Karna was many things, the hero of charity, one of India's great legends, son of the sun God and even fought in the Mahabharata he fought many battles and won in the end died in the hand of his brother Arjuna, knowing that he will be reborn he thought what his next life will be held, little did he knew he was going to be reborn with all his memory in tacked and in the Modern ara, but there seems to something called gates portal to other world, and hunters who goes into this gate
the story is good so far so keep up the amazing work
I have read all the ch out so far. It is a fun read, and I enjoyed it other than the grammar that can be improved. There is not much to say, but I will be looking forward to the next ch good job Author keep up the good work and finish this book, anyway keep this story going
karna is not hero but a coward and jealous person don't spread fake content based on tv channel series first read some real content book.