Chapter 28: The New Crime Lord (Part 3)

The following day, Richard and Ayaka arrived at the meeting of the crime lords. As Richard entered, the room fell silent, all eyes fixated on the couple. Kaede Nishihara, already seated at the head of the long mahogany table, smiled as she saw them.

"Ah, Richard, my dear. To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing your handsome face?" she purred.

Richard's eyes locked onto Kaede's, his expression hard. "Ayaka was," he said, his voice low and menacing. "Your underling, Chen Sanhua, assaulted her."

Kaede raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "Is that so?" she asked, dismissing the other crime lords from the room with a wave of her hand. "Now that we're alone, Richard, tell me, what exactly happened?"

With a fierce look, Richard pulled Ayaka's dress up, revealing the bruises that marred her skin. "Look at what he did to her," he growled, his voice thick with anger.

Kaede's eyes traced the marks, her smile never wavering. "I'm aware of the incident, Richard," she said calmly. "Sanhua reported the details to me. So what of it?"

Her nonchalant response infuriated Richard. Without warning, he grabbed Kaede by her arms and pinned her against the table. "I want payback, Kaede. And I'll take it any way I can," he growled, his eyes filled with a dangerous glint.

Kaede's eyes met his, her expression remaining seductive and confident. "Oh, Richard," she purred, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I knew you'd come to me sooner or later. It's been fun seeing you squirm, but I guess this is the end of our little game."

Kaede leaned against the table, her body moving with the grace and ease that belied her dangerous nature. "But if you want payback, Richard, I'm afraid you'll have to go through me to get it," she said, her voice smooth as silk. "And trust me, it's not something I'd allow without some entertainment in return.

"You see, I'm not one for violence, Richard. But I do love a good show. So, why don't you and Ayaka put on a little show for me, just the two of you? Let me see how much you care for her, how much it hurts to see her touched by another man."

Richard's eyes narrowed, his grip on Kaede tightening. "You're twisted, Nishihara," he snarled.

Kaede's smile never faltered. "Oh, but that's my charm. And it's worked wonders for my empire," she said, her eyes never leaving Richard's. "Now, I suggest you give me the show I want, or I'll have Sanhua's actions against Ayaka be the least of your concerns."

Richard's jaw clenched, his anger simmering. But the threat in Kaede's words was real. He knew she had the means to make him suffer if he defied her. With a hard look at Ayaka, Richard released Kaede, stepping back from the table.

As Richard and Ayaka stared at each other, Kaede casually motioned to a shadowy figure hidden in the corner of the room. The figure, Zafar, a skilled assassin in Kaede's employ, stepped into the light, his gun already aimed at Richard.

In an instant, the room was filled with the deafening sound of a gunshot. Richard's head snapped back as the bullet struck him, his body crumpling to the floor. Ayaka's eyes widened, her expression a mixture of shock and triumph.

Kneeling down beside her husband's body, Ayaka smirked, her hand caressing Richard's face in a mocking display of grief. "Farewell, my love," she whispered, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "You won't be suffering under my deception anymore."

Zafar approached Kaede, checking her for injuries. "Madame Nishihara, are you alright?" he asked.

Kaede's smile never faltered. "I'm perfectly fine, Zafar dear," she replied, her eyes on Ayaka. "You did well, Ayaka. You've managed to eliminate Richard with ease."

Ayaka rose to her feet, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction as she met Kaede's gaze. "I'm not one to be underestimated," she said, her voice low and confident.

Kaede's expression remained unchanged. "Indeed, you're not. You've proven yourself, Ayaka. Now, I believe we should discuss the terms of our partnership. Don't you agree?" she said, her voice smooth and laced with possibility.

Ayaka nodded, her heart racing as she realized she had come out on top of this vicious game. "I agree, Madame Nishihara. Let's discuss our future as allies," she said, her voice filled with determination.

After a brief moment, Kaede signaled for the crime lords to return to the room. As they re-entered, they saw Richard's lifeless body lying on the floor. A hush descended upon the room as the gravity of the situation sank in.

Kaede addressed them, her voice firm and controlled. "Gentlemen, as you can see, some unfortunate events have transpired. Richard Edwards will no longer be attending our meetings."

She gestured towards the lifeless body as the crime lords digested the information. A hush fell over the room, followed by a few whispered exchanges.

One of the crime lords, a robust man with silver hair, approached the table, his eyes lingering on Kaede before he spoke. "You look well, Madame Nishihara. Ever since you took care of the Vixen, I thought you might be getting soft. But it seems your ruthlessness is still very much intact."

Kaede's eyes met his, her smile seductive as she replied, "Thank you for your kind words, Matteo. But I've been considering that perhaps I am growing old. Maybe it's time I step back and let the younger generation take over."

Matteo's eyes roamed over Kaede's body, his voice low and flirtatious. "You still have a womanly charm, Madame. I'd hate to see you go. But who will inherit your empire?"

Kaede leaned forward, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper. "That, my dear Matteo, is a question you'll have to wait and see. Not long though, right at the end of the meeting."

With that, Kaede straightened up, her gaze meeting each of the crime lords in the room, her confidence undeniable. "Nowthen gentlemen, might we continue my last meeting?" she asked, gesturing for them to sit.

As the meeting resumed, whispers and speculations filled the room. Everyone knew that Kaede's retirement was a possibility. But with Richard's death, the power dynamics were shifting, and they all knew it.

