Returning to a Civilization (2)

This day marked the official start of his journey to become powerful. The hints were clear to him now, and they didn't seem impossible.

To gain his own power, he could practice warrior techniques with Athena from time to time. As a goddess who excelled in wars and combat, although mainly on strategies, she would be the perfect teacher for him. Besides, Athena herself was interested, sensing the spirit of a warrior within him.

Another way was through sharing powers via a from his summons. If his two god summons had blessings to offer, then other, weaker summons might be able to share something as well through another he hadn't yet discovered. There was still much mystery to uncover.

Next on his long list of goals, he needed to train his body using to understand it better. There was something strange about the system, especially in how it could restrict one's growth by merely relying on . Leonard suspected there might be a way to bypass these limitations, now, with Athena's blessing.

Through days of training and meditation, Leonard learned more than what could be written or spoken—he discovered them firsthand.

'Body Wisdom is incredible. Even without activating it, I can see profound details about my body.'

Unbeknownst to him, what he was experiencing was different from what he expected, yet he failed to fully recognize it.

"Leonard, have you ever thought about becoming an assassin?" Liam's voice caught his attention, his raised eyebrow signaling his surprise. Did Liam sound desperate, or was it just his imagination? Even though it was the first time hearing it, Leonard felt like Liam had been holding back this question for a long time.

"Why do you ask?"

Before answering, Liam paused, sealing his lips in thoughtful silence. His eyes wandered around the surroundings as they walked toward the nearest town.

"You fit the role. You have potential."

'Assassin? Me?'

Leonard didn't respond immediately. He gave it some thought—assassins were cool, and there was a certain appeal to becoming one. But he didn't feel like he belonged in that world. He was more drawn to magic.

"I think you're mistaken. I don't see myself having clear potential in that field."

Awkwardly, Leonard wanted to dismiss the topic. For some reason, Liam had become talkative, and it unsettled him. An uncertain chill crept over him.

"You do have potential!"

Leonard flinched at the high-pitched interjection from Yuna. She slipped between him and Liam, beaming as she continued, "You're underestimating yourself, Leonard. If I had to bet, you could totally be an assassin."

"Ah... haha..." Caught in the awkwardness of the conversation, Leonard struggled to escape the bombardment of persuasion to take the path of an assassin.

A short distance ahead, Brian observed quietly. His mind still swirled with thoughts that left his soul uneasy. Whether Leonard was truly dependable was a question for later, but right now, he couldn't ignore the strange atmosphere that seemed to surround him. Leonard had become more enigmatic, shrouded in a mystery that somehow made him seem stronger.

Still, there was a possibility that it was all a façade. He would figure it out eventually, but for now, Brian withheld his full trust.

Some time later, their journey toward the nearest town became clearer as they entered another clearing, revealing a path barely worthy of being called a road. Two faint tracks, likely left by wagon wheels, ran parallel.

'Finally!' Leonard stretched out his arms, glancing back at the rest of the party. "Shall we visit a tavern? I'm craving something cold to drink!"

At his words, everyone except Zeus stared at him, wide-eyed with surprise.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Yuna answered, "There aren't any cold drinks, Leonard. That's a luxury only the rich can afford."

A huge question mark seemed to drop over Leonard's head as he realized he'd nearly let slip a part of his previous life. Cold drinks were indeed a luxury in this world, far from the everyday convenience they were on Earth.

The thought of enjoying a refreshing drink after a long trek had foolishly made him forget the era and limitations of this world.

Sighing, he nodded, his disappointment carefully hidden from the others. They finally entered the town, greeted by a pair of unappealing, tall gates and fences that encircled the entire area.

Like any other town, the buildings resembled those in larger cities but with less use of cement, relying mostly on sturdy wood. Their foundations, however, were the only parts built with cement.

As the nostalgia of his home village washed over him, Leonard smiled meaningfully. Yuna, walking beside him, noticed the shift in his expression and seemed to sense what he was feeling as well.

Once the party entered the town uninvited, they cautiously approached one of the establishments. There, they finally encountered the townsfolk. The building was none other than a tavern, conveniently located at the very entrance of the town.

"Welcome!" A short man with a large belly that bounced as he walked greeted them warmly as they all stepped inside.

"Oh... travelers! It's been so long since unfamiliar faces have visited our town. Here, here. Take a seat." The tavern owner enthusiastically guided them to a vacant table, which they gladly accepted.

"What can I get for you?"

Brian spoke up, "Please get us the menu. Some of us are starving, so we might take a meal."

"Sure thing."

The owner disappeared for a moment and soon returned with a parchment menu listing the tavern's offerings. The party members scanned it in silence, their hunger palpable. After days of surviving on bread and dried meat, the idea of a proper meal had them all deeply focused on the choices before them.

After a few minutes of deliberation, everyone placed their orders, and the owner hurried off to the kitchen, notes in hand.

Breaking the silence, Leonard asked, "Are you always this familiar with the places you visit?"

Jane raised an eyebrow at the question, but it was Fred who answered the unspoken curiosity.

"It's normal for hunters or adventurers like us to get comfortable in the towns we visit. There's no harm here. Cities, though—they're full of devious people since they're crowded with hunters."

Though the logic seemed flawed, Leonard figured it was typical for this world. With fewer threats in the wilderness, people were likely living peaceful lives. The only exceptions were bandits, like the ones who had attacked his village, but even they were rare.

What had started as just a pause to rest in the town began to shift the atmosphere. Leonard couldn't shake the feeling that something unexpected was looming on the horizon, though he hadn't anticipated what was to come next.