The Rescue Mission

"Rescue mission," August turned to face the others. "Looks like this will be fun."

Boris peered forward with a look of interest. "Abandoned Caverns huh? That's rogue mercenary territory. Should be fun."

"Fun for you, maybe," Ezran muttered. "For the rest of us, it's going to be dangerous."

"I'm in!" Gre

garious declared loudly. "A royal rescue is a mission worthy of a true warrior!"

"Right," August said while smirking. "Just try not to get yourself killed."


The party stood at the edge of the Abandoned Caverns.

It was an eerie expanse that stretched out before them.

The entrance was like a yawning mouth, with jagged stalactites and stalagmites forming sharp, toothlike structures. Faint whispers of wind echoed from within, carrying an otherworldly sound that sent chills through the group.

"Before we go in... I've heard about the Abandoned Caverns before," Lilo lowered her voice to nearly a whisper.