Chapter 29 Royal capital

The Royal Capital was divided into five layers, with the topmost layer being the core of the city, containing the Royal Lugnica Castle.

It has a population of more than three hundred thousand people, with a significant number of demi-human races living in the lower layers.

Guards were stationed throughout the city to maintain law and order.

Arthur, along with Emilia and Rem, arrived at the capital. 

Arthur was impressed. It looked even more magnificent and grander than he had imagined.

"The capital is even bigger than I thought. However, it seems that the management of the capital is not very good."

Arthur looked at the group of poor and uncared for demi-humans. They were treated coldly.

Fortunately, there was a law to protect them. Without it, they would have been expelled from the capital or turned into slaves.

Emilia nodded before speaking.

"This is why I want to be king. I want to change these things for the better."

Arthur admitted that Emilia's thoughts might be naïve compared to reality, but that's one reason why she's so charming and had people choosing her over Rem.

Arthur shook his head before looking at Rem. She was sitting next to him with her head resting on his shoulder.

She seemed to be slowly emerging from her shell and was starting to gain more and more confidence in herself.

He thought that the current Rem was similar to the Rem who confessed her love to Subaru.

'Wouldn't that be a bit too soon? Don't tell me that because I have the power of a dragon and are more handsome than Subaru, everything happened faster than expected.'

Arthur didn't want to be like the narcissist, but he knew he was good-looking and had the power of a dragon. No matter how he looked at it, he was a better choice than Subaru.

'Sorry Subaru, but it seems like I'm the protagonist now.'

Arthur smiled before he noticed that Emilia was jealous of Rem, so he told her to come sit on his other side and rest her head on his other shoulder.

"Don't be shy, Emilia. Come here. Come here."

Emilia blushed a little and Puck told her to take this opportunity to approach him. 

Puck seemed to want him and Emilia to be close because he would feel reassured with him around his daughter.

Emilia followed his advice and sat next to Arthur and did the same thing Rem did to him.

Arthur looks like a playboy right now.

Upon arriving at the capital gate, a group of knights greeted Emilia, although she was not very popular with the people here, as she had a similar appearance to Stella, the Witch of Envy. 

But she was still a candidate for being the king of the kingdom.

The knights could not discriminate against her, because it would be like betraying their duty.

So they just did their job and avoided talking to her directly if possible.

They took her along with Arthur and Rem to the castle, where maids took over and took everyone to their own quarters.

The three of them rested in their room for a short while when they were greeted by someone who took them to the grand hall where the royal candidate selection ceremony would begin.

"From here on, only Lady Emilia and her personal knights can enter. Servant, please go and wait in the room on the side."

Rem looked at Arthur and he nodded at her. She smiled before walking to the side room.

She won't listen to anyone's orders except Arthur. She was his personal maid and no one can replace her.

Not even her sister

"Let's go in."

Emilia spoke to Arthur, her voice shaking. 

Even though she tried to sound confident, it was still too much for her.

She may have been pressured and looked down on all along, which made her very worried.

But she is not alone now, he will be by her side.

"Don't worry, Emilia. I'm here. No one can hurt you. I promise."

Arthur took her shaking hand and gave her his mana to make her feel less anxious, and it worked.

She smiled at Arthur and thanked him for helping her feel better.

"Let's go in. The ceremony should be starting now."

Emilia, with the confidence she had gained from Arthur, walked in with elegance. 

Arthur walked in beside her, both of them looking extremely graceful.

This caused the knights and candidates to turn to look at the two. Everyone could feel the enormous pressure coming from Arthur.

As if anyone dared to look down on Emilia or cause trouble for the two of them, they would be punished by the dragon's wrath.

Arthur's eyes were shining brightly, causing everyone to get goosebumps and not dare to look at him anymore.

Only someone with a strong heart like Reinhard could look at him, even though it was difficult for him.

... 20 more chapters


Teaser: Strange: There something off about Roswaal. Those who lived long tend to do something very dangerous. I should keep an eye on him...