The Evil Sorcerer

The stone walls of the castle were slicked with moss and decay. Thunder rumbled in the distance, adding an ominous soundtrack to the foreboding structure nestled between the canyon cliffs.

"You're staying here," August said firmly. "I'll need someone to watch my back. Besides, you'd stick out like a sore thumb in there."

"That's… fair," Gregarious admitted, though his tone was laced with disappointment. "Fine, but if you die, I'm keeping your boots. They look expensive."

"I'll make sure to haunt you if you try," August shot back before activating stealth.

"I'm going in alone," his form shimmered and vanished from view.

[ System Notification: Stealth Skill Activated ]

[ Duration: 7 minutes. ]

With silent steps, August approached the castle. Its dark, towering gates were ajar, groaning softly as the wind pushed them.

Something seemed almost amiss like the castle was occasionally flickering.