "Kirin.... you should look yourself in mirror. Your size was decreased by hundreds and you called yourself the strongest? even a toddler will laugh at you", Yan Xiaoluo scold him. Kirin was feeling down after the scold, he was sulking. 

"And also, take the old compass from my desk with you", after that Yang Luoya opened Yan Xiaoluo's desk drawer and discover a broken old compass. "Is this old compass have some unique power in it?", he ask. 

"No it's not", He answer simply.

"Then why you ask me to take this with me?"

"This might help you in the future. This compass was a gift from my disciple- no... i shouldn't call him that anymore, It was a gift from my husband for me", Yan Xiaoluo blushed a bit and look away. Yang Luoya was in disbelief. 

"Listen... i might be dead but.... he, Zhou Chenfeng may still be alive. He's much stronger than me so i believe he's still alive and well. um... maybe he's an old man now but his strength still remain. When you meet him, he might get agitated when you have my compass, he's a bit psychotic and hot headed. Don't worry he won't kill you as long as you explain that you're the disciple of my disciple.... maybe"

"Why you sound so unsure?", Yang Luoya glare at Yan Xiaoluo.

"Don't worry, don't worry. I believe in you. Just ask him to fight strong enemies. He will be your greatest strength. Currently... he might be the only strongest person to defeat that horrible creature who can wipe out the entire continent. You had no choice but depend on him for the last resort, he has defeated a demi-god like tree after all "

Yang Luoya sigh, "You're right... i have to gather more strength. I have to count on him for now. Because.... even if all of us gather our strength.... it won't be enough, i have to find stronger person to help us"

"I'm curious... how your novel ended originally?"

".... i don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I haven't read the ending yet"

"You fucked up, your life depended on the ending yet you didn't even read it"

"I regretted already... I only know that the protagonist used several artifact to fight against the devil, but now all the artifact was gone. wait... there's someone who might know the ending, i have to ask him"




"Big brother hasn't returned from library, i'm worried.... should i went after him?", Yang Wei thought as he came down from Kirin Peak. After few second, he decided to follow after Yang Luoya. As soon as he arrived at library entrance, he saw the librarian on his desk, near the entrance door. Yang Wei tried to figure out how to went past the librarian. Suddenly a cat meowing beside him. They look at each other for a moment before it run inside the library. 

"Hey, where's this cat come from?!", the librarian left his desk and chase after the cat. Yang Wei use that chance to sneak in and go to 4th floor. "He said he went to 4th floor"

Yang Wei finally arrived at Yan Xiaoluo's private study. The door opened a bit so he take a peek and eavesdrop on them. He heard few murmur.

"- You had no choice but depend on him for ..., he .... after all "

"You're right... I have to count on him for now..... even if all of us gather our strength.... it won't be enough, i have to find stronger person to help...."

He only heard few part of the conversation. But he felt his chest tightened from what he had heard. He squeezed his palm. Who he's talking with, who he's talking about. His mind is in mess.

"So brother never depend on me because i'm weak?", Yang Wei left the library with empty mind.