Chapter 11 Adopted son

Two weeks and five days had passed since Tony brought Arthur to his home.

Now he had only two days left before the time when the dungeon portal would break out.

Arthur felt that he was ready for it.

Tony was still very busy with his earth shattering projects and his duty as Iron Man.

So Arthur didn't have a chance to tell him about the portal yet.

He thought about the first day he lived with them.

"Even if I told him, he would not believe me."

That was his thought before he lived with him and his family for two weeks.

Arthur was taken care of by Pepper.

He was originally an orphan. And being well cared for by Pepper made him feel warm from the inside.

Pepper really liked Arthur to the point that she wanted to adopt him.

She asked Tony about his opinion and the answer she got from him was.

"Why not? We could have as many kids as we wanted. We are too rich to use all the money we have anyway."

Arthur then was asked by Pepper after that if he didn't mind being adopted by them.

He thought about it for a while before he gave her answer.

Pepper became much happier after that.

Tony was often forgotten by her as she was busy taking care of her children.

He felt wrong but there was nothing he could do.


Name: Arthur Leywin Stark

Title: Stark adopted son(Luk -10 Int +5)

Level: 1

Str: 10

Agi: 11

Vit: 10

Int: 15

Dex: 11

Luk: -10

Point: 0



Arthur became much stronger the past two weeks and five days but it became a lot slower.

His title as Penniless was also gone, replaced by another title.

"My luck is still in the negative. I have to be careful even though I have become stronger than before."

Arthur had to train himself if he wanted to get stronger faster.

"Unfortunately, Tony didn't have a place for me to train. And he is too busy to make a training chamber for me."

Tony told him that he could try to make one himself with the help of Javis.

However, he was not that smart to create something like that even with the help of Javis.

"I am not a genius. Even If I were to study hard. I can not hope to reach his level."

Arthur would focus on other aspects that suit him.

He could not train outer strength then he would train inner strength instead.

Arthur could feel mana inside his body but it was very hard to control.

He did some experiment on status and found out that if he wanted to use Magic.

He needed Int and Dex.

Int would increase his mana capacity and its concentration while Dex would increase his control over it and perception.

With Int and Dex. He could become a real wizard.

"Now, the stat increases far slower than before. Meditation becomes useless. I think I should focus on something else."

Arthur was thinking about what he should do about the two days that he had left.

He then heard someone calling for him.

"Art! Play with me please!"

Morgan was shy around him at first. But when they interact with each other more often.

She became close to him and called him Art rather than his full name.

Arthur didn't mind it and let her call him whatever she wanted.

"Okay, what do you want to play today?"

Arthur thought that there was nothing for him to prepare anymore. He could spend time with Morgan.

Morgan thought about it and she said that she wanted to play hide and seek.

Even though Arthur could win every time, he would always let her win a few times so she would not feel bad toward herself.

"Art is really good. You found me again."

Morgan felt lonely before but now she had a big brother who played with her alot.

She became more confident and made a lot of friends because of him.

Morgan wondered when Arthur would have many friends like her.

Arthur, if he knew what she was thinking he would tell her that he didn't need friends right now.

At least he want to became strong enough to survive first. 10+ more chapters