Chapter 14: A Warrior's Journey Pt.3

The last four days had proceeded quite well. Our trapping had been successful, and we no longer had to worry about securing food for the remainder of our time out here. Over the last two days, we had mostly focused on tracking.

Since Noxpanthers are almost exclusively nocturnal hunters, our only hope was to make use of any trails or prey they left behind. We would be at too much of a disadvantage if we attempted to pursue them at night.

Yet even that was easier said than done. They are incredibly agile and efficient, using the dense canopy of the forest to cover vast distances, only touching the ground when descending upon their prey.

But towards the end of today, we identified what seemed to be the best objective we could hope for—a den. It was a small cave-like opening near Hunter's Ridge on the east side of the island peak. At sunrise tomorrow, we would make our way there and attempt to catch the beast, tired and off guard.

"Eldrin, Sennin," Valor uttered in a hushed voice as we crouched, hidden in the dense foliage near the cave's entrance. "When we advance, I will take the right side; you two will take the left. Stay low and be aware of where you stand. The ground around the entrance relies on the dense moss growth to hold the loose rock together. One wrong step, and the noise will give us away, or worse."

We both nodded in agreement.

"Once we reach the opening, hug the side of the wall. I will light some torches and throw them in to balance the field out. The last thing we want is to fight that thing in the dark. Remember, their saliva is paralytic, and they spread that onto their claws. Our best method of attack is an offensive defense. The leather armor we have will protect the areas it covers, but if you get cut even slightly, you will only have 15 seconds at most before the toxin kicks in and you go down."

"Yes, sir," Eldrin and I responded in sync.

Valor nodded in approval as he began to lead us out of the brush. Once we emerged, our group immediately forked, beginning the climb up the rocky mountain face. The opening was only around 20 feet up, but the steep incline and damp slick moss made it a strenuous task. The best thing we could do was practically lay down and crawl up on all fours.

After a few minutes, we reached the small ledge we were aiming for, allowing us to get on our feet and slowly shuffle to the edges of the entrance. Once in position, Valor pulled a bundle of torches from his back, cut the rope keeping them together, and held them bunched in his hand.

He struck a rod of flint with a piece of iron, and with a small crack, the torches went ablaze. With haste he threw them into the cave, causing the previously pitch-black hole to be illuminated.

"Forward!" he commanded, picking up his spear and charging inside.

Eldrin and I followed suit.

As soon as we entered, our enemy was before us.

A large, menacing black cat stood no less than four feet tall. Behind it, two sleek tails darted around as if they had a mind of their own. Its eyes were a cloudy grayish-white, absent of pupils or irises.

Its size and appearance gave it a truly formidable presence.

The beast rapidly shifted its gaze across the three of us as we took an arrowhead formation. Valor stood at its front, blocking the exit behind him. Eldrin and I positioned ourselves to the left and right against the cave walls. The interior was by no means vast, but was sizeable enough for us to stand and move around without becoming pinned too easily.

I waited anxiously, gripping my spear tightly, its tip pointed upward and toward the beast. With each step back it took, we moved one step forward to meet it. The more we backed it in, the easier it would be for us to collapse upon it.

Every now and then, I would catch my hands beginning to shake, and the pole of my weapon would slip. But I couldn't allow myself to be distracted by my nerves. No matter what I thought or how I felt, I couldn't let my concentration falter for even a moment.

The air was tense and heavy; beads of sweat formed on my face and neck. The only sound that could be heard was the low growl of the Noxpanther and the shifting of dirt as we moved forward.

After what felt like several minutes, it became apparent to both us and the beast alike that it was running out of room to retreat.

It let out a deafening roar as it launched towards Valor, likely aiming for the only method of escape. Quickly, he shifted his feet to steady himself and swung his spear from below in a crescent shape, aiming for the beast's side.

In response, it swatted its paw down to meet his spearhead, causing a loud scratching sound as its claws connected with the metal.

Sliding backward from the force, it let out an aggressive hiss. Without thinking, my body darted forward.

Clenching my hands on the pole, I shoved my spearhead forward.


As the blade pierced between its ribs, the force pushed the beast in Eldrin's direction. As he lifted his sword to swing, the Nox quickly and violently twisted its body and swatted at the pole of my spear. The force was powerful enough that it felt like a seasoned veteran had struck back with a two-handed sword.

Simultaneously, its two tails swung at Eldrin, striking him in the side and sending him into the wall. As his back hit the rock, I could clearly hear the air being knocked out of his lungs.

"Eldrin!" Valor shouted as he rushed forward. 

Taking advantage, the Noxpanther quickly turned its attention and lunged at Eldrin, mouth agape.

Pinned against the wall, Eldrin raised his sword with the guard in front of his face, blade pointed downward. He crossed his other arm perpendicular to his chest and placed the flat edge of his sword atop his leather gauntlet in order to protect and brace himself.

Just in time, the Noxpanther practically wrapped its mouth around the blade, causing blood and shards of tooth to pour out onto the ground. Eldrin grunted as the beast violently shook its head and battered at him with its paws, showing no signs of stopping until Valor was able to intervene. 

While still running, he lifted his spear. "HHNGH!"

The pole left his hand with so much force that you could hear the blade cutting through the air as it shot forward. When it struck the Noxpanther in its left shoulder, the sound of impact reverberated throughout the cave.

It snarled in pain as it was knocked off of Eldrin and staggered on the ground in front of him.

"Sennin, NOW!" Valor ordered as I rushed forward.

Running as fast as I could, I slid the pole of my spear backward through my hands to have more control over the head. Closing the gap, I launched myself upward.

The Noxpanther raised its head to look at me, flashing its bloodied teeth as it prepared to attack.

But it was too late.

By the time we made direct eye contact, I thrust my spear down and into the back of its neck, forcing its head into the cave floor with a thud as its body flailed in a desperate attempt to free itself..

"HAUHHHH!" I yelled out, forcing my spear down with all my strength and weight.

My body jerked around for a few moments as this continued, but eventually, the loud snarls and cries of the panther began to die down as its body became still.

Breathing heavily, I sat on top of it, still gripping my spear and now covered in a mixture of sweat and blood. As I pulled my blade out, all that could be heard was the crunching of it ripping through the spine.

"It is done," I heard Valor declare as I looked up to see him tending to a now-collapsed Eldrin.

My legs were shaky as I picked myself up. I held my breath anxiously until Valor said the only thing I hoped to hear at that moment.

"He will be fine. The toxin has paralyzed him, but his wounds are shallow. The blood is already stopping. His movement should return within the hour."

My lungs practically burst as I let out a massive sigh of relief and fell backwards on the floor next to the dead Nox. My arms, legs, and chest felt as if they were burning. 

"We did it," I muttered in surprise. "We actually killed that thing…"

Valor softly chuckled. "Yeah…you did good, kid."