Terry Snacker's heist was elaborate and ambitious, aiming for a record-breaking sum. The plan was executed with precision, involving a large team:

1. **Victor** - The tech wizard who handled the digital security systems.

2. **Riley** - The getaway driver with nerves of steel.

3. **Jasper** - The muscle of the group, responsible for handling physical security.

4. **Mara** - The logistics expert who managed the transport and storage of the stolen money.

As they were in the final stages of loading the trillions of dollars, an unexpected complication arose. One of the guards, whom Terry had incapacitated earlier, managed to recover enough to trigger the alarm.

Terry's team was initially caught up in the thrill of the heist, stubbornly insisting on taking more money despite the growing risk. Terry, prioritizing their escape over avarice, tried to convince them to leave.

"No more arguments," Terry said, his voice firm as he saw the sirens approaching. "We have more than enough. We need to leave now."

Victor, Riley, Jasper, and Mara, however, were not willing to abandon the remaining funds. The tension escalated, and the team's greed overshadowed Terry's strategic vision. They turned on him, aiming their weapons and insisting that they were taking all the money.

Terry, facing the betrayal, chose to avoid violence. He dropped his weapon and decided to cooperate with their decision, albeit with a dark warning.

"Know that you'll regret this, not for me, but for fate," he said ominously, as he continued to load the remaining money into their vehicles.

While the alarm blared and police from across the nation converged on the scene, the guard who had triggered the alarm watched in disbelief. The robbers were still there, seemingly unfazed by the imminent arrival of law enforcement.

The chaotic scene in the bank contrasted sharply with the sudden shift in Terry's personal life. Back at the college parking lot, Terry had just received a shocking message from his best friend, Bailey. She had sent him an unexpected picture that left him stunned.

His fingers trembling, Terry deleted the image and quickly composed a message to Bailey, trying to regain his composure.

"Bailey, what the hell was that? You can't just send something like that without a warning. Please explain."

As he awaited her response, the urgency of the heist lingered in his mind. Terry was faced with a choice: dealing with personal surprises while managing the fallout of his high-stakes robbery.