Chapter 9: Those Who Know Pt.2

The air was heavy and silent. Hestia simply sat and stared at me from across the table, clearly awaiting a response I did not yet have.

I sat confused as to what her words could possibly mean. The only choice I had was to ask her.

"What do you mean it's a prison?" I nervously muttered.

"I am sure your mother has forbidden you to speak of magic, yes?"

Once again, I felt myself freeze up. I was sure that she was alluding to something earlier, but now there was no ignoring it.

She sighed in response to my silence. "You need not be afraid my child, nor do you need to continue this facade any longer. I did not question your mother's story, but if she truly believes she is fooling me, then the only fool she has made is herself. I played along for as long as I could, and if things were different, I would have continued. But I fear the rules of the game will soon be changing, and thus, it must now come to an end. So I will ask you my question once again."

Everything I knew to be the sweet old lady before me had so quickly shifted. The warm and soothing voice she spoke with had withered into a flat and emotionless monotone. Her cheerful and happy demeanor to that of someone exhausted with the world. I could not explain exactly how I felt, but I knew one thing, I was scared.

I took a moment to collect my nerves, "Yes...She has. Though she will not tell me why…"

"You asked what I meant when I said this place is a prison?"

I nodded in agreement.

"Long before you were born, a struggle within our empire began to emerge. A conflict between the old ways and the new. Your mother, like many of us, believed in the old ways—the ways of Federalism, where the balance of power was maintained and no single force could dominate the other. It was this balance that allowed our people to thrive for generations. Keeping tyranny at bay and ensuring that suffering could never take root.".

Her gaze drifted as she spoke, as if she were looking back on memories of a time long past. For a brief moment, I saw a glimmer of the warmth I knew, but it quickly faded as she continued.

"However, balance is a fragile thing, and in time, tyrants did rise. We did what we could to prevent it. But cunning are the ways of greed and evil, and in the end, it was that cunning that prevailed. A great many died, and those of us that were left were made to be prisoners. Stripped of everything that made them who they were and forced into a life of exile."

Her eyes locked onto mine again, the gravity of her words sinking in. "This island is that place of exile Sennin. Many of those who are trapped here would do anything to escape it. I know you are still young, and that much of what I have just said is no doubt difficult and confusing for you to fully understand. I am sure that as you grow older all of this will begin to make sense, but for now, I fear a terrible change is coming. Magic is a great and powerful tool, which is precisely why it is strictly forbidden to even discuss its existence on this island, let alone practice it. But that is also why it is crucial now more than ever that you learn how to use it. So that when the time does come, you can fight back against those who seek your ruin. Do you understand?" 

My mind felt overwhelmed. All of this was so much to take in, and as she assumed, I wasn't really sure what to make of it all. "I—I am not sure, but regardless, my mother will only teach me the concepts of magic because she said I am too young to be able to cast. And I guess she's right, after all, I nearly lost my arm the last time I tried."

"You are a boy of nearly 11 now. I know it may not seem like much time has passed since the incident, but I assure you, your body has matured more than you realize. Of course, you will need to start slow and focus on control, but the potential you hold is something truly amazing."

Though the reasons she explained were daunting, to say the least, the idea of learning to cast was still something I desired immensely. I stared at my arm as I thought about what she said. "Even if what you say is true, my mother will never agree to it. She still feels responsible for what happened."

"Then I will teach you," she replied vigorously.

"What?" I replied, shocked.

"Though my personal expertise lies mostly in healing and ritual magic, I am more than capable. Your mother can teach you the concepts, and I shall teach you how to use them."