Chapter 26: The New Crime Lord (Part 1)

Chen's eyes sparkled with amusement as he looked at Ayaka, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Oh, you want me to fuck you again, do you?" he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I don't know, maybe I'm just not in the mood for your sloppy, needy vagina."

Ayaka's face fell, but she quickly recovered, her seductive nature taking over once more. "Oh, Mr. Chen," she cooed, her voice husky and inviting. "I'm sure there are many men who would be more than happy to satisfy my desires. In fact, I'm sure there are many men who would be more than happy to fuck me all night long."

Chen's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his mouth dropping open in mock horror. "Oh, you're looking for another man? Well, I'm sure you'll find plenty of takers. After all, you're a real catch, aren't you? Beautiful, intelligent, and willing to spread your legs for any man who'll fuck you."

Ayaka's eyes sparkled with amusement as she looked at Chen, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, Mr. Chen, I'm so glad to hear that you're not interested in me anymore. It's for the best, really. I don't need a man like you to satisfy my desires. I'll just find a better man, someone who can give me the attention and pleasure that I deserve."

Chen's eyes narrowed, his face reddening with anger. "Oh, really?" he spat, his voice dripping with venom. "And who might that be? Your precious husband, perhaps? You think he's a better man than me? Ha! I doubt it."

Ayaka's smile grew wider as she looked at Chen, her eyes flashing with seductive intent. "Mr. Chen, you're so jealous," she purred, her voice husky and inviting. "But it's not about you. It's about me and what I want. And what I want is a man who can give me the pleasure and attention that I deserve. And if that man isn't you, then I'll just have to find someone else."

Chen's face turned bright red with rage as he looked at Ayaka, his fists clenched at his sides. "You're a whore," he spat, his voice dripping with hatred. "A selfish, manipulative whore. And I hope you rot in hell."

Ayaka's eyes sparkled with amusement as she looked at Chen, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Mr. Chen, you're so sweet when you're angry," she purred, her voice husky and inviting. "But don't worry, I'll make sure to invite you to my next party, so you can see me with all the other men who are willing to give me the attention and pleasure that I deserve."

Chen's eyes were blazing with fury as he grabbed Ayaka's arms and pulled her against him. His hands were rough and painful as he pinned her against the wall, his body pressed against hers.

"You think you're so much better than me, don't you?" he growled, his voice low and menacing. "You think you can just reject me and find someone else? Well, let me show you what it means to mess with me."

With a sudden movement, Chen brutally penetrated Ayaka, pushing his cock deep into her pussy. Ayaka cried out in pain and shock, her body tensing up as she felt him inside her.

"Do you still not want it?" Chen taunted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Is this not what you were looking for? A rough, brutal fuck that leaves you begging for more?"

Ayaka's eyes were wide with shock and pain as she looked up at Chen, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes... yes, this is what I wanted," she gasped, her body trembling with desire.

Chen's eyes flashed with satisfaction as he pulled out of Ayaka and flipped her over, pinning her against the wall once more. His hands were rough as he grabbed her hips, pulling her back against him as he entered her again.

"Yes, this is what you needed," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "You needed to be taken hard and rough, to feel the pain and pleasure of a real man."

Chen's hands were like vice grips as he grabbed Ayaka's hips, pulling her back against him as he brutally and violently raped her. Ayaka's screams were loud and piercing, echoing off the walls of the mansion as she felt him deep inside her.

Her body was a mass of pain and pleasure, her mind racing with the intensity of what was happening. She could feel Chen's cock throbbing inside her, his movements rough and uncontrolled as he fucked her with reckless abandon.

The clouds above them seemed to mirror their passion, the rain coming down in heavy, pounding sheets as if to match the rhythm of their lovemaking. Ayaka's hair was drenched, hanging in tangled strands around her face as she screamed and moaned beneath Chen's brutal assault.

Chen's hands were everywhere, grasping at her body as if he wanted to claim every inch of her for himself. His fingers dug into her flesh, leaving marks and bruises as he pulled her back against him, his cock plunging deep into her pussy with each thrust.

Ayaka's body was like putty in Chen's hands, molding to his every move as he ravished her. She could feel herself on the brink of orgasm, her body trembling with the intensity of her desire.

And then, with a final, brutal thrust, Chen came, his cock pulsing inside her as he emptied himself into her. Ayaka's screams of pleasure and pain mingled together as she felt him come, her own orgasm washing over her like a wave.

For a moment, they stood there, locked together in a embrace that was both violent and tender. And then, with a final push, Chen pulled out of Ayaka, leaving her to slump against the wall, her body trembling with exhaustion and pleasure. The clouds above them continued to rain down, a fitting end to their brutal and passionate lovemaking.

Chen's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he looked down at Ayaka, her body still trembling with pleasure and pain. He grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her head back so he could look into her eyes.

"You're a real piece of work, aren't you?" he taunted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You think you can just play games with me and get away with it? Well, I've got news for you, sweetheart. You're mine now. Every inch of you belongs to me, and I'll use it however I see fit."

