Chapter 3: The Anniversary (Part 1)

Five years had passed since Kaede married Zhang Xingwei, their union bearing fruit in the form of four beautiful children. To commemorate their anniversary, the couple decided to host a lavish celebration, inviting various Crime Lords and their families to join in the festivities.

As the guests arrived, the air buzzed with excitement, the atmosphere filled with love and happiness. Laughter echoed through the halls, children running amok, adults engaged in lively conversations.

Kaede stood at the head of the room, her eyes scanning the crowd, her heart swelling with gratitude for the life she had built with her beloved husband. She took a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly as she prepared to deliver a speech that would honor their union and express her devotion to Zhang Xingwei.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests," she began, her voice clear and strong, her eyes shining with emotion. "It is with great joy that we gather here today to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary. Xingwei and I have been blessed with not only each other's company but also the gift of our four wonderful children."

The room erupted in applause, tears glinting in many eyes as Kaede's words resonated with the crowd. She paused, allowing the ovation to subside, before continuing.

"Xingwei, my love, my partner, my everything," she whispered, her voice breaking slightly as she looked at her husband. "These past five years have been a whirlwind of love, laughter, and challenges. Through it all, your unwavering support and steadfast love have been my anchor, guiding me through the stormy seas of life."

Zhang Xingwei stood by her side, his eyes locked onto his wife, his heart swelling with pride and affection. He reached for her hand, intertwining their fingers, a silent vow of commitment and loyalty.

"As we stand here today, surrounded by our loved ones, I am reminded of how far we have come and how much farther we can go," Kaede declared, her voice regaining its strength. "Together, we have built a family, a home, a future filled with hope and happiness. And for that, my dear husband, I am forever grateful."

The room erupted in cheers and applause once more, the love between the couple palpable. As Kaede concluded her speech, she and Zhang Xingwei shared a tender kiss, their children cheering and clapping, the guests smiling and wiping away tears.

As the celebrations continued, Li Fangfang made her way towards Kaede, her eyes sparkling with joy. Kaede's face lit up in recognition, her smile widening as the two women approached each other.

"Madam Li, how lovely to see you!" Kaede exclaimed, her voice warm and friendly. "It's been too long!"

Fangfang returned the sentiment with a bright smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "It has indeed, Madame Nishihara," she replied, her voice low and sultry. "I must say, you look absolutely radiant, Madame. Motherhood agrees with you."

Kaede blushed slightly, her eyes darting to her children playing nearby before returning to Fangfang. "Thank you, Fangfang," she responded, her voice soft and appreciative. "It has been quite the journey, but I wouldn't trade it for anything else."

As they spoke, Zhang Xingwei noticed the interaction, his eyes flickering with curiosity. He excused himself from the conversation, retreating to a quieter corner of the room to attend to some urgent matters.

Fangfang took the opportunity to pull Kaede aside, their voices lowering to a whisper. "Madame Nishihara, I have some news," she said, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "I'm pregnant, and I couldn't be happier!"

Kaede's eyes widened, her hands covering her mouth in surprise. "Oh, Fangfang! That's wonderful news!" she gushed, her voice filled with genuine happiness. "Congratulations!"

Fangfang beamed, her eyes shining with joy. "Thank you, Madame," she replied, her voice equally enthusiastic. "I know it's still early days, but I wanted to share the news with someone who understands what this means."

Kaede's curiosity piqued, she couldn't resist asking, "Fangfang, who is the father of your child?" Her eyes glanced towards the husband, whose identity was still unknown to her.

Fangfang smiled coyly, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Ah, this is my dear husband, Chen Zhen," she said, gesturing towards the handsome man standing beside her. "Chen Zhen, this is Madame Nishihara, the lovely wife of Zhang Xingwei."

Chen Zhen stepped forward, his eyes meeting Kaede's with a mix of respect and warmth. "Madame Nishihara, it is an honor to meet you," he said, his voice deep and smooth, his accent adding a layer of charm to his words. With a gallant gesture, he lifted Kaede's hand and gently kissed her fingers, his lips lingering for a brief moment longer than necessary.

Kaede felt a flutter of excitement in her stomach, her eyes locking onto his for a split second before she returned the gesture, lightly kissing his cheeks. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Chen Zhen," she said, her voice equally warm and polite. "Congratulations on your pregnancy. I hope you both enjoy this special time."

Chen Zhen smiled warmly, his eyes full of gratitude. "Thank you, Madame Nishihara," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity. "We are truly blessed and excited about becoming parents."

