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075. Phoenix Fragment X100! Cybertron Planet Template! Black Death Sword!

Back to a familiar place.Su Yi sat on the boss's chair, knocked his legs on the table again, and finally leaned his hands on his head."call"Don't tell me.This is the taste~Just rested for two days.He almost forgot what he was doing.I looked at the house number.oh psychiatristThat still has to be done well.After all, this is the main business.Saving the world is just a side job.But then again.Su Yi hasn't looked at the punch card rewards for a long time.And I didn't watch it for two days during the last five days off and two days off.Su Yi looked at the little Hela who was frantically playing ps5 at the side.Then he leaned back comfortably on the chair and thought to himself."Punch the card.""Plus check previous check-in rewards."[Get: Brave New World Complete Comics x1!][Obtain: Secret Teaching Complete Comics x1!][Acquire critical strike: Phoenix force Fragment x100!][Obtain: Black Death Sword x2!][Obtain: Cybertron Planet Template x1!]"interesting."See what these check-in rewards are about.Su Yi suddenly became interested.Those two in front...umForget it, from now on.The latter three are the really interesting rewards.The first is the shards of the Phoenix force.Directly hit the card to reach 100 critical strikes!It seems that this is the role of [Spider Knight] and [Witch Knight].You must know that he has never punched a crit before.But with the promotion of these two titles, there will be.Think here.Su Yi looked at the loli Hela who was playing games on the side.He couldn't help thinking."Does this have a title?"If anything.what would that beDeath Knight? Isn't that the name of a skin.Goddess Knight? That seems good too.Forget it.Let go of distracting thoughts in your mind.Su Yi first dealt with the broken "083" piece of Phoenix force.The first is all cleansing.Let the phoenix will remaining in the fragments dissipate.In this way, Su Yi will not be affected.You can also use Phoenix force directly and completely."purification"[Ding~, the purification is complete!]After the purification is complete.Su Yi directly chose to absorb the 100 Phoenix force fragments."absorb."for a moment.After Su Yi chose to absorb it.These 100 Phoenix force fragments directly entered Su Yi's body.And in reality.There is nothing unusual about Su Yi's body!But his eyes suddenly reflected the miniature of a phoenix!And in Su Yi's spiritual world.At the moment of absorbing Phoenix force.Countless mirror worlds appeared in front of Su Yi's eyes!These mirror worlds are intertwined.But each one is different!Su Yi quickly shuttled through it.Then saw many, many worlds!There are too many worlds to see, and countless worlds!Just like that for a while.Su Yi closed his eyes.Then suddenly opened."Clang~~~!!!"Phoenix force broke out in Su Yi's spirit!The countless mirror worlds around him also shattered and collapsed!And Su Yi's spirit instantly returned to reality!In the office.Su Yi suddenly opened his eyes.At the same time, the miniature phoenix in his eyes also disappeared!As if nothing had happened!But Su Yi knew at the moment.What he saw in the spiritual world just now was the dreamy epitome of the multi-universe!Although that's not true.But Su Yi can control it!He could already feel it just now.As long as he wants.He can turn those mirrors into any other mirrors!Or just smash the mirror!Or make another mirror!Anyway, whatever!And this also means...Su Yi has officially entered the multi-universe level!"This is the power of the multi-universe level?"Su Yi felt it.It turns out that the combat power of the multi-universe level.Many aspects are on the rule.That is to say, as long as he thinks, he can do whatever he wants.Just get to this level!There are so many things that can be affected at full power!So many people will take the initiative not to use this Ability.And only use when needed!"not bad."Su Yi nodded in satisfaction.After reaching the multi-universe level, his Phoenix force is stronger than the normal multi-universe level!Because that's what makes Phoenix force special!Think here.Su Yi was so happy that he couldn't help wanting to drink a cup of milk tea."Little Hela, bring me some milk tea.""I'm playing a game, you yourself"Um?"Hela wasn't finished yet.Su Yi's nasal voice came out.do not know how.A tremor of the soul welled up in Hela's heart.next moment."Give~!"Hela doesn't even pause the game.He directly put a cup of iced milk tea in front of Su Yi."Good, let's go back and play games.""Then I'm leaving~"Watching little Hela turn around and leave.Su Yi was quite satisfied.How can that be considered child labor abuse?He just "asked" someone for a favor.Didn't people