Arc 1

Chapter 23 

TW: Torture

After school, Ye Jin accompanied Mei Yun to her house to help her pack. As they entered the huge mansion, Ye Jin noticed the servants actively trying to avoid Mei Yun as if she were some sort of plague. 

Ye Jin followed Mei Yun to her room. Mei Yun's room was almost empty, something not befitting an heiress. However, Ye Jin chose to remain silent as she was worried it might embarrass Mei Yun. 

As they quietly gathered Mei Yun's belongings, her stepsister, Mei Zhiran, entered the room, her eyes filled with malice and mockery. 

"You little mutt, what do you think you are doing?" Mei Zhiran snickered. "And who is this rat with you?"

Mei Yun flinched immediately. Though she was scared of Mei Zhiran, she would not accept anyone insulting her friend. 

"Mei… Mei Zhiran, you can't say that," Mei Yun stammered, trying to muster up courage.