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098. Bullying Hela! Gwen's Stunning Lap Pillow!

Said to delete hands and feet.In fact, it is to cut off the connection between this book and Sithorn.Said to cut off contact.In fact, it is purifying!But Wanda and Gwen and Hela all opened their mouths."Can it still be like this?"In their impression.The side effects described in the Dark God Book are extremely strong.You just use it.There is almost no way to avoid its side effects.Not even the Sorcerer Supreme is an exception.Whether it is Stephen or Ancient One magician, the spirit will be polluted after using black magic.So its side effects are still strong.It's a pity that I met Su Yi.No matter how strong the Dark Divine Book is, it is definitely not as good as a piece of Phoenix force.And the intensity of the purification is not something that the Dark God Book can resist.Su Yi held the dark divine book.Then under the gaze of the three women.Su Yi said silently in his heart: "Purification."next moment.A holy flame ignited in Su Yi's hand.Under the gaze of the three women.The Dark Divine Book clicked with a "wow~".It's like being baptized!Its appearance flickered.It seems like something has been removed.Then Su Yi flipped through the dark divine book, handed it to Wanda and said."Okay, Sithorn is now completely exiled, and there is no way for it to return to Earth.Wanda took the dark book in a daze.Then turned over.Gwen and Hela both looked.And Hela, as a god, said even more surprised."An Old God, is that all?""Hmm." Su Yi made a nasal sound, but still added: "It's just a desolate god who was thrown into another dimension."It's not much different from your current state, but it's much stronger than you."Hela: (Yuan)It hurts so much.Hela has been exemplified too many times today.Every time it is worse for myself.While Wanda and Gwen were still looking at the dark book.Wanda can understand.Gwen just can't read and join in the fun.But Wanda looked at it and said."There's a lot of evil magic in here.""Yes." Su Yi nodded: "So you don't have to practice these spells.""Otherwise, even if the spirit and soul are not corrupted, your will will still be corrupted."After Wanda heard it.She closed the book of darkness.He assured Su Yi very seriously."I will never practice those spells!""I know." Su Yi pinched Wanda At the moment's serious cheek: "If I don't believe you, the Dark God Book won't be thrown to you directly.""Um!"Hear this sentence.A smile crept across Wanda's face.This is the joy of being trusted.so far.The trip to Westview Town is over.Their purpose is to pick up the Dark God Book while traveling.The book is here now. 543Still short of the last tour."Let's go.Su Yi clapped his hands and said."We won't be here anymore, and we'll be heading back to New York after we enjoy our last afternoon here.Su Yi walked out of the basement with his head.Gwen looked at the sun in the sky and sighed."It's so fast, two days have passed, and I haven't had enough fun yet!""Don't worry." Su Yi held her hand: "You are about to graduate, and you will have a vacation soon.""And don't forget that the university can build a team by itself. As long as you can get results, the school's graduation certificate can't wait to stuff it in your schoolbag."Gwen thought about it, and it really was."Then I'll go to college quickly!""Hurry up, don't worry."Su Yi also wanted Gwen to go to college.Little Hela has tried everything in this elementary school.Then Gwen was middle school to college.So does he count as having played everything?Cough cough cough.The crowd passed through the town again.Then they walked to the sea of ​​flowers again by coincidence."It's still beautiful here."Everyone nodded in agreement.Wanda took out the blanket again and spread it out.Gwen sat up quickly when she saw it.Then he patted his thigh and said to Su Yi."Sue, come and sleep with me."OK.Su Yi looked at Wanda helplessly and smiled slightly.Then Su Yi lay on Gwen's lap.Ah, here's Gwen's lap pillow.Well, so to speak of leg feeling.Wanda's knee pillow feels soft, like sleeping on a very soft pillow.And Gwen's knee pillow is very elastic, and those two elastic thighs look like they want to be bitten.So it was like sleeping on a latex pillow.This is the difference between the two."Hee hee~~"And Su Yi slept on Gwen's lap.Gwen helped Su Yi to cut his hair, sweep away the dust that didn't exist on his body, and touch his face.She had a smile on her face the whole time.Then he looked at Wanda from time to time.smug.But Wanda has nothing to deal with.She walked to Su Yi and sat down.He just sat quietly next to Su Yi.Then enjoy the spring breeze together.And Hela kills butterflies not far away.Uh... really killing butterflies.It's just that you don't use divine power, you only use physical strength to kill.But Su Yi still reminded."Don't kill too many Hela, a few more will be terrible."I want to kill 10!"Hela's voice echoed from a distance.Fine.10 is 10.Hela didn't tell me to kill all the butterflies here.That's how lucky the butterflies are.