help?next.Su Yi checked the penultimate reward."Black Death Sword."Su Yi is still in the same posture.The legs are on the table, and the person is leaning on the chair.Holding milk tea in one hand, and the newly drawn Black Death Sword in the other.This sword is rhombus shaped.The whole body is as black as ink.Holding it in his hand, Su Yi could feel the power of the Black Death Sword.And this sword will also increase the power of the host.But for Su Yi.About a...amount...a thousandth or a ten-thousandth?Su Yi didn't know.But this sword is said to kill gods.And it also has the power to affect the mind of the user.It's a bit similar to the Darkborn weapon in lol runeland.Su Yi held it in his hand.Immediately, a crazy voice came from his ears."Kill kill kill kill kill!!!"Originally, this voice should have appeared in the spiritual world.This can instantly affect the host.But Su Yi's strength is too high.It can only ring outside the ear.But Su Yi sounded very annoying.then..."Purification."After a soft voice.The negative effects of the Black Death Sword are gone."Suck~"Su Yi took a sip of milk tea.Continue watching the beautiful appearance of this sword.So handsome.The appearance is almost full.And At the moment.Little Hela who was playing games with Su Yi behind her back suddenly trembled all over.Then a death terror came from behind her.This feeling is both scary and familiar to Hela, the goddess of death.She turned her head slowly.Only then did he realize that Su Yi was playing with a sword."!!!"Hela's eyes lit up when she saw the sword.Because she can feel the sword is very powerful!And it's very compatible with her!As if made in heaven!"Shua~"for a moment.Hela appeared beside Su Yi.Then he pawed Su Yi's pants with both hands and said eagerly."What kind of sword is this? Su~~~"Su Yi smiled."Black Death Sword.""Wow~~~" Hela doesn't care whether he has heard of it or not.Anyway, her eyes are full of stars first.He stared at Su Yi with adoring eyes and asked."What is the Black Death Sword?"Su Yi touched the blade.He also introduced it with great interest."Black Death Sword, full name: Black Death Blade.""Its real body is actually the first symbiote created by Gnar, the god of symbiosis. It has the ability to swallow and become stronger after killing the gods, and even duplication.""But that is an all-black death sword, and this is an ordinary black death sword.""It is the weapon of the God Slayer Geer, which is used to kill the gods.""But it's ridiculous.""Ger's power is bestowed and controlled by the Black Death Sword.""And Geer originally was nothing after leaving the Black Death Sword."There are two types of black death swords.The first is called the all-black dead sword, which is the ancestor of the symbiont.It is also the strongest black death sword.The all-black death sword is not only killing the gods, it can even kill the gods.It was with this sword that Gnar chased and killed the gods.In other words, the All Black Death Sword can kill Level Single Universe.The second is called Black Death Sword.This sword has been passed down from generation to generation and is not the first all black death sword.Ordinary Black Death Sword can give anyone the power to slaughter gods.But the spirit can also be affected.It's the same as the darkin weapon in lol.In severe cases, it may even be controlled by weapons.This is how these two swords are classified."That's it."Hela nodded straight after listening, expressing understanding.But she looked at the black death sword eagerly.Then he shook Su Yi's leg with his hand.When Su Yi looked over.She looked at Su Yi with even more eager eyes.like that.There is no difference between a puppy and a puppy.Su Yi was amused after seeing her like that.But she still shook her head and said."This sword cannot be given to you now.""Man's ambition is unlimited, and God is even more so.""I gave it to you, what if you become bad, you are not my confidant."I want to get this sword.""Either you exchange it for something of the same value.""Either earn my trust completely.heard the words.When Su Yi explained to him.Hela knew it was impossible.Because when Su Yi was speaking the truth, he was really speaking the truth, without any empathy.But Hela thought about it.I can't give it now, but it is possible to give it!Of the same value, she may not come out at all.But trust the word.She has nowhere to go anyway!It's better to grind by Su Yi's side!What if?And Su Yi saw that Hela actually reasoned.He was also surprised.Remember the first time he met Hela?Then beat Hela up and she says I want you.It's so much better now.Still obedient!Not bad.Su Yi patted little Hela's head in satisfaction."Go back and play games, dear.""Um."And Hela went back to play games without saying a word.No noise.It's eye-catchingly cute.And it looks cute.On the contrary, this made Su Yi feel a little guilty.Tut tut.So I have to say.The soft knife is the one that stabs the deepest.But reason is reason.Su Yi will not change this point.So....Now look at the last bonus."Cybertron planet template."This stuff is pretty interesting.If this is what Su Yi thinks about.Then this should be the biggest thing that Su Yi has ever clocked in.Su Yi first checked the rewards.