Chapter 3 I refuse

Peter was happy that there was someone around the same age as him working at the restaurant. 

So he wouldn't feel like the youngest person there. The old employees always made  him feel out of place.

He walked toward Arthur and tried to speak to him. He didn't have anything to do yet.

"Hello, which school are you from? I am from Midtown High School, by the way."

Arthur answered while doing his job.

"I have graduated from high school. So, I am not attending any school."

He was not a talkative person, so he just said that, and that was all.

Peter felt awkward that Arthur didn't seem interested in talking to him. 

He decided to give it another try, and he asked Arthur about his favorite dish on the menu.

"I can eat anything. The cheaper, the better."

"Oh, so you are as poor as I am! Haha, good to know, buddy."

Peter said it without thinking much. 

If it were someone else, they would think that he was being rude, but Arthur just didn't care and just kept on working. 

He was poor, like he said. He just told the truth. 

There was no point in being angry about it.

Seeing the atmosphere between them became a little awkward. 

Kenny had come to the rescue.

"Peter, go and turn the open sign, we've got customers waiting outside."

Kenny said, He finished preparing the kitchen with his chef hat, excited to start cooking for the hungry customers. 

He eagerly grabbed the spatula and began sizzling up some delicious breakfast dishes.

Peter went to turn on the open sign, as he was told. And the customers started to trickle in. 

He would try to speak with Arthur again when they had time.

The customers that came in, started ordering their dishes from the menu. 

Kenny cooked food with precision and care, ensuring each plate was a work of art before serving it to the eager customers.

Arthur couldn't help but admire his cooking skills. 

If he could cook like that, he would open his own restaurant. And he would be rich!

'Unfortunately, I won't be working here for long. I will have to go to a safer place.'

Arthur began helping Kenny prepare the ingredients for the food that customers had ordered. 

With his enhanced sense, he could work efficiently.

Kenny took note of how fast he could learn and work. 

He thought that he was really lucky to have Arthur work under him.

The breakfast rush passed quickly with Arthur's help. 

Peter had observed Arthur since he started to work.

With his sharp sense, he could tell that the way Arthur moved showed that he wasn't a normal human at all.

'His movement is slackish, but his strength and agility are out of the norm—it was like his power just awakened, and he didn't have much experience using it, but at least he could control it.'

Peter accurately assessed Arthur. And Arthur knew that his power might be exposed because of how sharp Peter's senses were.

'He didn't say anything right now, but he might come and talk to me after this with his Spider-Man identity.'

Arthur felt a little annoyed. He didn't want to be involved with anyone, but it seemed like it was already impossible.

He didn't even last a single day before someone noticed him.

'Living in this world is harder than I thought it would be. So what is going to happen now?'

Arthur sighed and kept on working. 

He would deal with it when the time came.

His shift ended in the evening, and Kenny told him that he could go home as the other employees would come to take his shift. 

Before he went home, he even gave him food to take with him.

"Eat a lot more. You are a little too skinny. From now on, take some food before you go home, alright?"

Kenny didn't know that inside his clothes, his body was packed with muscle. 

He was just a little short, compared to the others.

"Thank you, Mr.Kenny."

Arthur felt moved by his kindness. 

And with the food, He could save money.

He went home after saying goodbye to Kenny.

Peter was nowhere to be found, as he just worked here as a part-time waiter. 

He had already gone home three hours before the end of his shift.

While walking home. Arthur felt like someone was watching him from somewhere.

'It should be Peter. He's really going to have a talk with me.'

Arthur didn't want to speak with him, but if he avoided him, it might become a bigger problem. 

So Arthur purposefully walked toward where there were no people so Peter could come out and talk to him.

Arthur reached the alley where no one was around. Peter, in his Spider-Man suit, then jumped  off of the nearby building. 

His landing was smooth and quiet behind Arthur.

Arthur stopped walking and slowly turned to look over his shoulder, coming face-to-face with Peter.

"Spider-Man? What are you doing here?"

He asked as if he didn't know who he was.

"I want to have a little bit of conversation with you. Can I have a little bit of your time? I know that you just came back from work, so I don't want to take up too much of your evening."

Peter was really kind, even to his enemy, so it was understandable for him to speak that way to him.

"I have some time. So what do you want to speak to me about?"

"About your power, I know that you want to keep it a secret, but it is better for you to tell me. I have worked with someone, and they will help you when something bad happens. You are not the only one with powers. We can help each other."

Peter went straight to the point. He thought that Arthur would agree  to share about his power with him as he came as Spider-Man, a friendly neighborhood superhero.


"I refuse."

Spider-Man was shocked. It wasn't what he was expecting to hear from Arthur. 

He thought he was famous enough to make Arthur trust him.