(adei) That's it.The four rest here.Created a beautiful scenery.Don't say anything else.Mentally really comfortable a lot.It was as if the mind had been purified.Gwen looked at Su Yi's eyes closed and enjoying.She looked again at Wanda who was also resting.So she did the same as Wanda.Repeated the same operation as Wanda that day.It's exactly how she does it, and Gwen does it the same way.Nothing has changed.Wanda listened to the voice behind her.She pursed her lips.But in the end it didn't matter.She was like this yesterday.Isn't this allowed today?And she experienced the punishment of secretly eating alone last night.If you stop now.Wouldn't that be another severe "lesson"?Rolling your eyes isn't all about happiness.It was a real feeling of dying.Thinking of last night's "tragic" experience.Wanda's body trembled involuntarily.But after a while by default.Gwen seemed to be getting bolder and bolder.Not only did she push harder, but her voice was also louder.It's like a force wave.In the end Wanda couldn't take it anymore.She closed her eyes and coughed lightly."Uh-huh.""Huh~!"After hearing Wanda's light cough.Gwen stopped and hummed softly.This seems to be telling Wanda: see if you dare in the future.It's okay to eat.But know how to share.You can't eat it without giving it to others.Mainly this is a cake for two people.Yes or no.Wanda was silent.Card is known.After a while like this."Pa-ta~pa-ta~"There was the sound of running in the distance.Wanda and Gwen sat up at the same time and looked around.It turned out to be the two Heavenly Sword Bureau agents Gratty and Jimmy.After the two of them ran over.asked out of breath."Sorry to bother you."May I ask if you felt that there was a battle in Westview Town today?"fighting?Gwen and Wanda thought about it.Wanda's words.Throwing away a person shouldn't count as a fight, right?After all, the other side didn't do anything.Then it was directly thrown into the universe.Agatha didn't even fight back.And other things.Neither woman felt the battle.So the two thought about it and shook their heads."No."After getting confirmed.Gladys and Jimmy obviously frowned even more.But they thought about it.Still said."Sorry to bother you, let's go first."Then the two left in a hurry.no doubt.The most important thing for them is to find out that Agatha is a black magic witch.The main situation is probably the basement that appears after a sudden change of terrain.But it doesn't matter.Once the Dark God Book is in hand, who can get it back?And now no one knows where the Dark God Book is.But the reality is.Not only the Dark God Book.Even the book of Weishandi is in Wanda's hands!This would be unthinkable for an ordinary magician!And it's not just luck.And it was torture.Let alone two books for ordinary magicians.A piece of paper in any book is enough for them to study for who knows how long.So if there is no ability.So what about the gem-laden Infinity Gauntlet for you?Did you snap your fingers?Um?Take it and die!Say no to snapping your fingers.in the following afternoon.No one else will bother you anymore.Little Hela kills butterflies not far away.Gwen pulled out her phone and plugged in her headphones to listen to music.She put the right earphone on herself.Then put the left earphone into Su Yi's left ear.So the two can listen to music together!And Wanda is reading the book of Weishandi.She sat cross-legged beside Su Yi's waist.Then put the book of Emperor Weishan on his lap.At the same time, he raised his hands, practicing the spells in Emperor Weishan's Book.All four are resting or studying.No one disturbed anyone.But they are all doing one thing together.That is to enjoy life!This is the life Su Yi yearns for!"Don't be surprised by favor or disgrace, just watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court." ""No intention of going or staying, looking at the clouds in the sky. "The time comes to 4:00 pmThe four are still resting.Wanda went from practicing sitting cross-legged to leaning on Su Yi's body to practice immortality.Then Gwen took the time to babble again in front of Wanda.Wanda dared not speak out.TF6:00Wanda changed from practicing spells relying on Su Yi to practicing spells lying on the blanket with her calves up.Gwen is fine again Bobo Suyi.Her mouth is going to be swollen today.But Gwen still enjoys it."I'm just