[Cybertron Planet Template: After selecting a planet with a diameter of no more than 10,000 kilometers and putting it on the planet core of the template, various resources of Cybertron Planet will be automatically produced!][Note: This resource will only be produced once!]oh~~~That is, he chooses a planet.Then apply the template.In the end, the planet core will produce the same resources as Cybertron.So strictly speaking.This is a resource card.As long as he uses it.You will get trillions of tons of various resources!It's just that this resource is a planet.Whether it can be mined or used depends only on Su Yi himself."I see."After seeing this template, Su Yi understood.But he also has a new way of playing in his mind.And it is combined with the last open reward.You see.Most people punched in this reward.Either don't use it, or use it and waste it.But Su Yi is different!He has a fire source!And there are a thousand planet engines!Although two out of a thousand have no energy, it is not impossible to change if they have no energy!As long as there is a power system!so...Su Yi can create a Cybertron star that only belongs to him by himself!!!"hiss"Su Yi gasped at the thought of this.This is so interesting.Own Cybertron planet!Then you are the creator!This is great too!Think about it.Su Yi was ready to become the creator of Cybertron.But look at the time.it is noon now....If you want to brush.You have to clock in after get off work in the afternoon.After all, it is the same whether the Creator is at noon, afternoon or evening.But if you don't play today's card, you really won't be able to play it.So Su Yi still felt that it would be better to create Cybertron after punching out the card in the afternoon."Suck~"Thinking of this, Su Yi took another sip of milk tea."Bang bang~~"At this time.There was a knock on the door."Enter."After Su Yi finished speaking, the door was pushed open.Comes in a Black widow wearing a hoodie and blue jeans."Forehead..."Su Yi was taken aback when he saw the clothes.And Natasha Romanoff took off her hood.Then sat in front of Su Yi and smiled."Don't know me?""No." Su Yi shook his head, asked Hela to bring Natasha Romanoff a bottle of milk tea, and then continued: "The first day Wanda and I met, she also wore this dress.""Exactly the same, even the style is the same.""What a coincidence?" Natasha Romanoff was taken aback.Then with a smile, he unzipped the hoodie by half and then retracted it with a smile."What about this?"1.8...Su Yi's expression remained unchanged.But he gasped inwardly.Because Natasha Romanoff is wearing full body tights inside!Yes!You read that right.Full body tights!It's the kind of stockings that go all the way to the neck!The kind that wraps your whole body!Very much like a battle suit!Very hot!So what to say.It's very wow!And Natasha Romanoff smiled and said after pulling up her clothes."Don't get me wrong, I'm not BT.""It's just that these stockings allow me to put them on quickly for a battle suit.""And it doesn't matter if you take it off, and it will be more convenient in action."Natasha Romanoff finished.Su Yi nodded to express his understanding.He understands.To put it bluntly, this thing is like this.On the negative side, say cough cough cough."Cough cough." Su Yi coughed twice.Then looked back at Natasha Romanoff and said."You come here in this, I mean this jacket and jeans."It's got to be what's going on with the Avengers alliance and internationally."And now come to me, do I need enlightenment?"Natasha Romanoff thought for a while after listening.She is the kind of person who is serious for a while, but not serious every day.After half a sound.Natasha Romanoff nodded."Because of the impact of Deguo Airport.""The Avengers alliance has been connected to the United Nations system, and Tony gave up the basic control of the Avengers alliance, retaining only one core control."And Captain America disappeared with his people, probably in hiding.""But I feel like he's investigating things on his own to bring down the U.N. rules and set the superhero free."Others..., have to stay on base to accept UN missions."1"It is not allowed to act privately outside as a superhero.""That's why I came dressed like this.""Definitely, I also mean the hoodie and blue jeans.".