First World

[A/N] : Hi.

Btw, I didn't detail the distance for the skill so that it would be up to the reader's imagination.

Thanks for staying to read this story.

Sorry if there are any typos.

Let's continue.



After I stepped and set my feet on the ground. The scenery around me immediately changed into a narrow alley between two buildings.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down a bit. I walked out of the alley and was surprised.

What I saw now was the same scenery as my old world, where people walked on the sidewalk, many tall buildings, and cars in the middle of the road.

"Alice, where am I now?"

[Now you are in the world of the Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint novel which has been adapted into a master manhwa]

"Ha!" I accidentally shouted.

I immediately got a lot of attention from people passing by. They looked at me a little confused and amazed.

I was also confused as to why they were looking at me like that.

[Master, your clothes are too flashy]

After Alice reminded me, I immediately remembered that my clothes were still in default view. I hurriedly entered the alley once again while holding back my embarrassment.

"Alice, change my clothes to everyday clothes."

I felt that my clothes had changed. I let out a sigh of relief and put my sword into my personal dimension.

[Master, there are many notifications for you. Do you want to display them?]


"Notifications now? Okay, I'll accept them."

[Congratulations on your first dimension shift!]

[This is a gift for you who have made your first dimension shift from the supreme gods]

[You have obtained the skill ]

[You have obtained the skill ]

[You have obtained the skill ]

[You have obtained the blessing ]

[You have obtained one personal dimension]

[You have obtained 13,000,000 cash]

[The gods are looking forward to what you will do in this new world]

I received a lot of notifications. I immediately focused when I read that I had received a gift.

"Yes! Thank you all!"

"Alice, check all the gifts I just received and check the skill "


[All Language Interpreter]

[Understanding all languages]


[Perfect Adaptation]

[Adapting perfectly to the environment of the new world]


[Probability Bending}

[Can bend all possibilities

Make the impossible to possible]


[Personal Dimension]

[A personal dimension for 'Rin Akashic' created by the supreme gods

Can be entered by the user

If there are no living beings, then time in the dimension will stop

If there are living beings, then time will run 100x slower than the original time]

[Number of dimensions currently owned: 3]


[Blessings of The Supreme Gods]

[A blessing for 'Rin Akashic' from the supreme gods

Radiates a good side aura for lower level gods

Acquires skill

Acquires skill ]


[Definitely Regeneration]

[As long as the user does not die, the body will definitely regenerate]



[Heals wounds]

"UmU" I nodded happily. I wanted to scream in joy but I managed to restrain myself.

[The gods raise their heads proudly for the gift given to you]

"Alright. Now for starters, how about Alice?"

[I suggest you buy the at the shop every time you arrive in the new world, master]

I immediately opened the shop and looked for the item.


A package containing all the preparations for the new world

General information about the world

A mandatory item for the new world

Change 100 cash to the equivalent currency in this world

Price: 1000 Cash]

"And any other suggestions Alice?" I asked after buying the package.

[Although it's a bit expensive but I recommend you buy this master]


Basic material needed

Adds 'Unbreakable' property

Can be shaped according to user's wishes

Limited item to purchase 1x

Price: 10,000,000]

"But this needs a material as a base."

[I recommend using your sword as a base]

After listening to Alice I thought. According to Alice this will help me a lot, but I'm a little hesitant because my sword is already very strong.

"Okay I'll trust Alice."

I bought it and took out my sword from .

"Alice use with the material "

[Do you want to use with the base material ?]



[Using with the base material ]

[Congratulations on obtaining the item !]

"Check the status of "

[Shadow-Moon Weapon Substance (Growth)]

[A weapon substance made from a material created by the supreme gods for the 'Rin Akashic'

Can change shape into any type of weapon according to the user's wishes

Can attack anything according to the user's wishes (Grows with the user)

Cannot be destroyed

Obtains the skill , the skill will be stronger if used at night or in the shadows

Obtains the skill , the skill will be stronger if used at night or in the shadows

Can only be used by 'Rin Akashic']


[Weapon Mastery]

[Masters all weapons as suitable as possible for the user

Can see the flow of weapons]


[Shadow-Moon Moves]

[Moves between shadows, as long as there is a shadow the user can move to the place of the shadow

Moves between moonlight, as long as there is moonlight the user can move to the place illuminated by the moonlight]


"Isn't this teleportation?" I looked at my new skill and felt happy.

"Oh yeah Alice, since I'm in the ORV world now, how many days do I have left for the first scenario to start?"

[Only 1 week left for the main story to start]

"Yosh, let's do some preparations" I walked out of the alley and made my own preparations.




Wait for the continuation of the story, and invite others to read too ^_^