Arc 1


A shot was heard from within the bar, reminding Gu Yan why he was there in the first place. He jumped down from the roof, not wanting to miss out on the fun.

Gunshots rang out, echoing off the walls, and the acrid smell of gunpowder filled the air. Newcomers to the bar scrambled for cover, screaming and hiding behind overturned tables and desks, while those who usually frequented the bar tsked in annoyance, wondering why they had decided to come despite knowing that this kind of shit happened almost every day.

Gu Yan stood at the center of the room, an evil smile resting on his lips. His eyes gleamed with a dangerous light as he raised his gun and squeezed the trigger, aiming indiscriminately. But each shot was precise and deadly, blood splattering across the floor.

A low, chilling laugh bubbled up from Gu Yan's throat. He reveled in the chaos, in the raw power he wielded. The power to take another's life fascinated him greatly.

One of the rival men lunged at him with a knife, but Gu Yan was quicker. He sidestepped the attack and fired at the man's chest, the force sending the man sprawling, blood pooling beneath him. Gu Yan shot at the body again, and again, and again, his eyes filled with madness.

"Is this all you've got?" he taunted, his voice dripping with contempt and dark amusement. "Come on, why don't you stand up? Don't make me bored!"

Gu Yan's laughter grew louder, more unhinged, filled with madness, scaring even those who were on his side. Blood coated his hands, warm and slick, and Gu Yan relished the sensation, a twisted satisfaction coursing through his veins. He felt alive and invincible, but no one would understand. They wouldn't understand how he, who was born with no feelings, no emotions, sought to feel something, sought to understand why they were sad, happy, angry, and all those other emotions. But he had finally found it, something… he could feel something, and it made him very, very… excited.

Noticing that the body he had riddled with bullets no longer moved, the light in his eyes dimmed.

He was bored once again. He felt nothing.

Beside Gu Yan was a handsome man with slicked-back blonde hair and a scar running across the left side of his face. His golden eyes were cold and indifferent, his aura domineering and filled with darkness. The man wore a black tuxedo with a white turtleneck, and on his hands were white gloves. His name was Gu Xuan, the heir to the Gu empire and Tie Quan Gang, and the brother of Gu Yan. Unfortunately, this man was destined to die at the hands of his brother in the future according to the original book.

Gu Xuan hated to partake in battle; he preferred to watch and supervise.

Why would he get blood on his hands when thousands of men were willing to do it for him?

But this did not make Gu Xuan any less dangerous, as—


A figure fell at his side.

"Thank God I didn't get any blood on me. This suit cost me two hundred thousand dollars," Gu Xuan said with a hint of annoyance and irritation as he kicked the dead body away from him and ran his hands through his hair. The man had tried to sneak attack Gu Xuan, but who would expect that he knew and was able to react just in time?

Gu Xuan was annoyed; he had killed two people today, the stupid rival head, and now this stupid idiot who tried to sneak up on him, almost ruining his suit.

Gu Xuan looked at his brother beside him, whose eyes had once been filled with madness. He had noticed it and couldn't help but be worried. He had always been slightly afraid of his brother, especially after he caught Gu Yan strangling a little rabbit. As the rabbit's eyes were filled with fear, Gu Yan's were filled with excitement.

Gu Yan was eight.

After the incident, he had told his parents to take his brother to a psychiatrist—something was surely wrong, but his parents dismissed it, tagging Gu Yan's behavior as 'mere childish mischievousness and curiosity.'

Now he was certain that his parents had raised a monster. But maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing after all, as he could just hand over the Tie Quan Gang to Gu Yan when he was older and more mature, since he hated dabbling in the underworld but it seemed his brother liked it.

Soon the battle was over with a clear victor. Bodies were strewn across the floor, and silence began to settle over the bar, except for the sound of Tie Quan Gang men taking out the injured.

Gu Xuan patted Gu Yan on the shoulder. "Good job, Xiao Yan, but next time, don't be so creepy."

Gu Yan paid no mind to his brother as he tried to retain what little emotions he had left. However, a flicker of movement quickly caught his attention.

One of the rival men, who was thought to be dead, was in fact not dead, but grievously wounded. The man, using his last strength, aimed the gun at Gu Yan.

Before Gu Yan could react, a faint whistle zipped through the air. A needle, thin, sharp, and precise, embedded itself into the man's head, causing him to collapse instantly, his eyes filled with shock as the light drained from them.

Gu Yan's men rushed to surround him as Gu Xuan barked out orders to his men to confirm that each and every dead person was truly dead.

Gu Yan looked at the dead man. He was sure that the man was very well about to pull the trigger.

He broke out from the encirclement and walked towards the dead body, squatting down to get a better look. On the man's head was a needle, neatly embedded.

Gu Yan pulled out the needle and noticed the silver needle was grey, meaning it was coated in poison, a very strong and lethal poison .

Gu Yan smiled, his curiosity piqued. The person who shot the needle was definitely not ordinary, and he didn't know why, but he had a feeling it was that weird rooftop girl.

'Maybe things won't be so boring after all.'