Cursed meeting

**Father, what's the date today?** Velda asked.

**Ah, today is the day of the Cursed Heritage Festival,** his father replied, his voice tinged with a mix of excitement and solemnity.

**Will Satoru be here?** Velda asked eagerly.

**Of course. He's the heir of the Gojo Clan,** his father remarked.

**When do we go?** Velda inquired.

**Now is the time, we need to head over,** his father answered with urgency.

**Why didn't you mention this earlier?** Velda exclaimed.

**I forgot! Damn it, I need to change my clothes,** his father said hurriedly.

At the banquet hall, the atmosphere was electric with anticipation.

**Yo, Satoru!** Velda greeted as he approached.

**Yo, Velda,** Satoru responded with a nod.

**We've never really had a chance to spar. How about a fight?** Velda suggested.

**Sure, let's take that spot over there,** Satoru agreed with a grin.

The referee's voice rang out: **"1, 2, 3... Go!"**

Satoru launched a Lapse Blue attack, but Velda countered with his Whispering Chains of Heaven, effortlessly destroying the attack.

**Prominence Burst!** Velda shouted, but the attack stalled mid-air. Satoru smirked, thinking he had the upper hand, only to be blindsided by Velda's Crimson Tempest, which struck with unexpected force.

**Oh no, I'm not losing!** Satoru declared, catching Velda by his long hair and delivering an infinity-infused punch.


Velda whispered, **"Count the prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11..."**

Suddenly, Velda shouted, **"SHADOW STRIKE!"**

Satoru froze momentarily, only to be pierced from behind. His mind raced in disbelief: *Was this just a friendly duel?*

**Just an illusion,** Velda said with a smirk, then delivered a powerful kick to Satoru's abdomen.


**Winner: Fenrir Velda!**

**How did I lose?** Satoru wondered to himself, bewildered.

**Because you rely too heavily on Infinity,** came a voice—none other than Satoru's father, who had been watching the match intently.

**You did well, Satoru,** Velda said, his tone respectful.

**You're incredibly strong, Velda!** Satoru acknowledged.

**Care to explore this place with me?** Velda offered.

**Sure,** Satoru agreed, a spark of curiosity lighting up his eyes.

As they wandered through the festival, the echoes of their battle lingered, and both warriors knew that this encounter had marked the beginning of a deeper understanding and respect between them.

After their intense duel, Satoru and Velda wandered through the festival grounds, the vibrant atmosphere starkly contrasting their earlier battle. The evening was alive with activity, and the air was filled with the buzz of celebration.

They soon arrived at a food stall, where the rich aromas of various dishes wafted through the air. Velda, still buzzing from the fight, eagerly sampled spicy grilled skewers, while Satoru enjoyed a hearty stew. As they ate, they joked about how the festival's cuisine could almost rival their fierce combat.

Next, they found a performance area where traditional dancers in elaborate costumes moved gracefully to lively music. Velda, admiring the precision of the performers, commented on how their coordinated movements were reminiscent of their own battle strategies. Satoru nodded in agreement, appreciating the parallels between the dancers' synchronized steps and their own tactical maneuvers.

Their exploration continued as they visited several artisan stalls. Velda was intrigued by beautifully crafted artifacts imbued with cursed energy, while Satoru examined intricate scrolls detailing various techniques. They discussed how these creations reflected a mastery akin to their own combat skills.

As night deepened, they tried their hand at various festival games. They engaged in friendly competitions involving puzzles and challenges related to cursed energy. Their playful rivalry shifted to camaraderie as they tackled the games together, enjoying each other's company and skills in a different context.

Finally, they found a quiet spot by a reflecting pool adorned with floating lanterns. Sitting by the water, they reflected on their duel and shared their thoughts on their respective journeys and philosophies. The calm setting provided a perfect opportunity for deeper conversation, and their earlier rivalry gave way to mutual respect.

The festival, once a backdrop for their fight, became a space for them to connect and bond. By the end of the night, their shared experiences had forged a deeper understanding and a newfound friendship, extending beyond the battlefield.

**Velda's Perspective:**

As the festival wound down, Velda and Satoru walked together towards the festival's exit. The evening had turned into a night of meaningful conversations and newfound camaraderie, and Velda felt a sense of satisfaction from the day's events.

"Well, Satoru," Velda said, extending his hand, "it was an intense duel, but I'm glad we got to explore the festival together. I enjoyed our time."

Satoru shook Velda's hand with a smile. "I feel the same. You're stronger than I expected, and the festival was a great way to get to know you better. Thanks for the friendly rivalry and the company."

Velda nodded, watching as Satoru started down the path leading away from the festival grounds. "Take care, Satoru. Until next time."

As Velda turned to head towards his own home, he reflected on the evening. The festival had not only been a battleground but also a place where respect and friendship had been forged. He walked with a renewed sense of purpose, looking forward to the future with both old rivalries and new allies.

**Satoru's Perspective:**

Satoru stood at the edge of the festival grounds, watching as Velda made his way toward his home. The night had been a blend of intense combat and genuine connection, and Satoru was content with how things had turned out.

"Goodbye, Velda," Satoru called out, waving. "Today was a great experience. I'm glad we had the chance to fight and then explore the festival together."

Velda turned and waved back, his expression a mix of gratitude and respect. "See you around, Satoru. It was a pleasure. I look forward to our next encounter."

As Velda disappeared into the distance, Satoru began his own walk home, the echoes of their duel still vivid in his mind. The festival had been a fitting end to their clash, and the evening had provided valuable insights and new perspectives. Satoru smiled, feeling a sense of anticipation for future challenges and the evolving friendships they would bring.