A Condition

Kill five students?

Chills ran down Leonard's spine as he processed the headmaster's chilling words. His wide eyes and weakened knees betrayed his attempts to hide his emotions. The very thought of doing it himself made his stomach churn. He was horrified by the idea.

"You… you're not joking, right?" he asked, his voice shaky.

The headmaster merely smirked, not directly answering the question. That smile was unnerving—his eyes gleamed like those of a demon toying with a human's life, disregarding its value, intent only on destruction.

Leonard gulped.

"In exchange for your so-called freedom. If you had just accepted the orb and dropped all the courses, this wouldn't be necessary."

"But… you said, commoner or noble?"

Leonard had learned from Earth that killing was wrong. Taking a life would surely weigh on his conscience, dragging him into guilt and torment.