Chapter 40: I'm way older then you guys.

"Mine too."

Julie nodded too while agreeing with her.

"Who are you living with then?"

He was a little bit reluctant If there were no guardians.

"I live with my grandmother."

Chelsea immediately resolve his confusion while smiling at him.

"Oh. That's good then."

He was relieved as they passed through many almost dilapidated houses.

On the way, many of the neighbours greeted them, and he was not behind at all.

He gave them warm smiles and said some few words.

"This is where I live."

Chelsea entered the same type of house and asked him to come inside.

"Ok... Let's see."

He nodded and entered the house, but the place seemed very tiny and compacted.

As soon as he stepped into it, the house was finished.

He doesn't want to sound disrespectful, so he didn't comment on the house.

"Where do you guys sleep?"

He got curious because there were no beds in the house.

"We just sleep in here."

Chelsea pointed to the floor and described the process of laying the thin mattress and sleeping in it.

"How many people?"

He nodded and got more curious.

"Seven people. My one sibling, some cousins and grandma."

Chelsea smiled and told him without hesitation.

"What?... Seven people?... Where do you guys cook the food then?"

His mind almost went blank and asked about the kitchen.

"Yeah. We cook here."

She pointed beside her and showed him the ridiculous kitchen.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing because it didn't look like a cooking stove.

After filming every nook and cranny, Julie took him to her house and the condition same.

Julie lived with his brother and her sister-in-law, so they had some primitive partition between the room.

Including their kids and her siblings, as well as her cousins, eight people were living on the same house.

Even though they lived in the worst condition, their closeness was beyond humanity.

He felt that they all lived as a loving family, which was the very nicest thing.

They even introduced some of their neighbours which were in the same condition.

Even the kids used to play in the dirtiest water that was under them.

It looked like they were not afraid of diseases.

Another unbelievable thing was most of them looked clean, unlike in his country.

As they were roaming around the place, they reached a small shop again, so he offered to buy things for the kids that followed them.

Each and every kid got a bunch of the things which were carrying on with difficulty while making some of the adults to raise their head.

He even bought some of the things for adults and went away with Chelsea and Julie.

Right now, the three of them headed to the desolate place where the river was connected, and the river was extremely contaminated.

"Do you guys want to be my guides for today?"

He asked while smiling at them.

"What?... Where do you want to go?"

Julie was confused while scratching her head.

"Wherever you wished to show me? I'll be in your care."

He opened his arms while turning around.

"But we don't have money."

Chelsea blushed while looking down.

"Don't worry about the money. It's on me for today."

He confirmed while grinning at them.

"Ok. So you will pay for anything that we want to buy, right?"

Chelsea wanted the confirmation while her eyes sparkled.

"As long as I can afford or not illegal."

He nodded and glanced at them one by one.

"Alright. Let's go to my home first. I want to change clothes."

Julie walked towards their home while they followed.

Each of them told their guardians and went to change their clothes.

When they got out, they became more beautiful as well as a little modern.

They were wearing extremely short clothes as well as. little revealing.

They quickly took the shortcut and got out of the slum area.

"Why did you guys wore such clothes? Aren't you guys still kids?"

He asked while checking their dresses.

"We're not kids. If we are kids, then you are also a kid. How old are you?"

Chelsea quirk while defending seriously.

"I'm eighteen, way older than you guys."

He smirked and boosted while extending his chest.

"Haha... We are almost the same age. A mere two years older is nothing. We are the same as you."

Julie extended her chest and reasoned.

"Kids, don't be naughty. I've two wives, so I'm way older than you guys."

He shook his head and gave the shock to them.

"You are married?... And have two wives too?... WTF."

Both of the girls nearly spit out the vomit of blood.

"Yes. So I'm way older than you guys."

He ruffled their hair while grinning devilishly.

No matter how much he explained, they were not believing a bit and kept bothering him, so he had to show them the pictures.

At last, with some weird expression, they accepted the fact, he was married, but they didn't accept the fact that they were a lot younger than him.

In mid-conversation, they arrived at a Joleebee, a famous franchised food restaurant.

The girls ordered everything they wanted to eat and sat down on a table with lots of food and drink.

They kept introducing about the things as they ate as much as they can.

They could barely finish the food and drink.

Furthermore, they got out of the place and walked towards a place where clothes were sold.

They kept walking around the place while trying to select few clothes.

Without any complaint, he bought them the clothes that they selected, which was a couple of pairs for each of them.

As they entered a bikini shop, the girl's eyes light up and kept circling around the place.

They grabbed some of them and went to try inside the changing room while he waited.

A few minutes later, they came back with a smile on their face.

"Do you have a swimming trunk?"

Chelsea asked while looking at his face.