"You are the young Lad from before... what are you doing here?"
August wasted no time. He strode forward and crouched beside him. "I came to get you out of here. The Silver Sentinel sent me to find you."
Sir Dumblore scoffed. "Foolish boy, you shouldn't have come. There's no leaving the Hollow Dusk."
August smirked before pulling a small glowing crystal from his inventory. The beacon gem's other half hummed softly in his grasp, pulsing with a strange mythical energy. "I beg to differ."
The moment he activated the beacon, a System Notification flashed before his eyes.
System Notification:
[ Beacon Activated: Teleportation Sequence Initiated ]
Time Until Extraction: 5:00
Sir Dumblore's eyes widened. "By the gods… is that a beacon gem? You mad bastard!"
August tightened his grip on the old man's arm. "Hold on. We need to stay together until it activates."