"Riser has been expecting you"
The man was so arrogant as to refer to himself in the third person, wasn't this fantastic, what next, he thinks he is unkillable.
"Once Riser defeats you, Rias would become Risers and Risers alone"
The man's eyes then look at Takeo.
"So die like the worm you are"
{Promotion Knight}
Before Riser could even get the chance to finish his sentence, Takeo was already right infront of him.
Using all the power in his leg, Takeo delivered a powerful kick that elevated the man several feet off the floor.
It might even have looked like he was ascending to heaven.
Riser retaliated by launching several fireballs toward Takeo, however, Takeo proceeded to gather all the air around them around his feet, creating some sort of vacuum around the flame that Riser was creating.
Without the flame receiving their fuel source, they eventually died out and Takeo did not waste even a single second to launch the power wing attack at Riser.
The wind managed to slash the devil in multiple places in his body, managing to cause severe damage.
However, due to his Phoenix dna, Riser was healing all the damage taken, however, this was what Takeo wanted while Riser was busy healing his damage.
Takeo would not stop piling up the damage on the devil.
{Promotion Rook}
With a punch so powerful, he managed to make all ten of the devil's toes curl up as the floor beneath them shattered under the force of such a massive blow
While Takeo was laying the beating on Riser, Rias had managed to sneak inside the building, it was her time to act out this part of the plan.
"Stupid pawn, you must not have realized that Riser is immortal, it does not matter the amount of damage you deal to me...The riser will always heal back!" Riser shouted quite arrogantly.
Takeo looked at all the wounds on Riser's body heal, however, Takeo also saw the fact that Riser's magic reserve seemed to have been getting drained anytime that he was healing.
That was good to know.
"I trust you" Were the words that Takeo said to Rias before rushing toward Riser once again....
He once again started laying this man up with the two-piece combo with no drinks, all this man was getting was fist sandwiched all over his face.
Using his body momentum in order to boost himself, Takeo proceeded to launch a devasting spin kick aimed at the man's jaw.
"What did Riser tell you about Riser healing...."
"Your puny attacks cannot hurt Riser!" Riser's voice was heard saying before he felt his blood dripping down his face.
Wait? he was actually bleeding...as in he was bleeding for real and this was not fake.
Why wasn't he healing?
"Why is Riser not healing?" Riser asked mostly himself, why was his healing factor not kicking in.
It then clicked, and his eyes went toward Rias who was nearby, and what seemed to be a magic circle under her feet.
Riser felt destruction energy all over his body...
"Rias, my beloved, it seems like you have learned some new tricks" Riser sneered a bit upon coming to that realization.
"But this will not stop Ri..." Before he could finish his sentence, he was punched again by Takeo.
"Shut up, I have heard about enough of you speaking in the third person" Takeo exclaimed as he started feeding this man the meanest combo known to man.
It was like fighting against a busted character while you were using a healer....who couldn't heal.
The only way that Riser could win this fight was if he could draw it out with his healing factor but Rias taking care of that.
The only thing that the arrogant devil was seeing was the wonderful stars in the sky.
One second, he was seeing blurry, the next he was seeing double, the next second he would be seeing the sky.
At some point, the devil began to realize at the rate at which this was going he was going to lose.
He was going to love this fight with some filthy reincarnated devil...
This boy wasn't even a devil, he was just a puny human before so why was he losing?
Riser managed to make some distance between himself and Takeo.
The only reason he was losing was because of her.
Riser charged up a powerful spell before launching toward Takeo.
"You will need better aim than that to hit me" Takeo taunted as he dodged the attack with relative ease.
"Riser wasn't aiming for you"
Now realizing who the blast was aimed for, Takeo without wasting a moment of hesitation rushed toward where Rias was.
His vision now being in slow motion as he watched the blast slowly approach Rias while he was too far away to do anything about it.
His bright red eyes, suddenly changed color to become a cerulean blue color.
He would not let this blast hit Rias no matter what.
Noticing the blast coming near her, Rias had no time to dodge, she tried to cancel the spell on Riser in order to make a water wall infront of her to stop the damage or create an air vacuum to outright kill the fire but she didnt have enough time.
Her pretty emerald eyes looked toward Takeo who seemed to be rushing toward her at full speed.
As the blast near her, she felt her inevitable end coming...if she had one regret....it would be not confessing her love sooner.
A huge explosion was heard, and Riser watched as the side that he had launched the Fireball at seemed to seem have gotten incinerated.
He seemed proud of himself and was about to babble on about how his victory was assured since the beginning of the fight, However, all he saw was Takeo holding Rias close to him.
Upon noticing that Rias had no wound on her and upon injecting her body full of Senjutsu and sharing his life force energy with her, he was sure she was all right.
Ria's eyes slowly opened up....as she slowly got accustomed to the light infront of her stood Takeo, something about him had changed.