Chapter 5: Spoils Pt.3

"Make sure to give Valor my regards" my mother spoke as she waved me down our front path. 

As per Silvianas instructions I was on the way to the Mercia house in order to meet with her father, Valor. He was a very close friend of my mother, so growing up he has always been part of my life.

After a brief walk I arrived at a larger home on the outskirts of the village. Before I could even make it to knock on the door I heard metallic clangs and labored grunts cut through the silence. Curiosity piqued, I made my way along the side of the house and towards the sound that was revealed to be Valor and Eldrin locked in training. 

"HNNH" Eldrin grunted loudly as he lunged forward. Closing the distance he raised his sword and forcefully swung it towards his fathers side. Valor quickly reacted and placed the head of his spear on the underside of Eldrins sword; seamlessly moving the pole in a circular motion the swords path was effortlessly redirected causing the blade to swing upwards and past his body before slamming into the ground with a muffled thud.

With the bout clearly over Valor stepped back. Eldrin, breathing heavily, began to pull his blade and himself from the ground. 

"Your movements are far too grandiose." Valor's voice boomed . "Less peacock, more precision! Such wide swings do nothing but create opportunity for your opponent to parry and use your own weapon against you. Again!" 

As Eldrin went to move back into his original starting position my presence came into his view. 

"Sennin!" he called out in a relieved tone as he lifted his hand and signaled me over. An invitation I of course accepted. 

"Here for your gift?" Valor teased.

He was a larger man whose body was trained to its pinnacle. Practically a foresight into Eldrin's future, the two were nearly identical. The only difference was that Valor lacked the iconic freckles shared by everyone else in his family.

To most, Valor might seem intimidating due to his stature and status. But to me, he was family—a type of fatherly figure. 

Currently, Valor serves as both the acting village chief and troop commander. Though our village respected a type of gerontocracy, with the current elder in a practically senile state, Valor had assumed the responsibilities of governance. While he and the general public alike still hold respect and honor for our elder, his authority is mostly one only in name. Because of this, the current system has all but dissolved in the minds most, with everyone expecting Valor to take the official title after the elders passing. 

I smiled in response to his teasing as we approached each other, and he placed his hand firmly on my shoulder. 

Giving a nod to Eldrin who quickly left, Valor looked me in the eyes and started speaking "Now listen Sennin, I know it may seem early for this" he chuckled but let us speak honestly. You seem to have quite a knack for being ahead of the curve. Not to mention, I have seen you on your adventures." 

He referenced the ones us kids would often partake in. Surely nothing more than child's play to him and the real adventures he has experienced, yet he spoke with genuine intent and a straight face—revealing his softer family side.

"You're agile, fast, and think quickly on your feet. You might lack muscle now, but that's something you'll grow into, I'm sure of it." As he spoke, Eldrin reappeared holding something long and wrapped in a sheet.

Valor extended his arm, and as Eldrin handed him the item, he unveiled a spear nearly identical to his own.

 With a proud grin he offered it to me, and I accepted it in awe.

 The staff was made of smoothed black iron with leather wrapping for grip. The head was a polished silver color and was almost blinding when the light it reflected hit your eyes, though I could not tell specifically what material it was.

"It's a partisan spear, same design as my own, but made to better fit your size and needs, even if it is still a bit large. The wide center blade and crescent protrusions on the base make for smooth sweep attacks while ensuring plenty of ability to counter thrust and parry." His words echoed in the background as I remained infatuated, examining the spear.

Suddenly, his voice hardened, and his tone became incredibly matter of fact. "Sennin. I want you to start training alongside Eldrin and myself, and in time, to join the village guard."

After a bit more talking it was decided that I would begin training three times a week with Valor and Eldrin. I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited but still, I was happy about being able to talk him down from his original plan of five days.

Because at the end of the day there was still something waiting for me at home, something I was far more interested in.