The meeting finally came to an end. As the crime lords began to disperse, Matteo approached Kaede once more, his eyes never leaving her. "Madame Nishihara, I must ask, who will inherit your empire?"

Kaede's eyes met his, a sly smile playing at the corner of her lips. She stood up from her seat and gestured for Ayaka to join her. As Ayaka approached, Kaede placed a hand on her shoulder. "Gentlemen," she announced, her voice carrying throughout the room. "Allow me to introduce to you, Ayaka Ishikawa Edwards, the daughter of Junko Ishikawa, and the former wife of Richard Edwards."

A murmur arose among the crime lords. They had heard of Junko Ishikawa, the former Kingpin of the Tokyo underworld. The announcement of his daughter's involvement in the mafia world was a game-changer.

Kaede's eyes met Matteo's once more, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper. "She's young, beautiful, and intelligent. And, as an added bonus, she's a woman who's just lost a husband and might be looking for a new one."

The crime lords exchanged glances, their interest piqued by Kaede's suggestion. Matteo, in particular, looked at Ayaka with a hunger in his eyes.

Matteo was the first to break the silence, his gaze lingering on Ayaka. "A woman of power, Madame Nishihara," he said, his voice thick with desire. "You've made a wise choice."

As the discontent began to rise among the crime lords, Chen Sanhua, the very man who had assaulted Ayaka, scoffed. "A woman? To inherit the empire?" he sneered, his eyes filled with disdain.

Kaede was about to respond, but Ayaka beat her to it. Her smile never faltered as she looked at Sanhua, her tone seductive. "It's true, Mr. Chen. And I believe it's high time for you to show some respect to your new superior."

Sanhua's eyes narrowed, his lips curling into a sneer. "Respect? From me? Not likely. You, a mere woman, think you can take charge here?"

Ayaka met his gaze with a knowing look, her voice dripping with sass. "Oh, but I do, Mr. Chen. And you'll find that I can be far more ruthless than any of you."

The other crime lords watched the exchange with interest. Some, like Matteo, seemed amused by the situation. But the tension in the room was palpable.

Chen Sanhua, clearly still trying to assert his dominance, let out a harsh laugh. "We'll see about that. Women belong in the bedroom, not at the top of an empire."

Ayaka's eyes gleamed with a newfound fire. "And therein lies your mistake, Mr. Chen. I happen to excel in both the bedroom and the boardroom. You'll see, very soon."

Ayaka continue, "You had no problem serving Madame Nishihara, a woman. Now, you're unable to serve the woman she chose. Perhaps you're not as loyal as you once thought."

The room fell silent as Ayaka fixed her gaze on each of the crime lords in turn. "As for how I plan to run this empire, I will do so with cunning and ruthless efficiency. I have learned from the best, and I intend to surpass her. I will not tolerate disobedience or betrayal. And for those who prove loyal, they will find a reward greater than they could have ever imagined."

She met Chen Sanhua's eyes once more, her voice smooth as she continued. "You, Mr. Chen, will find that your place in this new world order will either be at my side or beneath my feet. The choice is yours."

Ayaka then reached for the gold band on her finger and pulled it out. her expression unreadable. With a flick of her wrist, she sent the ring flying across the room. "As of now, I no longer bear the name of Edwards. You will address me as Madam Ishikawa."

The other crime lords exchanged glances, their reactions mixed. Some appeared impressed by Ayaka's boldness, while others still seemed unsure. The power dynamics had shifted dramatically, and they were all left to ponder what the future held under Madam Ishikawa's reign.

The crime lords exchanged glances, taken aback by her bold move. Matteo, however, seemed intrigued. "Interesting, Madam Ishikawa. If you can live up to your promises, we'll be loyal to you."

Ayaka gave a small, seductive smile. "You have my word, gentlemen. I will not let you down."

With her new position solidified, Ayaka turned to the crime lords, her voice firm. "I ask that each of you swear allegiance to me, Madam Ishikawa. Let it be known that you serve under me."

Ayaka's request for allegiance was met with varying degrees of enthusiasm. Some of the crime lords, like Matteo, readily swore their loyalty, their eyes filled with desire towards the new leader. Others did so with hesitance, still unsure of this young, newly-minted Madam Ishikawa.

As the crime lords began to leave, each paid their respects to Kaede Nishihara, bowing deeply before taking her hand in theirs. They kissed her hand, a gesture of reverence towards the woman who had been in the mafia world for a quarter of a century and ruled for the last fifteen years, she had reigned at the very top.

Kaede's eyes met each of theirs, her expression a blend of satisfaction and contentment. "Thank you, gentlemen," she said, her voice a whisper of gratitude. "Maintain the peace, and do not let my trust in you falter."

The crime lords dispersed, their minds filled with the gravity of the changes that had just transpired. Ayaka, now Madam Ishikawa, watched them leave, her heart racing with anticipation. This was her empire now, and she would wield her power with the same ruthless efficiency that had earned Kaede Nishihara her throne.

As the room emptied, Kaede and Ayaka were left alone. Kaede approached Ayaka, her hand finding its way to Ayaka's shoulder once more. "You did well, my dear," she said, her voice low and laced with approval. "Remember, the mafia world is a cruel mistress. Show no mercy, and you'll keep it at your feet."

Ayaka nodded, her eyes meeting Kaede's with determination. "Thank you, Madame Nishihara. I won't let you down."

With a final smile, Kaede left the room, her legacy now entrusted to the young woman she had molded into a ruthless and cunning leader capable of maintaining the empire she had built.