at me. "What do you want?"

I kept my face neutral, despite the urge to punch that arrogant expression. "I just wanted to let you know that you're using my study."

He blinked, confused. "Your study?"

"Yeah, the one I reserved," I said, holding out the keychain. "So, you know, maybe it would be best if you guys left."

He looked like he was about to respond with some sarcastic comment, but the girl next to him tugged at his arm, clearly mortified. "Come on, Derek. Let's go."

Derek glanced at her and then back at me before finally giving in, mumbling something unintelligible as they hurriedly left. I walked into the room, closed the door, and took a deep breath, trying to push back my anger. I sat down and began to study, but my mind was elsewhere, thinking about the next step in Terry Snacker's plan.


Meanwhile, downtown, the action was about to begin. Terry Snacker adjusted his black mask with white eyes and looked at his trusted colleagues: Jake "The Silent," Vince "The Strategist," Claire "The Hacker," and Leo "The Muscle 2.0." Each of them was ready for the mission, with focused eyes and unwavering determination.

"We're ready," Jake said, checking his gear. Vince stood beside him, mapping out escape routes and coordinating with Claire, who was monitoring police communications on her laptop. Leo adjusted his bulletproof vest, ready for any physical confrontation that might occur.

Terry looked at them and nodded. "We're going to rescue our former colleagues, but remember, the priority is not to get captured. Don't hesitate to use lethal force if necessary, but our goal is to get in and out quickly."

The armored helicopter with high-tech weapons and giant wings took to the sky, making a deafening roar. As they approached the location where the traitors were being held by CIA and FBI agents, Terry saw the reporters finishing their interviews. The helicopter window opened and Terry, wearing his intimidating mask, signaled to his colleagues. Jake and Vince began firing, creating a barrage of bullets that forced the officers and agents to take cover. Claire jammed the communications, making it difficult for the officers to coordinate. Leo, with his brute strength, fought his way to the car where the traitors were being held. The agents tried to fight back, but were quickly overwhelmed by the precision and force of Terry and his team's attack. Leo ripped off the car doors and began pulling his former colleagues out, while Terry kept the situation under control with his intimidating presence and calculated leadership. Finally, with all the traitors rescued and the helicopter still providing air cover, Terry gave the signal for retreat. They moved quickly, climbing back to the helicopter as sirens and gunfire echoed around them. As they took off, Terry looked down at the scene below. The agents were disorganized and confused, in disbelief at what had just happened. He knew this was just the beginning of a new era of bold, calculated operations. With his fellow traitors now in his debt, Terry Snacker was more powerful than ever.

In the helicopter, he made one last call before fleeing the scene. "Hannah, Amanda, I hope you can understand, but this is the last you'll hear from me. Take care." He hung up and looked at his colleagues. "On to the next plan."