Ayaka's eyes were wide with fear and pain as she looked up at Chen, her body still reeling from his brutal fucking. She could feel her scalp burning from his grip on her hair, and her pussy was still throbbing from his rough treatment.

Ayaka's body was a mess, her makeup smeared and running down her face, her hair tangled and wet from the rain. Her dress was torn and hanging off her shoulders, revealing her bruised and battered breasts.

Chen's fingers tightened in her hair, pulling her head back further as he leaned in close to her. "And don't you forget it," he whispered, his breath hot against her ear. "You're mine, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep you that way."

With that, Chen released Ayaka's hair and turned to walk away, leaving her lying there in the rain, her body still trembling with pain.

Ayaka's eyes fluttered closed, her head lolling to the side as she lost consciousness. Chen Sanhua stood over her, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. He had finally taken what he wanted, and now she would be his to play with whenever he pleased.

Just as Sanhua was about to turn and leave, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching. He turned to see Kaede Nishihara emerging from the shadows, an umbrella in her hand. She was dressed in an evening gown, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she saw Sanhua standing over Ayaka's unconscious body.

Sanhua immediately kneeled down and kissed Kaede's hand, his eyes never leaving hers. "Ah, Madame Nishihara," he said, his voice low and husky. "I was just about to leave. But I see you've arrived just in time."

Kaede smiled, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, I'm so glad I could interrupt your little scene. I've been dying to know what you've been up to with Ayaka. But from the looks of things, I'm not surprised."

Sanhua's eyes narrowed, his grip on Kaede's hand tightening. "What do you mean?" he growled, his voice low and menacing.

Kaede's smile grew wider as she leaned in closer to Sanhua, her voice taking on a seductive tone. "Oh, come now, Sanhua. You can't expect me to believe that you're still innocent. I've seen the way you look at women, the way you touch them. And I've heard the things you say to them."

Sanhua's face turned red with anger, but Kaede just laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Don't get defensive, Sanhua. I'm not judging you. In fact, I find it quite... attractive." She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "I've always been a bit of a voyeur, you know. And watching you with Ayaka was quite... enlightening."

Kaede's lips brushed against Sanhua's ear, her breath warm against his skin. "In fact, I think I'd like to see more of your skills, Sanhua. Maybe you could show me how you handle other women. I'm sure you have quite a collection."

Sanhua's breathing hitched, his eyes flicking to Ayaka's unconscious form before returning to Kaede's. He swallowed hard, licking his lips as he looked back up at her. "Madame Nishihara," he said, his voice low and husky. "I'd be honored to... demonstrate my skills for you."

Kaede's eyes sparkled with amusement as she pulled her hand from Sanhua's grasp. "I'm glad we understand each other, Sanhua. Now, why don't you help me get Ayaka inside. I'm sure she needs a bit of rest after tonight's... activities."

Sanhua nodded, his eyes never leaving Kaede's as he carefully scooped Ayaka up into his arms. She was surprisingly light, her body limp and unmoving against his chest.

Kaede walked beside him, her umbrella clicking softly against the tiles as they made their way back inside. "Such a strong and capable man," she cooed, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Makes me wonder what other skills you have that you haven't shown me yet."

Sanhua's cheeks flushed with a mix of excitement and embarrassment as he continued to carry Ayaka. "Perhaps you'll find out soon, Madame Nishihara," he replied, his voice husky with desire.

Kaede's smile widened as she licked her lips, her eyes trailing up and down Sanhua's form. "Oh, I hope so," she purred, her voice seductive and full of promise. "I hope to see just how skilled you truly are."

Sanhua's heart raced as they made their way deeper into the mansion, his mind filled with images of what Kaede had in store for him. The thought of pleasing her, of showing her just how good he could be, sent shivers down his spine and arousal coursing through his body.

As they reached her room, Sanhua gently laid Ayaka down on the bed, her body still unmoving. Kaede watched him with amused interest before she turned to face him, her eyes dark and inviting. "Well, Sanhua," she said, her voice low and sultry. "I believe it's time for our lesson to begin."

Kaede sauntered over to the door, her evening gown hugging her curves as she moved. Sanhua couldn't help but watch her, his eyes drinking in every sway of her hips and every bounce of her breasts.

"Go on, Sanhua," Kaede teased, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Get some rest. I won't be giving you any lessons right now."

Sanhua's heart raced as he watched Kaede, his body trembling with anticipation for the lessons to come. "Yes, Madame Nishihara," he replied, his voice husky with desire. He turned to leave, reluctantly tearing his eyes away from Kaede's tempting form.

Kaede watched him for a moment longer before closing the door behind him. With a satisfied smile, she headed over to the bed Ayaka lay on, her eyes flicking to the tangled remains of Ayaka's dress. She reached down and gently tugged it off Ayaka's body, laying it carefully on the floor.

Kaede's gaze traveled over Ayaka's unconscious form, her eyes lingering on the bruises that marred her skin. She traced one with her finger, the sight of them arousing her.