13-Dark Library

**Author's POV**

"See, I didn't want to do this, but you made me take this step. You know, you have a pretty mouth, and that pretty mouth should be used to say pretty words, not to curse others, especially me. So don't blame me for this, okay, darling?" he said while smirking.

Tiara was shaking her head in denial because she couldn't even talk now. She tried to say something, but her voice was muffled. She was just signaling with her head for him not to do this to her. She kept shaking her head in no.

The dried tears kept falling continuously. They just got lost. The handkerchief soaked all her tears. Tiara was feeling so miserable.

"Now, enjoy your time alone in here. Now, finally, goodbye this time," he whispered in her ear. He went to turn off the light of the cabin, went outside, and locked the bolt from the outside, taking out his phone with the flashlight still on. He walked away from her and came out of the library.