The Real Leonard Dune (1)

'I was an infamous murderer?' Leonard thought, wondering if this kid had lost his mind. There was no way he could be one. This weak body, since he had taken consciousness of it, was constantly showing its flaws.

A click of his tongue escaped from his frowned lips.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said, locking eyes with the younger student before turning his back, entering the classroom as if unbothered. "Could you leave me alone?"

'Calling me a murderer might be true, but I'm not infamous for that. I'm known as a weak summoner,' Leonard mused.

"Oh, really? That's impossible. Every second-year senior knows what you did last year, before trying to escape at the end of the academic year," the student replied, his voice dripping with arrogance, as if he saw Leonard as inferior.

Leonard felt his veins pulse with frustration, but he held himself back, refusing to react strongly.