happy~!"7:15 p.m.At the moment it's getting dark.The surroundings became hazy.it's time to go homeSu Yi opened his eyes and stretched his waist.Then he stood up and patted his body and said."Go home, I've had enough rest today.Wanda closed the book of Visandi, and put it into the magic space together with the carpet.Gwen stood up and stretched.Then he put his calf on Su Yi's shoulder and pressed his leg.It's amazing flexibility!Su Yi touched her calf, turned her a little bit and said quietly."Try this another day."Gwen looked at Wanda, and said "whispered" on purpose."I can't, but I can learn, and you can teach me a lot.Su Yi's eyes lit up."Then I must be your gesture teacher."Gwen blinked immediately after hearing this."Good teacher~!"hiss~~~Su Yi almost didn't hold down the gun when he heard it.When Gwen called you teacher in a playful and slightly greasy tone.Su Yi's blood rushed to his "head" in an instantI almost couldn't resist.But this is the outside.Su Yi hurriedly put down Gwen's long legs.Then called Hela and said."Little Hela, go home!"Su Yi looked around for ten weeks.Little Hela is gone.Then her voice was heard in the distance."I'm here~!"Su Yi couldn't see her.So snapped her fingers to teleport her back.snap~After snapping his fingers.Hela returned with a handful of black twigs.Su Yi:?"What are you doing with a branch?"Little Hela held up the branch in his hand.Then swish a few times in the air."How about it, does it look like my Night-sky sword?"Su Yi:..Wanda and Gwen burst out laughing at this.Su Yi also thought she was naive.How old are you still playing this.Children can't play this."You show me."Su Yi stretched out his hand.Hela does.After taking Hela's "Night-sky sword·twig version".Su Yi waved in the air.Swish Swish~~The branches are stiff.There is a convulsive whirring sound when it is waved.The black is also very deep.It doesn't look like gray like other blacks, or not completely black.Looks good too.To sum it up.It really looks like it!"nice.""That's right." Hela put her arms around her hips, smiling all over her face."But now it's mine.""?" Hela's smile froze.But her smile didn't disappear.It just turned to Su Yi's face."You pay me back!!!""You bastard woo woo woo!""You lied to the little girl Twig~!"Su Yi saw little Hela who was about to cry.He coughed twice.Immediately put the branch... no, return the "Night-sky sword" to others."Here you are, I lied to you."Little Hela took the Night-sky sword.Immediately poked Su Yi twice."Super villain!"Cough cough cough.Isn't that fun.Besides, this branch is really good.Su Yi had the idea of ​​wanting to take it for himself.If you do it yourself.Then it doesn't feel interesting.But if it's natural, you pick it up.Then this is a priceless treasure!The picture is a joy!"Ahem, let's go, get your things, we're going back to New York.""Let's go~!"Little Hela took her Night-sky sword and slashed forward.It looks like he is going to take this branch home.But take it with you.Well, traveling, how can it be interesting if you don't bring something back home.The four returned to the rented house first.Then pack everything up.Finally came to the living room together.And Hela is still holding her "Night-sky sword" as expected.Su Yi raised his finger."All the belts? Then go home."snap~Snap your fingers.The four disappeared in an instant.next moment.Again at the Upstate Building in New York.Gwen was carrying something, waved to Su Yi and Wanda and said."I have to go back first, I won't have dinner here, goodbye~!"Su Yi and Wanda waved their hands."See you tomorrow."After watching Gwen leave.The three of them opened the door, put on slippers and went home."pata~"The door opened.Su Yi and Hela walked towards the sofa at the same time.But Hela is sitting on a thick carpet and playing games.But Su Yi went to the sofa for a while."Ah~~~"Wanda was a little puzzled."What's wrong with you?""It's okay." Su Yi waved his hand: "I'm a little tired after being away from home for too long.Wanda:???She doesn't understand, why is she tired?Didn't you take a long break in the afternoon?But she didn't understand Su Yi's family-loving character.Or home.You can go out, but not for too long.Otherwise, I feel that my mind is wandering outside.Only when you get home will you replenish your energy.As the saying goes.The golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as the dog kennel at home.Su Yi also felt that he was right.Wanda doesn't understand, but that's okay.She put away all the things she had taken, and then went to the bathroom while combing her hair."I'll go soak for a while."Soak for a while?Then there must be me!Su Yi waved his hand first."Go ahead.Then wait 5 minutes.He followed. .