Arc 1

The morning classes passed quickly, and soon it was lunch break. Mei Yun quickly grabbed Ye Jin by the hand. "Let's go to the cafeteria."

Ye Jin smiled. "Okay, but I packed some food for you, that's if you're comfortable with it."

"Awwn, Ye Jin," Mei Yun said happily. "You're the first friend to ever give me lunch."

Mei Yun went to her seat and brought out a cutely shaped box from her bag. "I also brought you cookies, but I was scared you wouldn't like them."

Ye Jin took the box from Mei Yun. "Thank you, Mei Yun. I'll make sure to cherish every piece."

Mei Yun's cheeks turned red. "Ahh, don't say it like that, or I'll fall in love with you."

Ye Jin chuckled. She is cute.

Ye Jin glanced at Gu Yan. He was twirling a pen with practiced ease, his gaze inattentive. She noticed that he had been quiet for a while now. Approaching him, she held out the food she had packed for him. "Here, this is for you."

He looked at the food, then back at her. He snorted. "I never said I couldn't afford to get myself food."

Ye Jin simply shrugged. "More food for me, then."

Gu Yan's eyes flickered, and he quickly grabbed the lunch box from her. "I didn't say I didn't want it either."

Hesitantly, he added, "Let's exchange numbers... and I... I sent you a friend request on WeChat yesterday."

After hesitating for a while, Gu Yan had made the decision to send her a friend request. He wanted to act nonchalant about it, but he found himself checking his phone every five minutes to see if she had accepted it. Disappointingly, she hadn't.

Ye Jin shook her head. "No."

Gu Yan's annoyance flared. "I knew you before you met that Mei Yun girl, but you guys already exchanged numbers and are friends on WeChat"

Ye Jin raised an eyebrow. "So, you were eavesdropping on our conversation?"

Gu Yan, who was thick-skinned, answered, "No, I just happened to overhear. It doesn't count as eavesdropping."

Ye Jin met his annoyed gaze, then with a defeated sigh said, "It's not that I don't want to be friends with you, Gu Yan. You are quite interesting, if I must say. However, your gaze on me is quite eerie. It's like you're looking at some toy. But I want you to see me as a friend and not a toy. Once you do, I won't mind being friends with you."


GMS 005 said excitedly, [Well done, host!] It also displayed fireworks and "Keep on Fighting" stickers.

Ye Jin smiled. She had begun to slowly get to him.

Gu Yan was silent, processing her words. Can't she be both his friend and toy? He definitely wouldn't treat her badly, and in turn, she would be loyal to him. She would never betray him.

Ye Jin walked out of the classroom with Mei Yun, leaving Gu Yan behind. He watched her, his face a mixture of confusion and curiosity.


In a private ward of a prestigious hospital, Wang Shi lay on a hospital bed, her face wrapped in bandages due to the injuries caused by the blows. The room was quiet, except for the steady beep of the heart monitor. She stared at the ceiling, the previous events replaying in her mind.

"That b*tch," she cursed, gritting her teeth in anger. She had never spoken to that girl before; what was she attacking her for?

A nurse peeked through the door, breaking the silence. "Young miss, you have a visitor."

Wang Shi glanced at the door, and her eyes widened in surprise and fear as Gu Yan stepped into the room.

What is this crazy man doing here? She had agreed to everything, so why did he come to see her? What did he want from her?

Gu Yan approached her bed, a small teddy bear in his hands. He smiled, but there was an unsettling look in his eyes. "I heard what happened, so I thought I'd visit."

Wang Shi's voice trembled. "Why... why are you here?"

The heart monitor lines began to rise.

Gu Yan handed the teddy bear to her. "I got it for you." His voice was deceptively gentle. "Do you like it?"

Wang Shi flinched and said slowly, "Like..."

"Take it."

She took the bear with trembling hands. "W-w...why?" Her breaking voice was filled with confusion.

Why did he get this teddy bear? What did he want to do with her again? Why?

"I'd love to see you pet it," Gu Yan instructed with a wide smile that reached his eyes, ignoring her question.

Hesitantly, she did as she was told, her fingers trembling as they brushed against the soft fabric of the teddy bear. Gu Yan's gaze became colder, his smile flattening. He said in a low voice, "It's very soft, isn't it?"


"Now," he said softly, "strangle it."

Fear surged through her, but she didn't dare disobey. She wrapped her hands around the teddy bear's neck and squeezed. As she did, Gu Yan's eyes turned icy.

In a swift, terrifying motion, and without warning, he grabbed her neck, the lines on the heart monitor increasing rapidly.

His grip tightened, his voice chilling. "She is only for me to play with and break."

Wang Shi's eyes bulged out in terror, her breath coming in shallow gasps. The pressure on her neck was suffocating, the fear paralyzing.

Just as suddenly as he had grabbed her, Gu Yan released his grip.

She moved backward, her hands flying to her throat, feeling the marks his fingers had left.

Gu Yan's demeanor shifted once more, and he smiled again, the same unsettling smile. "I'm sorry about the marks," he said, his tone almost mocking. "But it's your fault, you know that, right?"

Wang Shi shook her head in agreement.

She had to.

He glanced at the teddy bear, still clutched in her arms. "Keep the bear as an apology."

Upon hearing that, Wang Shi's hands felt like jelly.

He isn't going to let her go, is he?

However, she would be foolish to be defiant, so she nodded, clutching the bear as if it were a lifeline. "I'll... I'll make sure to look after it."

Gu Yan watched her trembling fingers and said softly, "Ahh, don't be scared. It's not like I'm going to kill you, am I? I've already said I was sorry." His face scrunched up in annoyance. "And at least you're not as annoying as that Mei Yun girl."

Wang Shi looked at him.

Noticing her gaze, Gu Yan smiled softly at her and walked out of the room as the nurses and doctors rushed in.

If she's wise enough, she'll understand what he wants.