As Fangfang excused herself to attend to another guest, Ayaka seized the opportunity to approach Kaede. Her eyes locked onto the older woman, a mixture of curiosity and admiration evident in her gaze.

"Excuse me, Madame," Ayaka began, her voice sultry and flirtatious. "I couldn't help but notice your resemblance to someone I know. Are you... Madame Nishihara?"

Kaede's eyes widened, her face breaking into a warm smile. "Yes, I am," she replied, her voice filled with pride. "It's not often that someone recognizes me outside of my family circle."

Ayaka's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Well, you are certainly the most beautiful woman in this hall," she said, her words dripping with flattery. "I saw you at your wedding five years ago, I could never forget such a stunning face."

Kaede laughed, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Flattery will get you everywhere, young lady," she teased, her tone light and playful. "Now, tell me, who might you be?"

Just as Ayaka was about to introduce herself, Richard appeared by her side, his arm possessively draped around her shoulders. "She doesn't need to tell you," he growled, his voice low and threatening. "Her name is Ayaka, Ayaka Ishikawa Richards."

Kaede's eyes widened, her gaze shifting between Richard and Ayaka. "Ishikawa? Richards?" she stammered, her confusion evident. "Ishikawa?" she questioned, her voice laced with confusion. "That name... I think I know it."

Richard's eyes narrowed, his grip on Ayaka tightening. "You do," he confirmed, his voice icy and ominous. "Because you had quite the relationship with her old man. Junko Ishikawa."

At the mention of her father's name, Ayaka's eyes hardened, her body tensing under Richard's touch. She looked at Kaede, her expression unreadable, her past with her father still a fresh wound.

Kaede's eyes flashed with shock, her hands flying to her mouth in realization. "Junko Ishikawa?" she gasped, her voice barely above a whisper. "Ayaka is the daughter of Junko Ishikawa?"

Kaede's eyes widened, her mind reeling from the revelation. She couldn't help but glance between Ayaka and Richard, her lips curled into a smirk. "You poor girl," she murmured, her voice filled with sympathy. "To be tied to such a pathetic old man like him."

Ayaka's eyes flashed with a warning, her voice firm as she cut Kaede off. "Madame Nishihara, do not speak ill of my husband," she said, her tone leaving no room for argument. Turning her attention to Richard, she moved closer to him, her body pressed against his side.

"I wasn't forced into this marriage, infact, I was the one who came up with the idea, all my dear husband did was agree to it, nothing else." she whispered, her voice low and seductive, her eyes never leaving Kaede's.

Kaede's jaw dropped, her eyes darting between the couple, unable to process the information. Richard's laughter filled the silence, his arms tightening around Ayaka as he pulled her closer to him.

"That's right, sweetheart," he said, his voice thick with satisfaction. "Not only is she my wife, but she's also the mother of my children. We have two beautiful kids together."

Ayaka's eyes softened, her gaze returning to Kaede, a hint of vulnerability showing in her expression. "I didn't know much about my father," she admitted, her voice small and introspective. "If you could please tell me more about him, perhaps I could understand him better."

Richard's smirk widened, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Well, it seems fate has brought us together, then," he said, his voice smooth and seductive. "It's only fitting that you seek answers from the one who knew him best. So, let's allow Madame Nishihara to share her stories and memories of your father."

He leaned in close, his lips brushing against Ayaka's ear, his breath hot and sultry. "You two should get to know each other better. After all, what better way to learn about your father than from the woman who once shared his bed?"

With that, he pulled Ayaka into a passionate embrace, his lips crushing against hers, his tongue probing deeply, their kiss intense and consuming. The guests around them gasped, their eyes fixed on the couple, their lips locked in a passionate display of love and possession.

As Richard released Ayaka, his eyes smoldering with desire, he murmured against her ear, "I'll let you two catch up. Enjoy your reunion."

With that, he sauntered away, leaving Kaede and Ayaka alone in the midst of the party. Their eyes locked onto each other, a mixture of curiosity and trepidation filling the air.

"Well," Kaede finally managed to say, her voice shaky with emotion. "It seems we have quite a lot to discuss, come with me, let's talk somewhere more comfortable."

Ayaka nodded, her eyes searching Kaede's face, her heart pounding with anticipation. "Yes, we do," she agreed, her voice equally as emotional. "I hope you can help me understand my father, and perhaps, in turn, I can help you understand me."

And so, as the party continued around them, the two women retreated to a quiet corner, their conversation filled with secrets and revelations, their connection forged through the ties of family and the weight of the past.