Arc 1

Trigger warning: Animal cruelty

"There's this girl," Gu Yan began. "Ever since I met her, I feel excited, so excited and happy. I never feel bored around her. Though she's a bit stubborn, which can be annoying, even then... my heart beats faster whenever I'm with her." His eyes darkened. "Sometimes I feel like locking her up, locking her away for only me to see. Because only I deserve to see her, only I can truly appreciate her for who she is. It annoys me so much when I see annoying flies acting like parasites around her. I... I can give her everything she wants..."

As Gu Yan spoke, his fingers traced the edge of a pocket knife hidden in his pocket.The pocket knife had always being with him ever since Ning Yin gave it to him as a gift on his 12th birthday.

He needed something to focus on as his thoughts were too chaotic, too loud.

Lock her up.

Keep her.

She belongs to you.